An Extension Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of HORIZANT in Adolescents With Moderate-to-Severe...
RLSThe objectives of the trial are to evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of HORIZANT (Gabapentin Enacarbil) 600 mg daily, for the treatment of RLS in adolescents (13 to 17 years of age) diagnosed with moderate-to-severe primary RLS.

Noninvasive Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Medication-Naive and Medication-Refractory RLS
Restless Legs SyndromeProspective multi-site randomized sham-controlled study evaluating tolerability and efficacy of noninvasive peripheral nerve stimulation (NPNS) for patients with moderate-severe primary Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) who are either medication-naive or medication-refractory.

Pitolisant in Refractory Restless Legs Syndrome
Restless Legs SyndromeThis is an open-label trial in Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) patients inadequately treated with standard therapy, defined by an IRLS score greater than 15. Investigators hypothesize that the study drug, Pitolisant (Wakix), may improve RLS symptoms.

Aerobic Exercise in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis With Restless Legs Syndrome
Multiple SclerosisIn this studly, the effects of an 12-week aerobic exercise training in persons with multiple sclerosis with restless legs syndrome will be investigated.

Nighttime Agitation and Restless Legs Syndrome in People With Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer DiseaseNighttime agitation in persons with Alzheimer's disease causes patient suffering, distresses caregivers, and often results in prescriptions for harmful antipsychotics. Effective treatments are lacking because of limited knowledge of the etiology of nighttime agitation. The investigators propose a clinical trial to better elucidate whether a sleep disorder, restless legs syndrome, may be a mechanism for nighttime agitation, and if treatment with gabapentin enacarbil (Horizant®) reduces nighttime agitation, improves sleep, reduces restless legs syndrome behaviors, and reduces antipsychotic medications.

Treatment of Restless Legs Symptoms With Pramipexole to Improve the Outcomes of Protracted Opioid...
Sleep DisorderRestless Legs Syndrome2 moreThe investigators propose to test the use of pramipexole in patients being treated for Opioid Use Disorder to test its ability to reduce symptoms of both Restless Legs Syndrome and protracted opioid withdrawal and thereby promote initiation, engagement, and retention in treatment.

A Proof of Concept, Phase 2, Double-blind, Randomized Trial With d-Methadone Product Versus Placebo...
Restless Legs SyndromeProof of concept, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial with d-methadone proposed for the first time for use in the treatment of patients diagnosed with primary, moderate to very severe Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). Its glutamatergic mechanism of action might be effective on RLS arousal pattern and sleep disturbance which highly impair the quality of life of RLS's patients. Patients will take the study drug/placebo once a day for 30 consecutive days.

Treating Leg Symptoms in Women With X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy
AdrenoleukodystrophyRestless Legs SyndromeThe investigators recently observed that up to 25% of women with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) have moderate to severe Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). In this study, the investigators aim to estimate the prevalence of RLS among women with ALD and to assess whether pramipexole improves RLS symptoms as well as sleep and gait measures in women with ALD.

Quality Improvement and Practice Based Research in Neurology Using the EMR
Brain TumorsEpilepsy8 moreThe investigators will conduct at NorthShore University HealthSystem pragmatic trials using the EMR for 10 common neurological disorders. They will demonstrate the feasibility of subgroup based adaptive assignment of treatments, electronic consenting, and outcomes data capture at the point of care using the EMR. They will identify the most effective treatments for common neurological disorders and seek replication by the NPBRN.

Oral Iron Frequency for Childhood Restless Leg Syndrome/Periodic Limb Movement Disorder
Sleep DisorderRestless Legs Syndrome2 moreThe purpose of this research study is to see if the level of serum ferritin differs based on how often oral iron (in the form of ferrous sulfate) is given to children with restless leg syndrome/periodic limb movement disorder.