AI & Radiomics for Stratification of Lung Nodules After Radically Treated Cancer
Indeterminate Pulmonary NodulesLung Metastases2 moreThis study will assess the utility of radiomics and artificial intelligence approaches to new lung nodules in patients who have undergone radical treatment for a previous cancer.

Aspirin in Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases
Colorectal Cancer Liver MetastasesColorectal Cancer1 moreThe ASAC trial is a Scandinavian, multi-center, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled study to determine whether adjuvant treatment with low-dose acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) can improve disease free survival in patients treated with resection for colorectal cancer liver metastases (CRCLM). Several studies have shown beneficial effect of ASA on primary prevention of CRC and the investigators group and others have shown a potential association of ASA also taken after the diagnosis on CRC survival in registry-based studies (secondary prevention). Up to 800 patients operated for CRCLM will be randomized to Arm#1 ASA 160 mg once daily or Arm#2 Placebo for a period of 3 years or till disease recurrence. The patients will be treated and followed up according to standard of care and the National Guidelines. The ASAC trial will be the first clinical interventional trial to assess the beneficial role of ASA in recurrence of CRC liver metastases and survival. ASA is an inexpensive, well tolerated, and easily accessible drug that will be highly potential as adjuvant drug in secondary prevention of CRC liver metastases if the study shows a beneficial effect. This trial will also investigate the effect of ASA as adjuvant treatment on Health-related Quality of Life and the cost-effectiveness.

The Prospective Observational COMPRAYA Cohort Study
Second CancerSurvivorship6 moreRationale: Childhood cancer survivorship attracts attention globally, because successes in treatment have led to increasing number of survivors who reach adulthood, in which survivorship issues affecting health-related quality of life (HRQoL) become prominent. Most paediatric patients are treated intensively with irradiation and/or chemotherapy, which put them at risk for early and/or late adverse medical and psychosocial events. In contrast, much less is known about adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients, diagnosed between 18-39 years, who, with an 80% chance to survive, also have a long life ahead. AYA cancer patients, much more than children, suffer from delay in diagnosis, lack of centralization of care, ageadjusted expertise, and AYA follow-up care. AYAs typically present with a rare tumour: either with a paediatric malignancy (e.g. acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, paediatric brain tumours), a more typical tumour of AYA age (e.g. Hodgkin's disease, germ cell cancer, melanoma, thyroid cancer) or with an adult tumour at unusual young age (e.g. gastrointestinal, lung, breast carcinomas). Next to these differences in epidemiology, the tumour biology, developmental challenges (e.g. forming relationships, becoming financially independent, having children) and treatment regimens differ between AYAs and children, and therefore findings derived from childhood cancer survivors cannot be extrapolated to AYAs. Furthermore, novel treatments with targeted agents or immunotherapy are more likely to be administrated to AYAs compared to children. Finally, a rare group of incurable AYA cancer patients will survive for many years, for whom health outcome and supportive care intervention data are lacking. Globally, so far, the identification of AYA cancer patient subgroups that might be more susceptible to poor health outcomes has not been systematically addressed. The role of sociodemographic and treatment-associated risks, external exposures (e.g. lifestyle) and host factors (e.g. genetic, biological, physiological); or combinations of influences for impaired (agespecific) health outcomes, remains largely unknown. Understanding who is at risk and why will support the development of evidence-based AYA prevention, treatment and supportive care programs and guidelines, in co-creation with AYA cancer patients. Objective: To examine the prevalence, risk factors and mechanisms of impaired health outcomes (short- and long-term medical and psychosocial effects and late effects) over time among a population-based sample of AYA cancer patients. Study design: Prospective, observational cohort study Study population: All AYAs diagnosed (18-39 years at primary diagnosis) with cancer (any type) within the first 3 months after diagnosis (eligibility window of 1 month to ensure all eligible AYA cancer patients can be included) in one of the participating centres (or treated in one of these centres) in The Netherlands. Main study parameters/endpoints: The main outcomes are medical (e.g. second tumour; survival; fertility) and psychosocial (e.g. distress) health outcomes. Other study parameters (covariates/moderators/mediators) are characteristics of the individual (e.g. age, sex, cultural background, partner status, educational level, occupation, tumour type, disease stage, body composition, comorbid conditions, coping style), characteristics of the environment (e.g. cancer treatment, lifestyle), and genetic and biological factors (e.g. family history of cancer, stress and inflammation markers (e.g. cortisol, IL-6), microbiome). Nature and extent of the burden and risks associated with participation, benefit and group relatedness: On an individual level, patients who participate are asked to complete questionnaires on an annual basis for at least 10 years. All sample collections will take place at three time points: 0-3 months after diagnosis (baseline), 2 and 5 years; except blood for DNA analyses which will only take place at baseline. The collection of blood, hair and faeces at three occasions is minimally invasive and the risks of blood draws, hair and fecal sampling are negligible. All safety measures and procedures will be performed according to local guidelines. Patients will not experience direct benefit from participation in the COMPRAYA study. By participating, patients will contribute to a better insight in the prevalence of impaired medical and psychosocial (age-specific) health outcomes in AYA and evidence on factors associated with these health outcomes. This will lead to better and more personalized cancer care and supportive care tools for future AYA cancer patients.

Trial of Written Exposure for Metastatic Cancer Patients (EASE)
Metastatic CancerSolid Tumor Cancer4 moreIn the face of imminent loss, many adults with metastatic cancer report a range of mental health challenges, including cancer-related trauma symptoms, fear of cancer progression and dying/death, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness, as well as physical symptoms such as fatigue and pain. Cancer patients may report feeling upset or haunted by imagined scenarios in a way that causes them distress and lowers their quality of life. This study aims to look at the acceptability and feasability of a writing-based intervention for adults with late-stage or recurrent cancer, or actively treated blood cancer. The EASE study uses a writing-based approach to address an individual's worst-case scenario about cancer because previous studies have shown that similar approaches have shown promise in reducing fear in early-stage cancer survivors and among adults with PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder). The EASE study represents a novel adaptation of this foundational work on written exposure therapy (WET) to address worst-case scenarios among adults with late stage cancers. The EASE study will include 5 weekly one-on-one online video sessions with a trained therapist where participants will be coached through writing exercises based on a worst-case scenario related to their cancer experience.

Safety, Tolerability, and Preliminary Efficacy of CJRB-101 With Pembrolizumab in Subjects With Selected...
NSCLCHNSCC4 moreStudy CJB-101-01 will be conducted at multiple centers in the USA and Republic of Korea as an open-label safety and preliminary efficacy study of CJRB-101 in combination with pembrolizumab in subjects with selected types of advanced or metastatic cancer. The proposed study intends to address the unmet medical needs of low response rate and refractoriness to immune checkpoint inhibitors typically observed in this subject population by performing assessments of response, dose limiting toxicities, pharmacodynamic, and the effect on microbiome biomarkers at different dose levels of CJRB-101 combined with pembrolizumab.

Exercise to ReGain Stamina and Energy (The EXERGISE Study)
FatigueBreast Cancer2 moreAbout 20%-70% of breast cancer survivors experience fatigue after cancer therapy. Because epidemiologic evidence shows that old age is a risk factor for fatigue in adults with cancer history, older breast cancer survivors suffer from even more fatigue than younger survivors. The purpose of this study is to test types of walking exercise interventions and their ability to reduce fatigue in older breast cancer survivors.

Developing a New MRI Technique to Understand Changes in Brain Tumors After Treatment
Brain MetastasesBrain Metastases3 moreThe purpose of this study is to develop and test a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique to see if it can be used to tell the difference between tumor growth from worsening of cancer and growth from the effects of treatment in participants who have brain tumors treated with radiation therapy called stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS).

Unravelling the Impact of Radiofrecuency in Liver Surgery: the Key to Decrease Local Recurrence?...
Liver CancerCancer1 moreRadiofrequency devices have been increasingly employed in liver surgery in order to achieve proper hemostasis and this use has become more evident with the implementation of minimal invasive surgery. Due to its well-known efficacy for tumor ablation (i.e. hepatocarcinoma) it use has been extended in some cases to ablate the liver surface after resection in questionable resection. Till date, despite the majority of surgeons apply an additional coagulation in doubtful margins, there is not an evidence that this maneuver really decreases the local recurrence or increases the overall survival. On the contrary, some studies have suggested that non-anatomical resections in order to spare liver parenchyma could lead to major zones of liver ischemia in the remnant liver and thus favoring recurrence. However, major liver ischemia (defined as grade 2 o more) is unlikely to be provoked by 1 cm-depth additional coagulation of the margin. The investigators previously published in a retrospective study the concept of additional margin coagulation within liver resections and narrow margins and demonstrated that the study group had significantly less local recurrence compared to the controls. Therefore, in the present study the aim is to continue this evaluation through a multicenter randomized clinical trial.

Artificial Intelligence System for Assessment of Tumor Risk and Diagnosis and Treatment
Artificial IntelligenceDeep Learning8 moreTo improve the accuracy of risk prediction, screening and treatment outcome of cancer, we aim to establish a medical database that includes standardized and structured clinical diagnosis and treatment information, image features, pathological features, and multi-omics information and to develop a multi-modal data fusion-based technology system using artificial intelligence technology based on database.

The Belgian Molecular Profiling Program of Metastatic Cancer for Clinical Decision and Treatment...
Metastatic CancerPRECISION 1 will enroll patients with metastatic solid tumors. The local PI will verify if the candidate patient fits the inclusion/ exclusion criteria. The participant will sign the PRECISION 1 informed consent. NGS data will be collected from local panel testing on DNA extracted from tissue samples or plasma. Data will be collected from further molecular testing performed at the different laboratories: select rearrangements (fusion genes and translocations) by RT PCR, FISH or NGS; copy number variations of selected genes via the NGS platform (if possible) or using FISH or other technologies such as SNP arrays in case the NGS technology is incapable of giving this information. Results will be stored in the Precision Belgium section of the Healthdata database. Data on germline variants will also be collected in the Healthdata database whenever this information is available. The cooperating clinical investigator will decide with the patient the treatment strategy, -guided by the best interest of the patient and the availability of respective options : " Empirical " available approved treatment (for example chemotherapy, immunotherapy) Genotype-driven standard of care Inclusion in a genotype-matched clinical trial (includes signing of trial-specific IC) Inclusion in PRECISION 2 if options 2/3 not available. Irrespective of treatment choice, the patient will be followed by the collaborating clinician and will have follow-up data collected every 6 months for determination of disease status and survival endpoints. Clinical data will be collected and stored in the Healthdata database. Genomic data (somatic and germline whenever available) and clinical data (tumor type and stage, number of previous lines, treatment choice, response rate, PFS on chosen and previous treatments, …) will be uploaded on the Healthdata platform and can be consulted via password-protected web access by the local PI at each participating center. European regulation protecting patient privacy will apply ("GDPR").