Modified Atkins Diet Versus Topiramate In Children With Epileptic Spasms Refractory To Hormonal...
Epileptic SpasmsFailed Hormonal TherapyThis study has been planned to compare the efficacy and tolerability of topiramate, a commonly used second line agent, with modified Atkins diet in children with epileptic spasms refractory to hormonal treatment, in a randomized open label study.

TJ-68 Clinical Trial in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Muscle Cramps
Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisMuscle CrampThe primary objective of the study is to demonstrate the safety and potential efficacy of TJ-68 for improving muscle cramps in participants with ALS based on a two-site, randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind multi-period crossover (N-of-1) study design.

Vigabatrin With High Dose Prednisolone Combination Therapy vs Vigabatrin Alone for Infantile Spasm...
Infantile SpasmWest SyndromeInfantile spasms (IS) are seizures associated with a severe infantile epileptic encephalopathy. Both cessation of spasms and electrographic response are necessary for the best neurodevelopmental outcomes. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), or prednisolone, or vigabatrin are considered the first-line treatment individually. However, ACTH expense and availability are the barriers in developing countries including Thailand. Vigabatrin, therefore, is the first recommended by Epilepsy Society of Thailand due to ACTH unavailability. Recently, combined steroid treatments (either ACTH or high dose prednisolone) with vigabatrin are superior in cessation of spasms compared to steroid treatment alone. Thus, this study is aimed to compare the efficacy of vigabatrin with high dose prednisolone combination therapy and vigabatrin alone.

Study of Orphenadrine' in the Treatment of Muscle Cramps in Patients With Cirrhosis
Liver CirrhosisMuscle CrampsMuscle cramps are common in patients with liver disease and associated with significantly diminished quality of life. Patients with cirrhosis often experience muscle cramps with varied frequency and severity. The exact mechanisms by which they occur remain unclear, although a number of pathophysiological events unique to liver disease may contribute. Clinical studies have identified alterations in 3 areas: nerve function, energy metabolism, and plasma volume/electrolytes (1) Orphenadrine is an anticholinergic drug with prominent central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral actions used to treat painful muscle spasms and other similar conditions. The combination of anticholinergic effects and CNS penetration make orphenadrine useful for pain of all etiologies, including from: radiculopathy, muscles, and headaches. [3,4]

Effect of Vitamin K2 in the Treatment of Nocturnal Leg Cramps in Older Population
Nocturnal Leg CrampsNocturnal leg cramps (NLCs) are sudden contractions of the leg muscles, usually in the posterior calf muscles at night, affecting sleep quality. Because the precise pathophysiology of NCLs is unclear, different interventions have been proposed. There is conflicting evidence regarding the efficacy of conventional interventions in preventing cramps. Thus, the present study aims to investigate the effects of vitamin K2 for NLCs in a prospective randomized, double-blind, controlled trial.

A Study of Magnesium and Bladder Spasms Following Ambulatory Urologic Procedures
Bladder SpasmsThis research is being done to find out whether intravenous magnesium is effective in the treatment of bladder spasms after urologic surgery.

The Efficacy of Papaverine to Prevent Radial Artery Spasm During Transradial Cerebral Angiography...
Radial Artery SpasmRationale:Papaverine is effective on radial artery spasm during transradial cerebral angiography. Purpose: This multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind, phase 2b trial aims to investigate the effect and safety of papaverine in treating radial artery spasm during transradial cerebral angiography.

Decreasing Parental Stress of Caregivers of Infants With Infantile Spasms by Using Telemedicine...
Infantile SpasmsNon-IntractableThis study plans to learn more about how the use of new telemedicine technology can help with parental stress, costs, and overall satisfaction in care. Investigators are studying this in families who have children with a specific seizure type called infantile spasms and being treated with a medication called ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone). Infantile spasms is a rare epileptic encephalopathy that occurs within the first two years of life. It is associated with complicated and expensive treatment and poor developmental outcomes. Participants will be randomly placed in one of two groups. The first group will continue with the traditional monitoring practices primarily performed by their pediatrician. The second group will use telemedicine technology to be monitored. Investigators will then compare the two groups to see if there are any differences in parental stress, costs of care, and/or overall satisfaction with care. The primary hypothesis is that compared to those utilizing usual monitoring, parents/caregivers of infants with IS treated with ACTH utilizing nurse-led remote biometric monitoring will report less parenting stress at 2 and 4 weeks of treatment.

Tricaprilin Infantile Spasms Pilot Study
Infantile SpasmThe purpose of this study is to assess the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of tricaprilin in subjects with infantile spasms. This is a single-arm, open-label, pilot study in up to 10 subjects with infantile spasms. Upon completion of the main phase, subjects who exhibit improvement in seizure control and who tolerate the compound will be offered continued use of the IMP until benefit-risk ratio is no longer favourable, in a one-year open-label extension phase, available to Australian participants only.

Effect of Kinesio Tape Application and Stretching Exercises on Calf Cramps During Pregnancy
Calf Cramps During PregnancyThe aim of this study is to investigate the effect of kinesio-tape application and stretching exercise on calf muscle cramp during pregnancy