Return to Baseball After BFR Therapy for Shoulder Injury
Musculoskeletal InjuryThe literature is limited on whether BFR therapy provides improved return to function after acute rotator cuff or biceps rehabilitation in non-operative cases, and whether there is a clear mechanism of action in musculotendinous repair after BFR therapy. The purpose of the study is to 1) evaluate patient reported outcomes and return to play in baseball athletes undergoing rehabilitation with blood flow restriction (BFR) therapy for shoulder injury and 2) evaluate changes in blood biomarkers to assess the mechanism of action of BFR therapy in injured athletes. Investigators will perform a randomized blinded placebo-controlled trial of 2 separate study populations: 1) baseball players with biceps or rotator cuff tendinopathy undergoing non-operative treatment with BFR therapy incorporated into routine physical rehabilitation and 2) baseball players with biceps or rotator cuff tendinopathy undergoing non-operative treatment with routine physical rehabilitation alone. Primary outcomes will be functional outcomes and evaluation of return to sport. Functional outcomes will be evaluated using validated patient reported outcome surveys that are upper extremity-specific. Return to sport will be assessed by evaluating time to receiving clearance for returning to routine practices and reported level of physical performance and re-injury. Secondary outcomes will be measurement in muscle strength and blood biomarkers, as well as evaluation of 3D throwing motion. Strength will be measured using a biodex system at baseline prior to beginning physical rehabilitation, half-way through the rehabilitation protocol +/- BFR phase, and once cleared for return to play. Blood biomarkers GH, IGF-I, and IL-6 will be quantified at the same time points in order to investigate the mechanism of action of BFR on tissue repair. Patients will be followed longitudinally during this time for rates of reinjury.

Stretching the Posterior Capsule of the Shoulder in the Stability and the Throwing Performance in...
Shoulder Injuries and DisordersIntroduction: Handball is a sport with a high prevalence of shoulder injuries due to the overuse that causes a glenohumeral internal rotation deficit, and excess of external rotation and scapular dyskinesia. Stretching is essential to restore physiological movement and improve strength. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of a posterior capsule stretching and strengthening of the shoulder and scapular program in handball players from 18 to 37 years old. Study design: randomized clinical trial, multicenter, single-blind with follow-up period. Methods: 60 handball players will be randomly assigned to the two study groups (experimental and control). The intervention will last 4 weeks, with 3 weekly sessions with a duration of 21 and 12 minutes each. The study variables will be: range of motion in internal and external rotation (goniometer), throwing speed (Ball Throwing Speed Test), functionality (DASH questionnaire), perceived exertion (Borg scale), glenohumeral stability (CKCUEST y YBT-UQ Test) and the throwing force (Overhead Medicine Ball Throw). The intervention will consist in the application of stretching of the posterior shoulder capsule with an exercise protocol. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis will calculate the normality of the distribution. In case of homogeneity of the groups, with the t-student test of repeated measurements and an ANOVA of repeated averages, the difference between the different evaluations and the intra- and inter-subject effect will be calculated. Expected results: Improved range of motion of the shoulder, strength and throwing speed after the intervention.

Effect of Thrower's Ten Exercise Program on Shoulder Flexibility, Stability and Strength in Water...
Shoulder InjuriesContext: Studies have shown that the thrower's ten rehabilitation program is effective in the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries in overhead throwing sports. However its effect on water polo sports is still unknown. Objective: To investigate the effect of thrower's ten (T10) exercise program on shoulder flexibility, stability and strength in water polo athletes. Design: Randomized controlled clinical trial. Setting: Middle East Technical University swimming pool and training facilities. Intervention(s): T10 group were given thrower's ten exercises 3 times per week for 10 weeks, each exercise being 2x10 repetitions. Athletes in the control group were not given any additional exercise to their weekly water polo training. Main Outcome Measure(s): Before and after the exercise, the upper extremity internal and external rotation strength of the athletes was measured with isokinetic dynamometer, the shoulder stability was measured with the closed kinetic chain upper extremity test (CKCUEST), and the shoulder flexibility was measured with the help of the shoulder joint internal and external rotation motion flexibility test. Key Words: Thrower's Ten, Water Polo, Stability, Flexibility, Strength

Effects of a Therapeutic Exercise Program for Injuries Prevention in Wheelchair Basketball (WB)...
Athletic InjuriesShoulder Pain1 moreShoulder pain is the most common symptom of physical dysfunction in wheelchair basketball players. About the 85% of this population had shoulder pain in some moment of their life. Some studies suggest that exercise is an important tool as an element to treat and prevent shoulder injuries. For that reason, an intervention program would be a useful tool for prevent shoulder injuries in this population. The purpose of this study is determine the effects of therapeutic exercise program wheelchair basketball players, in order to prevent shoulder injuries.

Analysis of Sport Specific Adaptations of the Shoulder in Adolescent Elite Handball Players and...
Risk Factors for Shoulder InjuriesShoulder complaints are very common in overhead athletes.The application of kinesiotape that keeps the shoulder in a correct position is used to avoid this. This could enlarge the dynamic size of the subacromial space and thus contribute to prevention of shoulder injuries. 30 young elite handball players will participate in this study.Researchers will perform a number of measurements before and after applying kinesiotape to correct shoulder position: measurement of subacromial space measurement of 3D kinematics of shoulder assessment of shoulder posture Hypothesis of this study is that tape can influence the position of the scapula and is therefore able to change the size of the subacromial space.This results in a more efficient use of shoulder muscles with higher maximal strength as a result and maximizes shoulder mobility.

Shoulder Injury Prevention Program in Swimmers
Shoulder InjuryThe primary purpose of this study is to assess changes in shoulder muscle strength, shoulder movement, shoulder flexibility, muscle thickness, upper arm torsion angle, and subacromial width (space where the rotator cuff muscle passes through) after completing a 6-week shoulder strengthening and stretching program in division I collegiate swimmers. The result of this study may demonstrate the effectiveness of a strengthening and stretching program to positively influence factors that have been associated with pain and injury in division I collegiate swimmers and indicate the need to implement this program for the entire team. Following a 6-week strengthening and stretching program, it is believed that scapular kinematics, shoulder flexibility, and shoulder and scapular stabilizer strength will be improved compared to control subjects.

An Evaluation of Blood Glucose Levels and Insulin Requirement After Subacromial Corticosteroid Injection...
Shoulder InjuryInsulin-dependent DiabeticsThe overall purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of a corticosteroid shoulder injection on glucose levels in insulin-dependent diabetic men and women.

STRIPS: Shoulder Taping Reduces Injury and Pain in Stroke
StrokeShoulder InjuryBackground and Rationale: The most commonly seen disabilities in stroke patients are shoulder injuries such as shoulder pain, glenohumeral subluxation, spasticity of shoulder muscles, soft-tissue trauma, rotator cuff tears, and shoulder-hand syndrome. Taping is widely used in the field of rehabilitation as both means of treatment and prevention of sports related injuries. Scarce information is available regarding the use of shoulder taping in preventing shoulder injuries in stroke patients. Aims: To find out the effectiveness of taping technique with conventional treatment versus sham taping and conventional treatment in prevention of shoulder injuries in patients with acute stroke. Hypothesis: Taping technique with conventional treatment will be superior to conventional treatment alone in preventing shoulder injuries in patients with acute stroke. Methods Research setting: Stroke unit, department of Neurology, Christian Medical College (CMC) Ludhiana, Punjab, India and College of Physiotherapy, CMC Ludhiana. Study design: prospective, randomized, outcome blinded trial (PROBE design). Study period: Prospective for 18 months from May 2009 All stroke patients with upper limb weakness within 48 hours after the ictus and with Brunnstrom's stage of recovery 1 and 2 will be included in the study. Patients will be randomized into two groups using lottery method. The treatment arm group(Group I) include shoulder taping with conventional techniques that is(positioning, handling technique and passive range of motion exercises) and the control arm (Group II) include sham taping with conventional techniques with sham taping. A total of 80 patients in each group will be included. The plastic micropore and elastic adhesive tape will be used for taping the affected shoulder. The sham taping will be done using the same tapes but without stretching the concerned muscles and joints. The tapes will be changed every 3 days and will remain for 14 days. The outcome measures are as follows; Primary: Pain: Visual Analog Scale and Activities of daily living: Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI); Secondary: Range of motion: using a Goniometer. The outcome will be assessed by an independent physiotherapist who will be blinded to the clinical details. Patients will be followed-up at 14 days and 30 days. Statistical analyses will be done using SPSS software version 16.

Plasma Glucose Levels With Dexamethasone as Adjuvant to Interscalene Block
Shoulder PainInjury of Shoulder Region3 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine the Finger Blood Glucose (sugar) when dexamethasone is added to a local anesthetic for a shoulder nerve block procedure. The investigators hypothesize that there is no increase in plasma glucose when 8 mg of dexamethasone is used as an adjuvant with local anesthetic to interscalene regional anesthesia. By performing finger stick blood glucose measures pre/peri and post operatively the investigators will be able to determine if any such increase exists.

Ultrasling Quadrant Versus Bledsoe ARC Shoulder Brace
Shoulder Injuries and DisordersShoulder orthoses are an essential component of both, postoperative care as well as a range of conservative treatment concepts, and thus influence the functional outcome of a wide spectrum of glenohumeral pathologies. Therefore it is important to look at them in greater detail. A new concept, designed by DJO Global in the "Ultrasling Quadrant®" orthosis now immobilizes only the glenohumeral joint, while giving the possibility of elbow movement. It also allows multiple settings concerning the position of the glenohumeral joint like internal rotation as well as neutral or external rotation. It is yet to be seen how these changes will influence the outcome of therapy as well as how they will change the patient's perception of the orthosis and its wearing comfort. Therefore it is planned to be compared to another multifunctional shoulder brace already established on the domestic and international market, the BledsoeARC® brace. The primary objective is to assess if one of the investigated shoulder braces Ultrasling Quadrant® or Bledsoe Arc® is perceived by patients who received shoulder surgery as superior in terms of higher wearing comfort when worn during the post-operative immobilization period.