A Randomized Control Trial of an Intervention to Reverse Frailty and Enhance Resilience Through...
FrailtySarcopeniaResistance training done at home and protein supplementation may be the most effective and easiest to implement interventions to reverse frailty and build resilience. However, it is not common practice to offer and support such interventions in primary care. This study provides an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of an optimised intervention with community-dwelling adults aged 65 and over, whose baseline clinical frailty score is not worse than mild (i.e. 5 or less), evaluate improvements in health outcomes and demonstrate how the intervention may be incorporated efficiently in clinical practice. The results are intended to encourage mainstream adoption of practical interventions to reverse clinical frailty and build resilience in primary care. An intervention with ten recommended resistance exercises and dietary guidance on protein consumption has been derived from findings of our systematic review and meta-analysis and optimised through a patient and public involvement (PPI) process and feasibility study.
Peanut Protein Supplementation to Augment Muscle Growth and Improve Markers of Muscle Quality and...
AgingSarcopeniaThis study will evaluate the adaptations in skeletal muscle that occur in response to 10 weeks of weight training with or without peanut protein supplementation in older adult men and women.
Koji Product Supplementation' s Study
SarcopeniaThe present project is to identify the effect of black soy beans Koji product supplementation on nutrients absorption and anti-aging effect in elderly.
Bingocize: A Novel Mobile Application for Older Adult Health
Activities of Daily LivingAccidental Fall8 moreThis study tests the effectiveness of using a new mobile application (Bingocize®) to improve older adults' (a) adherence to an engaging exercise program, and (b) aspects of functional performance, health knowledge, dietary habits, and cognition.
Exercise and Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)Requirements in Older Men
SarcopeniaLikely, branched chain amino acid (BCAA) requirements are increased in older strength-trained (ST) individuals. If so, supplementation in this group will maximize muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and minimize loss of muscle with age (sarcopenia).
Ibuprofen Supplementation After Resistance Training and Its Effects on Bone in Older Women
SarcopeniaOsteoporosisInflammation increases with aging and is implicated in the reduction of bone mass, muscle mass, and strength. Resistance training is safe and effective for increasing muscle mass and strength in older adults,however resistance training by itself cannot suppress inflammation. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that may provide benefits to muscle mass and strength when given after resistance training sessions in older adults; however, more evidence is required to confirm effects across the lifespan. The objectives are to determine the effect of 9 months of exercise training and ibuprofen supplementation, compared to placebo, in older women (≥65years)on the following dependent variables: bone density, geometry, and architecture muscle mass and strength balance
Resistance Exercise for the Prevention of Age-related Sarcopenia
SarcopeniaThe purpose of this study is to determine the benefits of negative work progressive resistance exercise (PRE) for the conservative management of sarcopenia in older male Veterans at the DC VAMC. Efficacy will be assessed by examining post-exercise changes in metabolic and inflammatory markers, muscle morphology, strength, and functional status.
Stair Descending vs. Stair Ascending Exercise
AgingHeart Failure1 moreThe aim of the present project is to compare the acute and chronic effect of stair descending versus stair ascending exercise on muscle damage and performance in elderly males with chronic heart failure.
Effect of Low Intensity Exercise and Protein Intake on Skeletal Muscle Protein Synthesis in Elderly...
Skeletal Muscle Protein Synthesis in ElderlyProtein Kinetics1 moreMaintenance of skeletal muscle mass is crucial during lifespan to retain health and functional autonomy. Sarcopenia, being the loss of muscle mass during aging, is a well-known phenomenon in the elderly and a major challenge viewed from an individual, and a socioeconomic point of view. Nevertheless, several studies have proved muscle tissue to be markedly affected by physical activity and nutritional interventions even at old age. Recently, a study in young individuals showed that an acute bout of easily tolerated low intensity exercise can prolong the muscle building effects of a milk protein intake compared to a non-exercised situation. Therefore, the major aim of the present project is to evaluate, whether a low intensity exercise regime in conjunction with milk protein supplementation can induce positive adaptations on parameters related to muscle size and function in elderly. The study focuses on the acute muscle protein synthesis response to low intensity exercise and protein supplementation measured with stable isotope tracer techniques. It is hypothesized that light muscle activity can augment and prolong the effects of protein feeding. If a light resistance exercise protocol as investigated in the present project can prove beneficial, elderly, frail elderly, and individuals undergoing rehabilitation can challenge sarcopenia in a new and tolerable way.
Preventive Effects of Cetylpyridinium Chloride on SarcopeniaStudy
SarcopeniaThis study is to assess the impact on the prevention of sarcopenia after taking cetylpyridinium chloride targeting the patients of presarcopenia over the age of 60.