Immunotherapy With Y90-RadioEmbolization for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal Cancer MetastaticColon Cancer8 moreThis clinical trial will be conducted as a single-center, open-label, Phase I/2 trial to evaluate the feasibility and safety of Yttrium-90 radioembolization (Y90-RE) in combination with a fixed dose of of immunotherapy (durvalumab - 750 mg) in subjects with liver-predominant, metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC), which is mismatch repair proficient/microsatellite stable (pMMR/MSS).

Sacubitril/Valsartan in PriMAry preventIoN of the Cardiotoxicity of Systematic breaST canceR trEAtMent...
Breast CancerNeoplasm13 moreBreast cancer is the most commonly cancer in women in the overall global population. According to the World Cancer Research Fund International, there were more than 2.25 million new cases of breast cancer in women in 2020. Although the modern treatment strategies, based on the complex care, which consists of surgery, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted chemotherapy directed at specific cancer molecules have substantially reduced the risk of death due to breast cancer, their wide adoption results in the wider prevalence of cardiotoxicity, defined as either symptomatic heart failure, or asymptomatic contractile dysfunction. The occurrence of cardiotoxicity induced by anti-cancer therapies is estimated at 5-15%, and its development is the primary cause of therapy termination, which significantly reduces the probability of the efficacy of treatment. Several attempts have been made to determine the efficacious preventive strategy, which could diminish the risk of cancer-therapy induced cardiotoxicity. The results of the prior studies indicated a trend towards lower risk of troponin elevation, or left ventricular contractile dysfunction with the introduction of drugs interfering with the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) axis, which constitute the primary treatment modality in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Sacubitril/valsartan, the novel therapeutic agent, has been demonstrated to significantly improve prognosis in patients with HFrEF. Prior retrospective, small, single-center studies have shown that treatment with sacubitril/valsartan may reduce the risk of cancer-therapy induced cardiotoxicity, or reverse contractile dysfunction caused by anti-cancer therapy. However, no large randomized data confirmed these findings. Therefore, the Sacubitril/Valsartan in PriMAry preventIoN of the cardiotoxicity of systematic breaST canceR trEAtMent) study, has been designed to verify, whether the preventive use of sacubitril/valsartan administered in the doses recommended in patients with HFrEF in breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy with anthracyclines or anthracyclines and HER-2 monoclonal antibodies, will reduce the incidence of cardiotoxicity defined as impaired left ventricular systolic function on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the trial, a total of 480 patients with histologically confirmed breast cancer, who are eligible for chemotherapy with anthracyclines or anthracyclines and HER-2 monoclonal antibodies, will undergo 1:1 randomization to either preventive treatment with sacubitril/valsartan or placebo. The patients will be followed for 24 months, and will have repetitive efficacy and safety examinations, including echocardiography, MRI, electrocardiography including 24-h Holter monitoring, blood tests, functional capacity tests and quality of life assessment.

TANGO-LIVER Three Arm Nuclear Growth Observation in Liver Surgery
Liver MetastasesLiver Cancer2 moreLiver resection is the treatment of choice in patients with malignant liver lesions. Unfortunately, the surgery is not always an option, as in same patients the future remnant liver (FRL) is too small to supply all the functions. Therefore, some additional methods have been proposed to increase the size of the FRL. The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy and safety of three methods of increasing the future remnant liver - Portal Vein Embolization (PVE) - embolization of one of the portal branches; Liver Vein Deprivation (LVD) - embolization both of the portal branch as well as the hepatic vein; and partial ALPPS (Associating Liver Partition and Portal vein Ligation for Staged hepatectomy) - ligation of portal vein branch with partial liver transection. The efficacy of those three methods will be assessed both by analyzing the volumetric increase (by computer tomography scans) and by functional increase (by 99mTc-mebrofenin scintigraphy). Functional assessment of the liver hypertrophy seems to be of crucial importance, as some of the previous studies suggest that there might be a significant discrepancy in the increase of size comparing to the increase of function. This is a prospective, interventional randomized study. The study group (154 patients) will consist of patients being considered as candidates for major hepatic resection, after inducing hypertrophy of the future remnant liver. The primary study hypothesis is greater efficacy of ALPPS in preparing patients for large hepatic resection by inducing hypertrophy of the future remnant liver, as compared both to PVE and LVD. In case of unsuccessful induction of hypertrophy by the embolization techniques, patients may be qualified to rescue ALPPS procedure. Primary end-point: Percentage of patients with successful resection (patients, who gained sufficient increase of the FRL to proceed to the liver resection) with no post-surgical 90-day mortality. Secondary end-points: the rate and degree of volume increase in different groups the rate and degree of functional increase in different groups CCI index and complication rate >=3 degree according to the Clavien-Dindo classification after the first stage of treatment CCI index and complication rate >=3 degree according to the Clavien-Dindo classification after the second stage of treatment overall duration of hospital stay Patient will be randomly assigned to the three study groups. All patients will undergo an abdominal contrast enhanced computed tomography and 99mTc-mebrofenin scintigraphy prior to the first stage of treatment. During the first stage of treatment, patients will undergo, according to their group: Embolization of portal vein branch (PVE, portal vein embolization) Embolization of both portal vein branch and hepatic vein (LVD, liver venous deprivation) Partial ALPPS (Associating Liver Partition and Portal vein Ligation for Staged hepatectomy) - ligation of portal vein branch with partial liver transection, preferentially by laparoscopic technique Computed tomography scans and scintigraphy will be repeated at day 7, 14 and 21 after the first stage of treatment. The second stage of treatment, the liver resection, will be performed after achievement of sufficient mebrofenin clearance rate (>=2,69%/min/m2). In case of failure to reach the desired clearance rate, the measurements will be continued every 7 days up to day 42. In case of uncertainty and discrepancy between the volumetric assessment in the computed tomography scan and the mebrofenin scintigraphy, it will be allowed to proceed to stage two (partial hepatectomy) after joint consultation of at least 3 hepatobiliary surgeons, 1 radiologist and 1 nuclear medicine specialist. Routine blood tests will be performed according to the standard procedure in the Department, depending on the patient clinical status. An additional blood sample will be collected from patients (after receiving and additional informed consent from the patient) and will be stored in the biobank. All patients will be monitored for surgical and 90-day complications. The volume increase after first stage of treatment, the functional increase after first stage of treatment, percentage of patients successfully proceeding to the second stage of treatment and complication rate will be calculated. The percentage of patients with complications >= 3 degree in Clavien-Dindo classification and CCI index for each patient will be calculated. Furthermore, the blood test results will be assessed to search for associations with patients' outcomes. Any possible differences in terms of baseline patients characteristics between groups will be addressed. Statistical analysis will be performed using U Mann-Whitney test, exact Fisher's test, logistic regression, general linear models, Kaplan-Meier method and log-rank test. All three groups will be assessed in terms of occurrence of primary and secondary end-points.

Collecting and Studying Blood and Tissue Samples From Patients With Locally Recurrent or Metastatic...
Localized Renal Pelvis and Ureter Urothelial CarcinomaMalignant Solid Neoplasm9 moreThis study collects and studies tissue and blood samples from patients with prostate or bladder/urothelial cancer that has recurred (come back) at or near the same place as the original (primary) tumor or has spread to other parts of the body. Studying samples of blood and tissue samples from patients with prostate or bladder/urothelial cancer in the laboratory may help doctors learn more about new biomarkers, potential drug targets, and resistance developing in response to treatment. It may also help doctors find better ways to treat the cancer.

Proton Therapy Medical Registry
CancerTherapy-RelatedClínica Universidad de Navarra Proton Therapy Unit is establishing a registry to capture the full radiation dosimetry delivered to the patient, baseline clinical data, and disease, toxicity and quality of life outcomes. The objectives are parameters prescribed and to have all patients treated at the proton therapy unit to be included in the registry to enable future analysis of treatment outcomes to assist in understanding, which patients can benefit from the use of protons.

MAnagement of METastatic Disease In Campania (MAMETIC)
Metastatic DiseaseThe MAMETIC Trial represents the first regional epidemiological study that aims to evaluate patients living in Campania with metastatic cancer, with the intent to detect different prevalence of tumors in the metastatic phase and evaluate the local response to the patient's request for assistance. Condition or disease: Metastatic disease Intervention/treatment: Radiation Treatment

Combination Therapy for Cancer Related Fatigue in Patients With Metastatic Cancers
Metastatic CancersFatigueTo find out if combining psychoeducational interventions (such as education, counseling, and self-managed therapies) with an open-label placebo can help to improve your quality of life better than either the psychoeducational interventions or the placebo alone.

Hypofractionated Image Guided Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Stage IV Breast Cancer...
Central Nervous System MetastasesInvasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma14 moreThis pilot clinical trial studies new ways to monitor the impact of hypofractionated image guided radiation therapy in treating patients with stage IV breast cancer. Radiation therapy uses high energy x rays to kill tumor cells. Giving radiation therapy in different ways may kill more tumor cells.

CAR T Cell Receptor Immunotherapy Targeting VEGFR2 for Patients With Metastatic Cancer
Metastatic CancerMetastatic Melanoma1 moreBackground: The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Surgery Branch has developed an experimental therapy for treating patients metastatic cancer that involves taking white blood cells from the patient, growing them in the laboratory in large numbers, genetically modifying these specific cells with a type of virus (retrovirus) to attack only the tumor cells, and then giving the cells back to the patient. This type of therapy is called gene transfer. In this protocol, we are modifying the patient s white blood cells with a retrovirus that has the gene for anti-vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR2) incorporated in the retrovirus. Objectives: - To determine a safe number of these cells to infuse and to see the safety and effectiveness of cell therapy using anti-VEGFR2 gene modified tumor white blood cells to treat recurrent or relapsed cancer. Eligibility: - Individuals greater than or equal to 18 years of age and less than or equal to 70 years of age who have been diagnosed with metastatic cancer that has not responded to or has relapsed after standard treatment. Design: Work up stage: Patients will be seen as an outpatient at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) clinical Center and undergo a history and physical examination, scans, x-rays, lab tests, and other tests as needed Leukapheresis: If the patients meet all of the requirements for the study they will undergo leukapheresis to obtain white blood cells to make the anti-VEGFR2 cells. {Leukapheresis is a common procedure which removes only the white blood cells from the patient.} Treatment: Once their cells have grown the patients will be admitted to the hospital for the conditioning chemotherapy, the anti-VEGFR2 cells and aldesleukin. They will stay in the hospital for about4 weeks for the treatment. Follow up: Patients will return to the clinic for a physical exam, review of side effects, lab tests, and scans about every 1-3 months for the first year, and then every 6 months to 1 year as long as their tumors are shrinking. Follow up visits will take up to 2 days.

A Study of Cabazitaxel for Patients With Breast or Lung Cancer and Recurrent or Progressive Brain...
Breast CancerLung Cancer2 morePatients suffering from histologically or cytologically confirmed stage IV lung or breast cancer with progressive or recurrent brain metastases after prior external beam radiotherapy will receive treatment with cabazitaxel until progression of brain metastases (BM) or unacceptable toxicity.