Study of Genetic and Cellular Immunological Parameters Predictive of Disease-free Survival in Patients...
Metastatic CancerThe aim of this study is to characterize the genetic and cellular immunological parameters of metastatic digestive cancer patients having short and long responses to chemotherapy.

Optimal Anti-EGFR Treatment of mCRC Patients With Low-Frequency RAS Mutation
Treatment Related CancerThe present hypothesis is that anti-EGFR agents are active in tumors with low-level RAS mutation when the majority of tumor cells is still sensitive. While response rate may be high and may reflect sensitivity to anti-EGFR agents, PFS is anticipated to be shorter than in RAS wild-type patients due to the faster development of resistance when sensitive cells are eradicated and when the RAS-mutant anti-EGFR resistant clones become predominant. The characteristics of low-level RAS mutant tumors would be: Objective response rate (ORR) high (reflecting the sensitive clone) Progression-free survival (PFS) short (reflecting the more rapid outgrowth of RAS mutant clones)

Investigating Cardiovascular Adverse Events Related to Cancer Treatment
Toxicity Due to ChemotherapyCardiovascular Morbidity2 moreCisplatin, anthracyclines, bleomycin and trastuzumab can cause severe cardiovascular or pulmonary toxicity. Why some patients are susceptible to extreme toxicity of cancer treatment is largely unknown. Unraveling extreme cardiovascular toxic responses in cancer patients may help understand the pathophysiology of cardiovascular toxicity of these agents and help in understanding the more subtle, long-term cardiovascular side effects that affect a larger part of cancer survivors. With induced pluripotent stem cells we will obtain patient-derived cells to recapitulate and mimic and study pathological (cardiovascular) responses and (cardiovascular) toxicity in vitro.

Using a PET Imaging Agent, 18F-Clofarabine (CFA), to Measure Deoxycytidine Kinase Activity in Metastatic...
Metastatic CancerCarcinoma1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate whether a new type of imaging study, called 18F-Clofarabine (CFA) PET/CT, can be used to image cancer pyrimidine metabolism in participants. PET (positron emission tomography) imaging is a way of looking at cancers that can reveal cancer metabolism. Presently, however, there are no imaging agents in routine use to look at an aspect of cancer metabolism (pyrimidine metabolism) that dictates whether certain cancer drugs, e.g., gemcitabine, are likely to be taken into the cancer cells. This clinical trial will be testing whether 18F-Clofarabine (CFA) could be an imaging agent to measure this aspect of cancer metabolism.

Biopsy After Radioembolization to Identify Changes in Tumor Cells From the Radiation
Colon Cancer Liver MetastasisColon Cancer4 moreThe purpose of this study is to study the way radioembolization works by collecting biopsy samples of participants' tumors after the procedure. This research may improve the way that radioembolization is performed, which could help people whose cancer has spread to the liver. The research may also provide information about how tumors respond to radioembolization.

Palliative Primary Tumor Resection in Minimally Symptomatic Patients With Colorectal Cancer and...
Colorectal NeoplasmsIntestinal Neoplasms12 moreCurrently, the question remains whether palliative primary tumor resection could improve overall survival of minimally symptomatic patients with colorectal cancer and synchronous unresectable metastases. The aim of this study is to determine if there is an improvement in overall survival of palliative primary tumor resection followed by chemotherapy in minimally symptomatic patients with colorectal cancer and synchronous unresectable metastases compared to those of upfront chemotherapy/radiotherapy alone.

A Combination Therapy Including Anti-PD-1 Immunotherapy in MSS Rectal Cancer With Resectable Distal...
Advanced Rectal CancerLiver Metastasis2 moreAlthough patients with locally advanced rectal cancer and resectable liver/pulmonary metastasis could benefit from surgery resection, these patients still have a poorer prognosis compared to those without distal metastasis. Based on previous studies, there is no confirmation of whether these patients could benefit from preoperative immunotherapy combined with conventional chemoradiotherapy. This study proposes a combination therapy, preoperative short-course radiotherapy followed by neoadjuvant chemotherapy and anti-PD-1 immunotherapy, for microsatellite-stable patients with locally advanced rectal cancer and resectable liver/pulmonary metastasis, to assess its impact on tumor retreat, decline of postoperative metastasis and recurrence, and the disease-free survival and overall survival of patients. Besides, this study will provide high-level medical evidence for future clinical treatment of patients with advanced rectal cancer.

ANG1005 in Leptomeningeal Disease From Breast Cancer
Leptomeningeal CarcinomatosisLeptomeningeal Metastases2 moreThis is an open-label Phase 3 study to see if ANG1005 can prolong survival compared to a Physician Best Choice control in HER2-negative breast cancer patients with newly diagnosed leptomeningeal disease and previously treated brain metastases.

Safety of Withdrawal of Pharmacological Treatment for Recovered HER2 Targeted Therapy Related Cardiac...
CardiotoxicityHER2-positive Breast Cancer3 moreBreast cancer is the most common cancer in the United Kingdom (UK), but improvements in treatment mean 3 in 4 people survive for more than 10 years. Many people receive treatments called human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) targeted therapies for their breast cancer, however these can affect heart function. This 'cardiotoxicity' is generally temporary and mild, but patients receive drugs to help their heart recover. Currently it is not known how long patients should receive these treatments. Patients with other types of heart failure are treated lifelong, but this may not be necessary here as the damaging cancer drugs have stopped. Taking drugs for many years can have an impact on people's quality of life, particularly for young patients. It is therefore important to understand the best treatment length. The investigators will study people whose heart function has recovered after HER2 therapy heart problems and are not at high risk for heart disease. The investigators will carefully stop their heart drugs whilst monitoring them closely with special heart scans and blood tests to detect problems early. The investigators will also study how patients are currently treated using national data. The results of this study will help doctors better guide breast cancer survivors about treatment of heart damage from HER2 cancer therapies.

Feasibility of Semi-Permanent Tattoo for Treatment Alignment in Radiation Therapy
Tattoo; PigmentationCancer1 moreConsenting subjects will receive a semi-permanent tattoo in place of the standard of care permanent tattoo for radiation marking at the time of the radiation planning scan. Subjects will be monitored to ensure alignment is the same with the semi-permanent tattoo as the current standard of care. Subjects will be monitored to ensure there are no skin reactions or other side effects. Subjects will be followed for 15 months and will send pictures to the treatment team to ensure that the tattoo fades away within 12 months as expected.