Treating Chronic Insomnia in Breast Cancer Patients
Chronic InsomniaThis study is being conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of ramelteon 8mgs in the treatment of insomnia in patients that have completed their first chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer.

Elderly Primary Insomnia Polysomnographic Study (0928-002)(TERMINATED)
Primary InsomniaThe purpose of the study is to test the safety and effectiveness of an Investigational Drug on insomnia in the elderly.

Sleep Well 24 (SWELL24) Healthy Sleep-Wake Behaviors in Older Adults
Insomnia DisorderTo finalize daytime intervention components for a comprehensive sleep-wake intervention for frail older adults and explore feasibility and acceptability using a pilot trial.

Adult Polysomnography Primary Insomnia Cross Over Study (0928-049)(TERMINATED)
Primary InsomniaThe purpose of this study is determine whether this drug will improve your insomnia in terms of decreasing your time to fall asleep and allowing you to stay asleep longer. The drug will be compared against placebo in order to determine if there's a difference.

Time to Remission of Depressive Symptoms With Combined SSRI and Ramelteon
Major Depressive DisorderInsomniaHypothesis I: Patients in the SSRI + ramelteon treatment group will achieve remission (defined as an IDS-C30 score of 11 or less) more quickly than those in the SSRI + placebo group.

Modafinil Treatment for Sleep/Wake Disturbances in Older Adults
InsomniaSleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders1 moreModafinil, trade named Provigil, is a medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome, and shift work sleep disorder. Each of these problems is characterized by difficulty sleeping at night and excessive daytime sleepiness. Modafinil is prescribed during the day to counteract this sleepiness. The idea behind this treatment is that sleepiness that leads to napping during the day prevents a patient from being tired or sleepy enough to get good sleep at night. This study is designed to determine if the medication can "reset" participants' sleep/wake rhythm to a more normal rhythm.

Solving Insomnia Electronically: Sleep Treatment for Asthma
AsthmaInsomniaInsomnia is commonly reported by adults with asthma. Insomnia can worsen asthma patients' quality of life and increase the risk for asthma attacks.This clinical trial will compare sleep and asthma control in adults with asthma and insomnia who receive either an internet-based intervention for insomnia or an educational video about insomnia.

Efficacy and Safety Study of Adipiplon, Placebo and an Active Control in Primary Insomniacs
Primary InsomniaThis will be a multi-center, randomized, blinded, comparative, placebo-controlled, 4 arm crossover study in patients with primary insomnia.

Prospective Study Evaluating the Use of PROSPECT to Reduce Insomnia in Patients With Early Stage...
Breast CancerInsomniaWomen with early stage breast cancer may experience difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. If this occurs for more than 4 weeks, these participants may have chronic insomnia. Chronic insomnia can lead to difficulty coping with stress, changes in mood, increased use of medications for sleep and an overall decrease in quality of life. The investigators have developed an internet-based website that is designed to help people manage symptoms typically experienced by breast cancer survivors, including insomnia, fatigue, pain and overall poor quality of life. The investigators want to learn whether this type of treatment can reduce chronic insomnia and improve the way subjects feel using both questionnaires and a special form of a wrist watch. This information may help the investigators better manage sleep difficulties in subjects who experience these symptoms after diagnosis of their breast cancer.

Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Sleep Disturbances...
Sickle Cell DiseaseSickle Cell Anemia5 moreResearch Type: Clinical Trial Background: People with sickle cell disease (SCD) have many health challenges. Also, they often have trouble sleeping. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) might help people with SCD to improve their sleep problems. Objective: To see how well ACT works in people with SCD and sleep problems and to find out how they feel about it. Eligibility: People between the ages of 18 and 55 with SCD and trouble sleeping. Design: The study is remote. Participants will not have to come to the NIH at all. They will need a device that has Bluetooth and can connect to the internet. Some participants will be in the study for 12 weeks. Others will participate for 20 weeks. Participants will video chat with an ACT coach once a week for 8 weeks. The coach will guide participants through mindfulness exercises and teach ACT ideas. Each session lasts about 45 minutes. Participants will be loaned an actigraph, a device worn on the wrist like a watch that measures and records movement. They will download a free app to upload data from the actigraph for the researchers. Participants will wear the actigraph on their nondominant wrist day and night for either 4 or 6 designated weeks. During these weeks, participants will complete a sleep diary each morning when they wake up. This takes about 2 minutes. Participants will be sent other surveys to complete from home during the study. They will answer questions about their physical and emotional health. These take 20-25 minutes. The last survey will be 4 weeks after participants finish the ACT treatment. They will answer questions about how helpful they thought ACT was and how easy or hard it was to wear the actigraph.