Vestibular Implantation to Treat Adult-Onset Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction
Other Disorders of Vestibular FunctionBilateral8 moreAlthough cochlear implants can restore hearing to individuals who have lost cochlear hair cell function, there is no widely available, adequately effective treatment for individuals suffering chronic imbalance, postural instability and unsteady vision due to bilateral vestibular hypofunction. Prior research focused on ototoxic cases has demonstrated that electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve via a chronically implanted multichannel vestibular implant can partially restore vestibular reflexes that normally maintain steady posture and vision; improve performance on objective measures of postural stability and gait; and improve patient-reported disability and health-related quality of life. This single-arm open-label study extends that research to evaluate outcomes for up to 8 individuals with non-ototoxic bilateral vestibular hypofunction, yielding a total of fifteen adults (age 22-90 years at time of enrollment) divided as equally as possible between ototoxic and non-ototoxic cases.

Vestibular Implantation in Older Adults
Other Disorders of Vestibular FunctionBilateral9 moreAlthough cochlear implants can restore hearing to individuals who have lost cochlear hair cell function, there is no widely available, adequately effective treatment for individuals suffering chronic imbalance, postural instability and unsteady vision due to bilateral vestibular hypofunction. Prior research has demonstrated that electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve via a chronically implanted multichannel vestibular implant can partially restore vestibular reflexes that normally maintain steady posture and vision; improve performance on objective measures of postural stability and gait; and improve patient-reported disability and health-related quality of life. This single-arm open-label study extends that research to evaluate outcomes for up to fifteen older adults (age 65-90 years at time of enrollment) with ototoxic or non-ototoxic bilateral vestibular hypofunction.

An Open-label, Dose Escalation and Double-masked, Randomized, Controlled Trial Evaluating Safety...
Leber Congenital Amaurosis 10Blindness9 morePQ-110-005 (BRIGHTEN) is an open-label, dose escalation and double-masked, randomized, controlled study evaluating safety and tolerability of sepofarsen administered via intravitreal (IVT) injection in pediatric subjects (<8 years of age) with LCA10 due to the c.2991+1655A>G mutation over 24 months of treatment.

CatchU: A Quantitative Multisensory Falls-Assessment Study
Fall InjuryAge Problem2 moreThe ability to successfully integrate information across sensory systems is a vital aspect of functioning in the real world. To date, only a few studies have investigated the clinical translational value of multisensory integration processes. Previous work has linked the magnitude of visual-somatosensory integration (measured behaviorally using simple reaction time tasks) to important cognitive (attention) and motor (balance, gait, and falls) outcomes in healthy older adults. While multisensory integration effects have been measured across a wide array of populations using various sensory combinations and different neuroscience approaches, a gold standard for quantifying multisensory integration has been lacking. The investigator recently developed a step-by-step protocol for administering and calculating multisensory integration effects in an effort to facilitate innovative and novel translational research across diverse clinical populations and age-ranges. However, patients with severe medical conditions and/or mobility limitations often experience difficulty traveling to research facilities or joining time-demanding research protocols. Using the aforementioned protocol, the study team invented a mobile multisensory falls-assessment iPhone app called CatchU to facilitate physician discussion and counseling of falls in older adults during clinical visits (e.g., annual wellness visits with a subsequent telehealth call), in an attempt to alleviate disability, promote independence, and increase quality of life for older adults. The investigator team has provided a cross-sectional research proposal for a pilot study of 300 patients (over a 24-month period) in order to demonstrate acceptable-to-excellent predicative accuracy of CatchU for identifying older adults at-risk for falls.

Effects of an Online Hearing Support for First-time Hearing Aid Users
Hearing LossHearing Impairment5 moreThe goal of this randomised controlled trial is to test a online hearing support for first-time hearing aid users. The main questions it aims to answer are short- and long-term effects on the emotional and social consequences of hearing loss that the participants experience, use of communications strategies, experienced listening in complex sound environments and perceived effectiveness and satisfaction with hearing aids.

Efficacy of Preoperative Administration of Gabapentin in 3rd Molar Dental Extraction.
Dental Pain and Sensation DisorderPain1 moreThis study is a double-blind, randomized, prospective, placebo-controlled single-center clinical research study in which 600 mg of gabapentin or placebo will be administered 2 hours preoperatively to 49 patients each undergoing wisdom teeth extraction. We will measure intraoperative opioid use, severity of pain, the number of analgesics taken, and side effect profiles (e.g. nausea/vomiting, dizziness) at the following intervals, 4 hour, 8 hour, 12 hour, 24, and 72 hour post-procedure.

Multichannel Vestibular Implant Early Feasibility Study
Other Disorders of Vestibular FunctionBilateral5 moreAlthough cochlear implants can restore hearing to individuals who have lost cochlear hair cell function, there is no adequately effective treatment for individuals suffering chronic imbalance, postural instability and unsteady vision due to loss of vestibular hair cell function. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve via a chronically implanted multichannel vestibular prosthesis can partially restore vestibular reflexes that maintain steady posture and vision. This pilot clinical feasibility study of a multichannel vestibular implant system will evaluate this approach in up to ten human subjects with bilateral vestibular deficiency due to gentamicin ototoxicity or other causes of inner ear dysfunction.

The Effect of Cycle Ergometer With Biofeedback on Deep Sensation in Elderly Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis...
Knee OsteoarthritisSensation DisordersThe aim of the randomized controlled study is to investigate the effects of the cycle ergometer with biofeedback on deep sensation in elderly people who has knee osteoarthritis

A Study to Evaluate Efficacy, Safety, Tolerability and Exposure After a Repeat-dose of Sepofarsen...
Leber Congenital Amaurosis 10Blindness9 moreThe purpose of this double-masked, randomized, controlled, multiple-dose study is to evaluate the efficacy, safety, tolerability and systemic exposure of sepofarsen (QR-110) administered via intravitreal injection in subjects with Leber's Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) due to the CEP290 p.Cys998X mutation after 24 months of treatment

Investigation of Sensory Processing Patterns of Elderly Individuals Who Have Had Hip Fracture Surgery...
Sensory DisorderSensory Processing Disorder5 moreThis study aims to evaluate the sensory processing processes of elderly adults who have undergone fall-related hip fracture surgery in the last 6 months, according to different patterns, and to examine the relationship between physical performance, fall risk, fear of falling, and depression parameters that may be related to sensory processing.