A Trial to Assess Haploidentical T-depleted Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients With SCD
HbS DiseaseHemoglobin S Disease4 moreHSCT is currently the only curative option for SCD but less than 20% of SCD patients have a MD donor available. So far, all curative approaches beyond a MSD HSCT at young age are non-satisfactory. With the lack of a suitable donor for the vast majority of patients, the major question of this trial is, if a haploidentical αß/CD19+ T-cell depleted HSCT can be a valid alternative to a MSD HSCT. The main challenge in non-malignant diseases is to offer a safe and GvHD-free HSCT without rejection.

CHOICES3: Sickle Cell Disease Parenting CHOICES
Sickle Cell DiseaseSickle Cell TraitThe study will use web-based data collection (SCKnowIQ) and intervention delivery strategies enhanced by nudges and tailored boosters in a sample of 430 adult men and women, aged 18-45 yr with SCD (Sickle Cell Disease) or SCT (Sickle Cell Trait), at-risk, and planning within 2 years to have a child free of SCD.

Effect of Exercise on Biomarkers in SCT
Sickle Cell TraitThis study measures the effect of exercise on a variety of biomarkers in blood and urine selected to evaluate the physiological pathways of hemolysis, myolysis, thrombosis, inflammation, and renal function in subjects with sickle cell trait. These pathways have been shown to be associated with adverse events in athletes and warfighters with SCT upon protracted, repeated, strenuous exertion. Changes in biomarkers post-exercise compared to pre-exercise (and compared to healthy controls) suggest activation of the associated pathway(s) which may contribute to exercise-related events in athletes and warfighters and subclinical complications in non-athletes.

Venous Thrombosis Biomarkers in Sickle Cell Disease and Sickle Cell Trait
Sickle Cell DiseaseVenous Thrombosis3 moreBackground: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) includes the abnormal clotting of blood in a deep vein of the upper or lower limbs (deep vein thrombosis) that may travel to and block a blood vessel in the lung (pulmonary embolism). Some people with sickle cell disease (SCD)-a red blood cell disorder-seem to be at greater risk for developing these blood clots. Researchers want to study the blood of people with SCD and VTE as well as healthy people to develop better treatments to prevent blood clots. Objective: To study blood clotting in SCD because it is the most common cause of vascular death after a heart attack or stroke. Eligibility: People ages 18-80 who have SCD (with or without a history of blood clots) or the trait for SCD, and healthy volunteers Design: Participants will be screened with medical history, physical exam, and medical records review. They will give blood samples. Participants will have phone calls either every 3 months or once a year, for 2 years. They will give updates on their health. They may give additional medical records. The phone calls may last up to 30 minutes. If participants have a VTE or pain crisis episode, they may visit the Clinical Center. These visits may last up to 4 hours. They will repeat the screening tests and give blood samples. Some participants may be invited to take part in blood studies. After 2 years, some participants will have a follow-up visit at the Clinical Center. Participation will last for about 2 years.

Blood Sampling for Research Related to Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle Cell TraitSickle Cell Disease1 moreThis study will collect representative blood samples from healthy children and adults and from children and adults who have unique red blood cell features that are related to sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease is a blood disease that limits the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. The purpose of the study is to collect a variety of blood samples that may then be used to investigate advances and potential new drug treatments for sickle cell disease. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of old. Samples will be taken both from healthy volunteers and from volunteers who have unique red blood cell features that are related to sickle cell disease. Candidates will be screened with a medical history. During the study, participants will undergo a one- to two-hour outpatient procedure at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center. Once researchers have explained the study and obtained the participant s consent, participants will donate 8 cc (approximately 2 teaspoons) of blood. Because repeat testing helps researchers validate study findings, participants who have the unique red blood cell features mentioned above may also be asked if they are willing to return and donate another 2 cc to 8 cc of blood for additional studies. The amount of blood drawn will not exceed 50 ml with any eight-week period for adults or 7 cc within any six-week period for children.

Achieving Understanding of the Natural History of Sickle Cell Trait (AUNT)
Sickle Cell TraitThe main purpose of this study is to create a longitudinal cohort of those with Sickle Cell Trait (SCT) to better understand the hematologic phenotype for those that carry HbS, assess for differences in those with varying quantities of HbS and assess for potential clinical complications of SCT.

Links Between Cognitive Functions and Clinical, Biological and Neuroradiological Outcomes in Adults...
Sickle Cell DiseaseDrepanocytosisSickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited blood disorder. Symptoms include acute and chronic complications. Due to progress in SCD care, patients with SCD are living longer than before and we focus more attention in chronic complications. Children with SCD experience worse cognitive functions than healthy children, and fewer is known about cognitive functions in adults. Studies suggest lower cognitive performance in SCD, mostly in executive functions and processing speed, but the biological and anatomical substrates of cognitive decline are not yet well established in SCD. Often times, cognitive impairments and cerebral disorders are not diagnosed and treated in adults with SCD. The main objective of this study is to propose a deep neuropsychological assessment in adults with SCD and cognitive complaints and to highlight links between cognitive functions and clinical, biological and neuroradiological markers. The hypothesis of this study is that cognitive functions are associated with severity of the SCD, with bood abnormalities, with MRI markers and Transcranial Doppler (TCD) markers of cerebrovascular disease. The secondary objective of this study is to validate a brief cognitive assessment tool (BEARNI tool) in adults with SCD. This study is an observational cross-sectional study that will enroll adults with SCD and cognitive complaint.

Collection and Storage of Umbilical Cord Stem Cells for Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle Cell DiseaseSickle Cell TraitThis study will determine the best ways to collect, process and store umbilical cord blood from babies with sickle cell disease, sickle cell trait and unaffected babies. Sickle cell disease is an abnormality of the hemoglobin in red blood cells that causes the cells to change shape and clump together, preventing their normal flow in the bloodstream. This impairs blood flow to various organs, and the resulting oxygen deprivation causes organ damage. Cord blood is rich in stem cells (cells produced in the bone marrow that mature to different types of blood cells), which may prove useful in new sickle cell therapies. However, cord blood from babies with sickle cell trait, sickle cell disease and normal babies may act differently under laboratory conditions, so it is important to learn how best to work with blood from all three groups of babies for future use in possible treatments. Pregnant women between 18 and 45 years of age who are at risk of having an infant with sickle cell disease and normal volunteers who are pregnant and not at risk for this disease may be eligible for this study. Potential participants will be counseled about donating her infant s blood in order to make an informed choice. All women who participate in the study will provide a medical history and have blood collected from the umbilical cord and placenta (afterbirth) after the baby s delivery. The blood will be tested for various infectious diseases, processed, frozen and stored for research purposes. In addition, blood from women with babies at risk for sickle cell disease will be tested for the presence of the sickle cell gene, tissue typed, and used for research as follows: Sickle cell disease - If cord blood tests show the baby has sickle cell disease, the blood will be frozen for an indefinite period of time for possible use in future treatment of the child. This treatment could include stem cell transplantation or gene therapy, treatments are not currently considered routine for sickle cell disease. Sickle cell trait or normal hemoglobin - If cord blood tests show the baby has sickle cell trait or is unaffected, the blood will be processed and stored for up to 3 years, during which time it may possibly be used to treat a currently living or future sibling with sickle cell disease. After 3 years, the participant may agree to either have the blood discarded, given to research or moved to another facility for continued storage at the participant s expense, if there is a storage fee. Alternatively, if there is no anticipated future need for the collected blood, or if it does not meet standards needed for future treatment, it will be used in NIH-approved research studies. Participants and their family doctor or the baby s pediatrician will be contacted twice a year for information about changes in the baby s health. Participants may also be asked permission to perform new tests developed by researchers.

At-Home Research Study for Patients With Autoimmune, Inflammatory, Genetic, Hematological, Infectious,...
All Diagnosed Health ConditionsADD/ADHD59 moreWe are the missing link in clinical trials, connecting patients and researchers seamlessly and conveniently using a mobile health platform to advance medical research. We make it easy for patients to contribute to research for medical conditions that matter most to them, regardless of their location or ability to travel.

Increasing Documentation and Disclosure of Sickle Cell Trait Status: An Implementation Science Approach...
Sickle Cell TraitThe hemoglobinopathy newborn screen (NBS) performed on all neonates in the U.S. allows for early life-saving medical care for infants with sickle cell disease (SCD), an autosomal recessive genetic disorder. Because of its detection method, the NBS incidentally reveals hemoglobinopathy traits including sickle cell trait (SCT). In an effort to uphold the rights of the newborn to their medical data and preserve autonomy in medical decision making, pediatric and genetic society guidelines recommend disclosure and documentation of SCT results during infancy. Despite this guidance, a large guideline-to-practice gap exists: SCT status is grossly under-documented in the pediatric electronic health record and few adults report knowing their SCT status despite universal screening. We plan to evaluate the effect of a toolkit of SCT Documentation and Disclosure (SCT-DD) strategies on documentation and disclosure of SCT by pediatric primary care providers in a 2-arm randomized interrupted time series trial.