The COPE Study: Pilot Intervention to Improve Symptom Self-management and Coping in Adults With...
Post COVID-19 ConditionPost-COVID-19 SyndromeThis project is a randomized controlled pilot trial using mixed methods to examine the feasibility, acceptability, and initial effects of a telemedicine group-based intervention designed to improve symptom management and coping in adults with Post-COVID.

Canadian Adaptive Platform Trial of Treatments for COVID-19 in Community Settings
COVID-19CanTreatCOVID is an open-label, individually randomized, multi-centre, national trial. CanTreatCOVID aims to establish an adaptive platform trial aimed at evaluating the clinical- and cost-effectiveness, practical challenges, and outcomes of therapeutics for SARS-CoV-2 for non-hospitalized patients in Canada. Participants will be randomized to receive usual care (i.e. supportive care and symptom relief) or a study therapeutic, which will be determined by the Canadian COVID-19 Out-Patient Therapeutics Committee. The primary outcomes being evaluated is hospitalization and/or death at 28 days, as well as time to recovery.

A Study to Evaluate EDP-235 in Non-hospitalized Adults With COVID-19
COVID-19Study of EDP-235 in Non-hospitalized Adults with Mild or Moderate COVID-19.

The Roles of Vitamin D and Microbiome in Children With Post-acute COVID-19 Syndromes (PACS) and...
Post-acute COVID-19 SyndromesA double-blind study to evaluate the role of human microbiome and vitamin D in the development of long COVID and PACS in children.

SA55 Injection: a Potential Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19
COVID-19In this first-in-humans dose escalation study, SA55 will be evaluated for safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics. The study is intended to enable future studies of SA55-injection's efficacy in preventing and treating COVID-19.

ACTIV-6: COVID-19 Study of Repurposed Medications - Arm G (Metformin)
Covid19The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of repurposed medications (study drug(s) in reducing symptoms of non-hospitalized participants with mild to moderate COVID-19. Participants will receive either study drug or placebo. Participants will self-report any new or worsening symptoms or medical events experienced while taking study drug or placebo. This study is intended to be all remote with no in person visits, unless the study team feels it is in the best interest of a participant to be seen in person. Prior and current drug arms are listed on clinicaltrials.gov and will be updated with the activation of any new drug arms. Each study arm will also have its own clinicaltrials.gov entry and will include "Pro00107921" in the Unique Protocol ID.

Cell Therapy With Treg Cells Obtained From Thymic Tissue (thyTreg) to Control the Immune Hyperactivation...
Systemic Inflammatory Response SyndromeThe investigators developed a GMP protocol to isolate Treg cells from thymic tissue (thyTreg). The thyTreg cells are being evaluated in a Phase I/II clinical tria l to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the adoptive transfer of autologous thyTreg to prevent rejection in heart transplant children. The preliminary results of the ongoing clinical trial indicate that this therapy is not immunogenic, indicating that allogeneic use of these thyTreg cells would be feasible and safe . The goal of this open-label Phase I/IIa study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability and efficacy of allogeneic thymus derived Tregs (thyTreg) in controlling the Immune Hyperactivation in SARS-CoV-2 infected-patients. These thyTreg cells could inhibit an excessive inflammation, improving life-threatening manifestations, restoring immune balance, and protecting infected tissues.

Extracorporeal Photopheresis as a Possible Therapeutic Approach to Adults With Severe and Critical...
COVID-19Optimal approach for adult patients hospitalized with severe and critical COVID-19 non-responsive to antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs is not well established. The study aim is to evaluate feasibility and safety of extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) in this setting.

Study Evaluating SHEN26 Capsule in Patients With Mild to Moderate COVID-19
COVID-19This is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-parallel-controlled phase III clinical trial. It is designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of SHEN26 capsules in Chinese adult patients with mild to moderate COVID-19

Vagus Stimulation in Female Long COVID Patients.
Vagus Nerve DiseasesLong COVID5 moreThe aim of the present pilot study is to investigate the acceptance, feasibility and implementation of the vagus nerv stimulation in Long COVID patients. Additionally, the effects on parameters of the autonomic nervous system as well as on symptoms of Long COVID will be described in a pre/post comparison. For this purpose, a total of 45 female Long COVID patients will participate in the randomized controlled pilot study. Patients will perform auricular vagus stimulation daily for 12 weeks. The patient collective will be randomized into three groups (A: 10 hertz, B: 25 hertz, C: 2 hertz=control group). If appropriate results are obtained, further adequately powered intervention studies are planned.