TRAIN Your Sleep; Treating Adolescent Insomnia With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)...
InsomniaChronic PainThe primary aim of this study is to understand how insomnia contributes to chronic pain in youth. Specifically, the investigators are interested in how insomnia and the treatment of insomnia impact emotional states and the body's ability to efficiently modulate pain, either to increase or decrease pain perception. It is hypothesized that insomnia is associated with increased negative emotional states and impaired pain modulation, which will improve after treatment of insomnia. In this project, the objectives are to 1) evaluate the role of pain modulation as a potential mechanism through which insomnia impacts pain symptoms, and 2) evaluate the role of negative affect as mediators of the impact of insomnia on pain modulation. Study participation will consist of a baseline assessment, a 5 session (once per week) virtual group cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) intervention, and a follow-up assessment. Investigators will also ask teen participants to complete the consensus sleep diary daily for 7 days prior to the baseline and follow up study visits. Assessment visits will consist of two types of assessments, questionnaires and quantitative sensory testing (QST). Participating parents and teens will complete questionnaires (both child and parent report) assessing the child's pain, sleep, and psycho-social variables. QST will assess pain inhibition via conditioned pain modulation (CPM) and pain facilitation via temporal summation (TS).

Effect of Rozerem on the Perception of GERD Symptoms in Patients With Chronic Insomnia.
Gastroesophageal Reflux DiseaseChronic InsomniaTo determine if administration of Rozerem in comparison to a placebo reduces or eliminates gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD) symptoms in individuals with both GERD and chronic insomnia.

Use of the Cannabinoid Nabilone for the Promotion of Sleep in Chronic, Non-Malignant Pain Patients...
PainInsomniaSleep disturbance is perhaps one of the most prevalent complaints of patients with long-standing painful conditions. Nabilone is a medication that is approved by Health Canada as an anti-emetic (prevent vomiting) for patients undergoing chemotherapy. Nabilone, due to its sleep promoting properties, is sometimes prescribed by physicians to pain patients to help improve their sleep. However, there is no direct research evidence to either support or refute this practice. This study will investigate if nabilone is effective in improving sleep in insomnia and pain patients.

Schumann Resonance and Insomnia
InsomniaThe double-blinded and randomized study evaluated the effectiveness and side effects of a novel non-invasive treatment, Schumann resonance (SR), in treating insomnia. The objective of this study is (1) to evaluate the improvement of sleep quality of patients with insomnia disorder by SR and (2) to be the basis for the future development of physical magnetic therapy.

A Comparison of the Therapeutic Effect Between Head-point Acupuncture and Conventional Body Acupuncture...
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersThe investigators will conduct a single-center, and randomized controlled cases study. A total of 120 participants with insomnia will be enrolled. The aim of the study is to compare the therapeutic effect between head-acupoints acupuncture and body-acupoints acupuncture on Insomnia.

The Effects of MBSR on Patients With TBI and Chronic Insomnia
Chronic InsomniaTBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)To evaluate the effects of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) as an adjunct to usual clinical care for treatment of stress and chronic insomnia for patients with mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (MTBI). MBSR is a standardized protocol of meditation and yoga that has been studied extensively in other populations, however the effects of MBSR have not yet been well studied in the proposed population of service members with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) who are experiencing insomnia.

Efficacy of EA on Depression Related Insomnia: Study Protocol for a Multicenter RCT
Insomnia Due to Mental DisorderThe investigators describe a protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial to find out the efficacy of electroacupuncture for depression related insomnia.

A Trial of Mindfulness Meditation for Chronic Insomnia
InsomniaTo evaluate the efficacy of mediation therapies on measures of sleep and arousal for people with chronic insomnia and with this the viability of smartphone delivered meditation based approaches at a population level.

Non-inferiority Study of Telemedicine Versus Conventional CBT-I in Recently Hospitalized Patients...
InsomniaInsomnia is a common medical condition that has a deleterious effect on emotional status, health-related quality of life, and has been associated with hospitalizations and all-cause mortality. Recently hospitalized patients who are recuperating in their homes would find it difficult to return for weekly visits with a clinical psychologist and therefore could benefit from the convenience of CBT-I treatment administered in the comfort of their homes via the wireless iPAD and video chat software. In patients who are recently discharged from the hospital, we wish to assess whether telemedicine-based CBT-I is comparable to conventional office-based CBT-I in the efficacy for treating insomnia. Research aiming to improve understanding of whether insomnia represents a modifiable risk factor for re-hospitalizations in patients who are high utilizers of healthcare services is an important area of future research.

'Mindfulness-Based Joyful Sleep' Intervention in Young and Middle-aged Individuals With Insomnia...
InsomniaThe primary objective of this proposed three-year (June 01, 2018 to May 31,2020) project is to verify the effect of 'Mindfulness Based Joyful Sleep' (MBJS) intervention on young and middle-aged individuals with insomnia in China and preliminarily explore inflammatory response for the intervention of insomnia applied by it. Previous researches show that Mindfulness-Based Interventions may relieve insomnia, it is hypothesized that MBJS will be an effective, feasible and affordable insomnia intervention program in China.