A Clinical Study of Theta Burst Stimulation (cTBS) in the Treatment of Insomnia Disorder Targeting...
Insomnia DisorderInsomnia disorder (ID) is a significant public health problem worldwide, with nearly a third of the general population experiencing insomnia symptoms in their lifetime. Therefore, finding a safe, effective, and easy-to-use non-pharmacological method for treating ID is urgent. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has been used to varying degrees in many neurological and psychiatric diseases and has broad application prospects for treating ID.θ-burst stimulation is characterized by cluster stimulation.Continuous stimulation (cTBS) mainly has inhibitory effects on the cortex. The inhibition of motor-evoked potentials can last for 60 minutes, which is longer-lasting, has a lower stimulation intensity, and is shorter in duration than traditional rTMS. There are no reports on clinical studies of cTBS treatment for ID. So far, sleep research has mainly focused on the interconnections between the neocortex and subcortical structures, while cerebellar activity has been largely overlooked.The mechanism of rTMS treatment for insomnia with the cerebellum as the target is unclear. This study proposes to apply cTBS mode to the cerebellar dentate nucleus for rTMS treatment in patients with ID to explore its effectiveness and safety in improving insomnia disorder.

App-delivered Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Among Patients With Musculoskeletal Complaints...
InsomniaPain1 moreThe aim of this randomized clinical trial is to evaluate the effectiveness of app-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia adjunct to inpatient multimodal rehabilitation for individuals with comorbid insomnia and chronic pain, compared with rehabilitation (usual care) only.

Forehead Temperature-Regulating Therapy for Insomnia in Adults With Tourette's Disorder
Tourette's DisorderInsomniaThe primary aim of the present research project is to investigate the preliminary effects of four weeks of forehead temperature-regulating therapy on insomnia in adults with Tourette's disorder and co-occurring insomnia disorder. This project will also examine the effects of the device on depression, anxiety, and daytime sleepiness, and explore its effects on tic severity.

Sleep Restriction Treatment for Insomnia
InsomniaWith a prevalence of about 10% chronic insomnia is a common problem. The standard treatment for insomnia is cognitive behavioral therapy. According to many, the core element within this treatment is sleep restriction. This element has been examined separately in a couple of studies and also appears to be effective in isolation. In the current study the aim is to get more information about the effectiveness of this core element of the treatment. For this reason, a randomized study is conducted to compare sleep restriction with a diary control condition. The second aim in this study is to determine mechanisms behind treatments. Network intervention analysis will be used to determine which specific symptoms are associated with therapy success. This is the reason that throughout the study weekly and daily measures will be conducted. The expectations are that: Participants in the sleep restriction condition will improve more on insomnia complaints than the sleep diary control condition (primary outcome) Participants in the sleep restriction condition will improve more on sleep diary outcomes and other secondary outcomes compared to the sleep diary control condition (secondary outcome)

Effectiveness of Internet-based Self-help Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Reducing Insomnia Among...
InsomniaThis experimental study aims to develop an internet-based self-help cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia that reduces insomnia symptoms and its associated adverse outcomes among people with sub-threshold insomnia symptoms. In particular, this study compares the efficacy of internet-delivered self-help CBT-I with the wait-list control group, in treating insomnia in a non-clinical population. The online CBT-I course will consist of an introductory module, followed by 6 weekly modules. Each module will consist of the main treatment component presented in written or video format, quiz, and homework. Materials will be presented in an interactive manner to facilitate engagement.

Brief Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia(BBTi) in Middle-aged and Older Adults With Chronic Insomnia...
Chronic InsomniaOlder Adults1 moreThis study aims to investigate whether a four-week BBTi program can effectively improve chronic insomnia and reduce overall stress in middle-aged and elderly individuals.

Digital Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Spanish Speaking Latinas/os (Dormir Mejor Study)...
InsomniaThe primary objective of the proposed study is to examine the effectiveness of a culturally adapted digital program of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) compared to minimally enhanced usual care (mEUC) on primary outcomes: reduction in insomnia symptoms at 9 weeks and 6 months post-intervention, using a standard scale among Spanish-Speaking Latina/o adults with chronic insomnia.

A Preliminary Study of Model-driven Individualized Transcranial Electrical Stimulation for Insomnia...
InsomniaThis study is designed to evaluate the efficacy and to explore the best individualized stimulus paradigm of transcranial Electrical Stimulation for insomnia patients.

Feasibility of Internet Group CBT-I for Gyn Oncology Patients
InsomniaThe goal of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of delivering cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) to gynecologic cancer patients in an internet-based small-group setting. Secondary objectives: To compare insomnia symptoms before and after intervention. To evaluate any changes in quality of life symptoms while undergoing the intervention. To evaluate the duration of symptoms improvement after the intervention is complete.

Sleep, Pain and Quality of Life in Chronic Pain Patients
Chronic PainInsomniaThe interventional study will have two main aims. First, to compare two interventions aiming to improve sleep in chronic pain patients. And secondly, to study the associations of sleep, mood, chronic pain and quality of life. Half of participants will go through iCBT intervention for insomnia and the other half will receive sleep hygiene education. Additionally, the study will gather information which patients will benefit/will not benefit the tertiary pain clinic treatment when the outcome variable is the Health-related Quality of Life (HrQoL).