Open-label Extension Trial to Evaluate the Long-term Safety of Apraglutide in Short Bowel Syndrome....
Short Bowel SyndromeThe primary objective of the trial is to assess long-term safety and tolerability of apraglutide in subjects with SBS-IF.

Improved Quality of Life in Children With Intestinal Failure
Intestinal Pseudo-ObstructionShort Bowel Syndrome2 moreChildren with intestinal failure have a lack of tolerance for food in the intestine. The children are dependent on intravenous nutrition over a long period of time period to ensure growth and development. The condition is characterized by bacterial overgrowth in the intestine, with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and flatulence as physical symptoms. Mental health is affected in the form of lower quality of life, lack of school participation and less social contact with peers. The investigators own (unpublished) data show that children with intestinal failure have a lower quality of life than healthy people. Standard treatment is antibiotics, but the effect of these is short-lived, and many must have repeated courses. Prebiotics are indigestible carbohydrates (fiber) in foods that positively affect the bacterial flora and promote intestinal health. In this project the investigators want to see if supply of prebiotics can change the bacterial balance, reduce symptoms of bacterial overgrowth and increase quality of life. The study is unique, as Prebiotics have not previously been used in the treatment of intestinal failure. If successful, it can pave the way for a new and better treatment method that can potentially be transferred to other conditions with imbalance in the intestinal flora. The study is a randomized intervention study and is consist of two phases. In phase 1, the effect of 4 weeks of open intervention with prebiotics is studied to establish so-called "proof of concept". Data from phase 1 are used to look at connections between the composition of intestinal flora, nutritional status and bowel function. The intervention involves the use of a prebiotic product (Stimulance, Nutricia), which is added to childs regular food. In phase 2, patients are randomized into two groups. One group will continue with the product for 6 months, while the other group does not receive prebiotics.

Phase 2 Study to Assess the Safety, PK, and PD in SBS-IF Subjects
Short Bowel SyndromeThis is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, proof-of-concept (PoC), Phase 2 study to assess the safety, PK, and PD of SC administration of HM15912 in adult subjects with SBS-associated intestinal failure (SBS-IF).

Fiber Food Introduction in Pediatric Short Bowel Syndrome
Short Gut SyndromeShort bowel syndrome (SBS) is a rare but challenging condition in which patients have insufficient bowel length to meet fluid, electrolyte, and nutrient requirements without parenteral support. The purpose of this study is to determine how well dietary fiber is tolerated in patients with short bowel syndrome compared to patients without short bowel syndrome based on assessment of gastrointestinal symptoms, and corresponding changes in microbiome composition and metabolomics.

A Feasibility Study to Evaluate Safety & Benefit of Eclipse XL1 System in Adult Patients With SBS...
Short Bowel SyndromeThe Feasibility Study to Evaluate Safety and Probable Benefit of the Eclipse XL1 System in Adult Patients with Short Bowel Syndrome shall enroll up to 5 Subjects at up to 2 study sites in the United States.

Evaluation of Long Term Safety and Efficacy of Glepaglutide in Treatment of SBS
Short Bowel SyndromeThe primary objective of the trial is to evaluate the long-term safety of glepaglutide treatment in patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS). Glepaglutide is the International Nonproprietary Name and USAN for ZP1848.

A 90 Day, Phase 3,Open Labeled Exploratory Study of RELiZORB
Short Bowel SyndromeMalabsorptionChildren with inadequate intestinal absorption due to loss of large amounts of small bowel require intravenous nutrition (feeding through the vein) to sustain hydration and nutrition to avoid starvation and dehydration; however, intravenous (IV) nutrition can lead to complications including liver failure. Tube feeding directly to the small intestine avoids the complications of IV nutrition, but fats are not fully digestible due to inadequate bowel function. We propose to predigest the fat using a small cartridge attached to the feeding tube to allow for rapid absorption with the possibility of reducing or eliminating the need for intravenous nutrition

Absorption of Peptides, Fluid, and Electrolytes in Patients With an Ileostomy
Nutritional DeficiencyIleostomy; Functional Disturbance3 moreClinical trial, active comparator, cross over, randomised. In total, 12 adults with an ileostomy will be randomised to a sequential 4 weeks intervention with different qualities and sources of protein wish 2-week washout periods. Primary outcome: Ileostomy output.

Functional Sucrase Deficiency in Short Bowel Syndrome Patients With Intestinal Failure
Short Gut SyndromeShort gut syndrome with intestinal failure patients may have decreased production of disaccharidases, like sucrase, an enzyme responsible for digesting sugar in foods. This can happen due to loss of bowel length from surgery or from loss of cellular function in the intestines due to use of parenteral nutrition intravenously. Therefore, patients with these conditions may not be able to digest sucrose (sugar) fully. Patients might experience abdominal distension/pain, vomiting and diarrhea when sugar is taken in orally or through the g-tube, which can limit patients' ability to increase oral or g-tube feeds in short gut syndrome patients with intestinal failure. In patients with short gut syndrome and intestinal failure, the administration of exogenous sucrase (enzyme) may improve sucrose (sugar) digestion and thus the ability to tolerate more oral or g-tube feeds.

Pharmacokinetics of Apixaban in Patients With Short Bowel Syndrome Requiring Long Term Parenteral...
Short Bowel SyndromeAnticoagulationShort bowel syndrome (SBS) is defined as a loss of function of the small intestine resulting in a malabsorptive disorder. In SBS, oral drug absorption may be altered due to extensive intestinal resection. It remains unclear to what extent apixaban exposure is impacted in SBS.Therefore this study tries to investigate the pharmacokinetics (PK) of apixaban in adult patients with SBS requiring long-term parenteral nutrition (PN).