Combined Vitrectomy and Triamcinolone in Macular Edema Secondary to Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion...
Branch Retinal Vein OcclusionMacular EdemaThe purpose of this study is to determine whether pars plana vitrectomy in combination with triamcinolone acetate is effective in the treatment of macular edema due to branch retinal vein occlusion.

Exploratory Study to Investigate the Bioactivity, Ocular and Systemic Safety, Tolerability, and...
Wet Age-related Macular DegenerationRetinal Vein Occlusion1 moreThis is a Phase 1b open-label study to assess the bioactivity, ocular and systemic safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of repeated injections of KSI-301 at two dose levels: 2.5 mg and 5 mg

Retrospective Study of the Effectiveness and Safety of Niacin and Steroid Eye Drops for Retinal...
Central Retinal Vein OcclusionBranch Retinal Vein OcclusionThe aim of this study is to develop a less risky, yet effective and more sustainable treatment for retinal vein occlusions than the current commonly used approach of repeated intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide (Kenalog) injections. The types of retinal vien occlusion that are being studied include central (CVRO), hemi-retinal (HRVO),and branch (BRVO) retinal vein occlusion. Niacin, (Nicotinic Acid, not Nicotinamide) a B-vitamin, has lipid lowering and vasodilating properties. The combination of Niacin and Prednisolone Acetate steroid eye drops as a non-invasive treatment approach was developed by the Principal Investigator. The Niacin dilates the retinal vessels, hopefully encouraging earlier collateral vessel formation aimed at bypassing the venous obstruction, thus restoring venous outflow. The Prednisolone Acetate steroid eye drops are aimed at reducing vascular leakage and therefore the macular edema in the eye while the Niacin is taking effect.

Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Brolucizumab Versus Aflibercept in Patients With Visual Impairment...
Central Retinal Vein OcclusionThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of brolucizumab in treatment of patients with macular edema (ME) secondary to central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO).

Suprachoroidal Injection of Triamcinolone Acetonide With IVT Anti-VEGF in Subjects With Macular...
Macular EdemaRetinal Vein OcclusionThis Phase 3, multicenter, randomized, masked, controlled, parallel group study is designed to demonstrate that suprachoroidal (SC) CLS-TA administered with intravitreal (IVT) anti-VEGF agent in subjects with treatment naive RVO is superior to IVT anti-VEGF agent used alone.

Ozurdex Implant for Macular Edema After Treatment Failure With Anti-VEGF
Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO)Macular EdemaTo determine if Ozurdex implant can offer an effective treatment for macular edema associated with retinal vein occlusion when treatment with intravitreal Avastin, Lucentis, or Eylea have not demonstrated a significant response.

Parnaparin vs Aspirin in the Treatment of Retinal Vein Occlusion
Retinal Vein OcclusionRetinal vein occlusion (RVO) is the second commonest retinal disease after diabetic retinopathy, and is a common cause of unilateral visual loss. There are two aims in the management of RVO: the identification of modifiable risk factors and their medical management and the recognition and management of sight-threatening complications. The management of the disease includes laser therapy and the control of systemic associated diseases. Many other treatments have been proposed but there is no evidence on their efficacy in modulating the outcome of branch or central RVO. There are currently no adequate clinical trials that have evaluated the efficacy and safety of antithrombotic agents in this setting. Antiplatelet agents are frequently used in clinical practice. Anticoagulant drugs, either heparins or coumarins, are also used in this setting as they represent the first line therapy for the treatment of venous thromboembolism. Aim of this randomized controlled study is to to compare the efficacy and safety of aspirin and of a low molecular weight heparin, parnaparin, in the treatment of RVO. Study treatment is administered for 3 months. Primary end-point of the study is the incidence of functional worsening of the eye with RVO at 6 months. Secondary efficacy outcomes are the following: proportion of cases requiring laser treatment because of the extension of the ischemic lesion and/or the presence of neovascularisation and/or macular oedema, incidence of recurrent RVO objectively documented by fluorescein angiography. Safety outcomes are defined by the incidence of major and minor bleeding events.

Radial Optic Neurotomy in Central Retinal Vein Occlusion : a Randomized Trial
Retinal Vein OcclusionNatural evolution of severe central retinal vein occlusion with low visual acuity is very poor. A randomized clinical trial will compare troxerutin and platelet anti-aggregating agents (drug treatment) versus surgery and drug treatment. Surgery will include vitrectomy and radial optic neurotomy. The primary outcome will be vision measured 6 months after surgery.

Treatment of Rubeosis Iridis With Open-Label Anecortave Acetate Sterile Suspension ( 15 mg.).
Severe Diabetic RetinopathyCentral Retinal Vein Occlusion2 moreTo provide use of Anecortave Acetate Sterile Suspension of 15mg for a series of five patients with rubeosis iridis. Rubeosis iridis refers to neovascularization of the iris. It is caused by a number of conditions which include, but are not limited to severe diabetic retinopathy, central retinal vein occlusion, chronic inflammation, and infection. Anecortave acetate is an angiostatic, experimental drug that is being tested to prevent the growth of blood vessels under the retina in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Therefore, it is logical to apply the usage of Anecortave to patient's with rubeosis iridis in order to reduce the neovascularization stimulus and cause the regression of the abnormal iris vessels.

Study of Squalamine Lactate for the Treatment of Macular Edema Related to Retinal Vein Occlusion...
Retinal Vein OcclusionMacular EdemaThis was a prospective, single center, open label, randomized study evaluating the biological effect of squalamine lactate ophthalmic solution, 0.2% combined with intravitreous ranibizumab in patients with macular edema secondary to branch, hemi-central and central retinal vein occlusion (BRVO, HRVO, CRVO).