Sleep Quality Evolution: Dreem Under CPAP
Sleep ApneaObstructive Sleep ApneaContinuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) has a caricatural effect in reducing nocturnal respiratory abnormalities and improving the micro-and macrostructure of sleep. Studies characterizing the improvement of acute sleep parameters after the initiation of CPAP are limited to one or two nights of polysomnographic recording. This is related to the cost of performing these studies with repeated recordings in the laboratory and to the acceptability by patients to perform multiple nights of recordings. Investigators currently have powerful and reliable methods allowing us to carry out nights at home in the patient's ecosystem, in real-life conditions. The characterization of sleep parameters by these methods is equivalent to a polysomnographic recording. These technological innovations will allow us to characterize sleep before the initiation of CPAP treatment during several nights performed at home. Investigators will then be able to characterize the kinetics and stability of the improvement of sleep parameters in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in whom continuous positive airway pressure is initiated. These data will be original and will serve as exploratory data to judge whether the objective improvement of sleep parameters in the first weeks of treatment is associated with improvement in sleepiness, quality of life, and compliance with treatment.

CPAP Withdrawal and Glucose Metabolism in OSA With Pre-diabetes
Obstructive Sleep ApneaPre-diabetesThe purpose of the current study is to investigate whether temporary, 2-week, CPAP withdrawal will adversely impact glucose metabolism

Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea Important in the Development of Alzheimer's Disease?
OSASleep Apnea2 moreObstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is common in older adults and has recently been implicated in pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Research has shown that sleep disruptions have caused memory impairment. Sleep apnea is a form of sleep disruption. We would like to examine how obstructive sleep apnea may contribute to the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

Simultaneous Operations on the Thyroid Gland and Hyoid Suspension in Patients With Combined Thyroid...
Obstructive Sleep ApneaObstructive Sleep Apnea-hypopnea1 moreSimultaneous operations on the thyroid gland and hyoid suspension in patients with combined thyroid pathology and moderate to severe OSA.

Prospective Randomized Trial of CPAP for SDB in Patients Who Use Opioids
Sleep Disorder; Breathing-RelatedPain6 morePatients with chronic pain who use opioids appear to be at increased risk for breathing issues during sleep, termed sleep disordered breathing (SDB). Treatment of SDB often consists of use of a device during sleep that provides continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) via a mask interface. The goal of this study is to determine whether patients with chronic pain who use opioids and have SDB might benefit from the use of CPAP in terms of sleep quality, pain, quality of life, and other measures. In addition, the study will examine whether these individuals are able to adhere to CPAP, which will be important for future studies. Lastly, we anticipate that CPAP won't work for everyone due to the changes that opioids can cause in breathing patterns. We will examine how often CPAP is ineffective, and whether we can predict which individuals are least likely to resolve their SDB with CPAP.

Maxillomandibular Advancement in the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
OSAOSAS3 moreABSTRACT OBJECTIVES: To study the correlation between pharyngeal airway volume (PAV), the clinical indicators of obstructive sleep apnea (AHI, ESS), and the impact of orthognathic surgery on them. METHODS: A prospective, descriptive, unicentric study carried out by a multidisciplinary team to evaluate the following parameters in patients undergoing orthognathic surgery at Maxillofacial institute Teknon medical center. During the study period: Record of the type, magnitude and direction of surgical movements of the maxillofacial complex made during the surgery (Day 0-Month 1). Assessment of PAS/PAV stability (relapse) at short term (1 month). 3D PAV assessment by cranial voxel-based superimposition protocol before and one month and 12 months after orthognathic surgery. Household polysomnography (PSG) registry/ apnea-hypopnea index (Day 0, Month 1 and Month 12). (AHI evaluation bu neurophysiologist) Assessment of the clinical indicators of obstructive sleep apnea at day 0, month 1 and month 12:, blood pressure (mm Hg) , and daytime hypersomnia test (Epworth sleepiness scale, ESS) (Day 0, Month 1 and Month 12). Record of body mass index (BMI) (cm/Kg2) Main Objective: • Evaluate the impact of orthognathic surgery (bimaxillary or monomaxillary) and its movements on the PAV and the clinical indicators of OSA. Specific objectives: • Interrelate the degree of dentofacial deformity with the IAH. Study the potential correlation between the volume of the VAS and the IAH. Correlate the type, direction and magnitude of the surgical movements of the maxillofacial complex with PAV/PAS increase Correlate the type, direction and magnitude of the surgical movements of the maxillofacial complex with the cure of OSA (household PSG AHI assessment) and the following clinical indicators of OSA: diurnal hypersomnia test (ESD, ESS). Evaluate negative effects of either maxillary or mandibular surgical movements in PAS/PAV increase and the cures of OSA. Evaluate negative effects of either maxillary or mandibular surgical movements in the improvement of the clinical symptoms and the cure of OSA. To study the possible effect of surgical complications on PAS/PAV stability at long term and the clinical symptoms of OSA. Demonstrate that maxillomandibular surgery is a defined, predictable and a definitive cure for OSA. Demonstrate that skeletal, linear, and cross-sectional volume parameters remain stable at long-term. Demonstrate that AHI and OSA-related parameters stay stable at long term after mono- or bimaxillary surgery. Hypothesis H1a: Maxillomandibular advancement (orthognathic surgery) does correlate with the volume of the upper airway, at both short or long term. H2a: Maxillomandibular advancement (orthognathic surgery) does correlate with the clinical indicators of obstructive sleep apnea, at both short or long term.

Magnetic Apnea Prevention(MAGNAP) Device to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea:First-In-Human Study of...
Obstructive Sleep ApneaThe purpose of this study is to determine the safety and feasibility of the Magnap magnetic device in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

A Study of Retatrutide (LY3437943) in Participants Who Have Obesity or Overweight
ObesityOverweight3 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of retatrutide in participants who have obesity or overweight (J1I-MC-GZBJ master protocol) including subsets of participants who have knee osteoarthritis (OA) (J1I-MC-GOA1) or who have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (J1I-MC-GSA1). This study will last about 89 weeks and will include up to 24 visits.

Medications for Obstructive Sleep Apnea to Improve Cognition in Children With Down Syndrome
Obstructive Sleep ApneaDown SyndromeThis is an open-label study of the combination of atomoxetine and oxybutynin (ato-oxy) in children with Down syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) documented by polysomnography (PSG). Participants will receive ato-oxy for 6 months. Ato-oxy dose will be 5 mg oxybutynin and 0.5mg/kg/day (max 40 mg) atomoxetine. Dosing of the study treatment will occur approximately 30 minutes prior to bedtime. Participants who withdraw from the study will not be replaced. Study participants will undergo eligibility screening that will include an initial screening to determine whether non- PSG enrollment criteria are met, followed by a 1 night in-lab PSG and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and cognitive assessment for participants who qualify based on non-PSG criteria. For participants who are eligible and enroll in the study, the screening PSG night will serve as the baseline measure for apnea hypopnea index (AHI) and other PSG endpoints. On the final night of dosing for ato-oxy participants will return for inpatient PSG and health-related quality of life assessment and cognitive assessment. The primary efficacy endpoint is the change in obstructive AHI from baseline.

Use of the ExVent Accessory With the O2Vent Optima Oral Appliance for the Treatment of Obstructive...
Sleep ApneaObstructive1 moreThe ExVent is an optional accessory to the O2Vent Optima MAD and provides oral Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure (EPAP). Oral EPAP with the ExVent is designed to provide upper airway support via similar mechanisms of action of nasal EPAP devices in commercial distribution, e.g., passive dilatation of the airway, which reduces flow limitation. Nasal EPAP devices are in commercial distribution as stand-alone therapies for the treatment of OSA. The oral EPAP provided by the ExVent accessory is designed to augment the OSA therapy provided by the O2Vent Optima.