NOVAPAK Nasal Packing in Shellfish Allergic Patients
Shellfish HypersensitivityEpistaxisNOVAPAK is a sponge-like material made from materials found in shellfish. It is commonly used after nasal surgery or in nasal bleeding, as it promotes healing, decreases bleeding, and has antibacterial properties. Although NOVOPAK does not contain proteins or compounds known to be responsible for allergic reactions in people with a known allergy to shellfish, out of an abundance of caution, the manufacturer (Medtronic) has recommended avoidance in those with known shellfish allergy. There have been no reported allergic reactions in patients with shellfish allergy who were given chitosan bandages in emergencies (e.g. military applications). The study aims to investigate the safety of its use in patients with known shellfish allergy to improve healthcare quality and patient care support.

Safety of Chitosan as Wine Fining Agent in Shrimp Allergic Patients
Shellfish AllergyChitosan, the main component of the exoskeletons of crustaceans, mollusks and cephalopods, has been used as a fining agent in wines. However, its safety among patients allergic to shellfish has never been evaluated. Adult patients followed at the Allergy and Clinical Immunology Department who have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis to shrimp will be invited to participate in the study. Clinical data will be collected to ascertain for eligibility and written information will be provided. After signing informed consent, included subjects will perform skin prick-to-prick tests (PTP) with shrimp boiling water condensate and with fined and unfined wines. All will perform double blind oral challenge with the fined and unfined wines during 1visit day; the placebo (unfined wine) and active challenge (fined wine with chitosan) will be separated by 2 hours. Challenge protocol will be performed with successive increasing doses administered in 4 steps at 15-minute intervals for a total of 100 mL. During the challenge signs and symptoms will be monitored by a trained physician. Results will be presented as negative or positive (defined by presence of symptoms and signs of an allergic reaction). Categorical data will be compared by chi-square test. P<0.05 will be considered statistically significant.