Impact of Exercise Intervention for Patients With Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Fatty LiverNAFLDIn Taiwan, with the westernization of eating habit and lifestyle, metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) have become very important health issues. This project will therefore study the histological and clinical data of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and explore the impact of exercise intervention on the hepatic fatty infiltration of the patients. The research strategy will include (1) combining modern artificial big data collection technology to fully monitor the daily life, sleep and exercise patterns of the participants; (2) improving fatty liver and metabolic syndrome through trial-based exercise intervention; and (3) exploring the changes of sleep patterns and intestinal microflora in patients with metabolic liver disease after exercise intervention.

Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of the Cost/Effectiveness Ratio of Physical Exercise on Non-alcoholic...
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseasePhysical inactivity and poor dietary habits are associated with an increased risk of obesity and chronic disease (World Health Organization, 2019; Glanz and Bishop, 2010). Conversely, higher levels of total physical activity result in a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, breast and colon cancer, and diabetes (Kyu et al., 2016). Similarly, consumption of the minimum recommended level (600 g per day) of fruit and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer (Ezzati et al., 2004). However, despite these recognized benefits, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity are still major contributors to poor health and rising health care costs. Worldwide, physical inactivity accounted for 13.4 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in 2013 and cost $53.8 billion to health systems and an additional $13.7 billion in productivity due to deaths attributable to physical inactivity (Ding et al., 2016). Pharmacoeconomics, or the economic evaluation of treatments aimed at maintaining the health of the population, is a set of evaluation models used to identify the value (convenience) and the overall economic impact of a possible treatment. The results of economic evaluations help decision makers inform their choice. Their advantage is that the result is obtained by applying known and validated models, and everyone can know the basis of the decision (evidence-based decision making). The clinical-economic value and the overall financial impact must be compared with the willingness to pay the related costs. Economic evaluations are a tool for defining the value of a medicine in terms of cost-opportunity, from the point of view of the patient, the NHS and society as a whole. The definition of "value" is very broad, multidimensional and includes concepts from many disciplines, beyond economics. Specifically, economic evaluations that take into consideration new medicines, innovative or not, the value is given by the marginal utility that the patient, the NHS and/or society can obtain from its acquisition. In this regard, the measurement of years of life gained in full quality of life (QALY - quality-adjusted life years) is widely applied to medicines in various regulatory contexts, albeit with the awareness that it is not able to capture all the elements that contribute to value (Carletto, A et al.; Drummond, M. F)

Genetic Pathways Leading to Fatty Liver and Atherogenic Dyslipidemia
Non-alcoholic Fatty LiverAtherogenic Dyslipidemia1 moreThe aims of the study are: To investigate if carriers of apolipoprotein (apo) CIII loss-of-function (LOF) mutations produce less apo-CIII that results in reduction of large very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) particle secretion as compared to non-carriers of these variants and compare the results with carriers of apo-CIII gain-of-function (GOF) to elucidate the role of apo-CIII in hepatic lipid metabolism. To study if carriers of the TM6SF2 E167K and PNLPLA3 I148M mutations produce less large VLDL particles to transport fat out of the liver as compared to non-carriers. To test whether the specific mutations in the apo-CIII, TM6SF2 and PNLPLA3 genes are reflected in changes of liver de novo lipogenesis (DNL), liver fat, Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR), plasma lipid and apolipoprotein kinetics and fasting concentrations in carriers of the TM6SF2 E167K and PNLPLA3 I148M mutations as compared to non-carriers. To study the effects of APOE, angiopoietin (ANGPTL3 and ANGPTL8) or endothelial lipase (LIPG) genotypes on liver fat metabolism, lipid and apolipoprotein metabolism and lipid phenotypes.

Cognitive Assessment and Brain Function Evaluation in Patients With Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease...
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseCognitive ImpairmentThe purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cognitive impairment and evaluate the effect of metabolic surgery or lifestyle intervention on cognition.

Canagliflozin on Liver Inflammation Damage in Type 2 Diabetes Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver...
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus With ComplicationType 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is always accompanied with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).This prospective, randomized controlled intervention study was designed to reveal the potential clinical application and underlying mechanisms of canagliflozin in the treatment of type 2 diabetes combined with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Low-Calorie Diet in People With Prediabetes/Metabolic Syndrome
ObesityNAFLD3 moreSignificant weight reduction, achieved by low-calorie diet (LCD), will mobilise ectopic fat (visceral and particularly liver fat), improving insulin sensitivity and other metabolic syndrome components, with secondary beneficial effects on cardiac structure and function. This CALIBRATE study (metabolic, multi-organ and effects of low-calorie diet in younger obese patients with pre-diabetes) will compare the effects of a safe and effective 12-month weight management intervention, initially using a low-calorie, liquid replacement diet for 12 weeks, anticipating at least 10% reduction in body weight. The investigators will examine how much the weight loss improves the metabolic abnormalities that precede type 2 diabetes (T2D), and in reversing the pre-clinical/subtle clinical abnormalities of the liver and heart that precede liver and cardiovascular disease (CVD). This study will compare the effects of a safe and effective 12-month weight management intervention, initially using a low-calorie, liquid replacement diet for 12 weeks, followed by a weight maintenance phase. The investigators will examine how much the weight loss improves the metabolic and neuropathic abnormalities that precede and accompany type 2 diabetes (T2D), and in reversing the pre-clinical/subtle clinical abnormalities of the liver and heart that precede liver and cardiovascular disease. In an additional optional sub-study, the investigators will additionally assess how the weight loss impacts upon appetite regulation within the brain with functional MRI (fMRI).

A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Aramchol in Subjects With NASH (ARMOR)
Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)An Open-Label Part is added: This part will enroll in selected sites which are less affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 150 subjects with NASH and fibrosis confirmed by liver histology (F1-F3) will be randomized into 3 groups according to the post-baseline biopsy. The objective of the Open-Label Part is: To evaluate the safety and PK of twice daily administration (BID) of Aramchol 300mg in subjects with NASH and liver fibrosis. To explore the kinetics of histological outcome measures and Non-Invasive Tests (NITs) associated with NASH and fibrosis for the treatment duration of 24, 48 and 72 weeks. All patients will be allocated to Aramchol. Double Blind Part: This part is double blind, placebo controlled randomized in subjects with NASH and fibrosis stages 2-3 who are overweight or obese and have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. The primary objectives of this part of the study are to evaluate the effect of Aramchol as compared to placebo on NASH resolution, fibrosis improvement and clinical outcomes related to progression of liver disease. Subjects will be randomized to receive Aramchol 300mg BID or matching placebo in a 2:1 randomization ratio.

Smart Watch Insights for Prevention of Exacerbations and Enhance Rehabilitation - Movement Study...
Cardiovascular DiseasesNon-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease2 moreAims of the study: To deliver a scalable wellbeing programme to the local population of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, focusing on movement. To describe the natural history of long-term conditions using digital data from a smartwatch. To identify digital information that is routinely collected by a smart watch that can be used to predict outcomes in patients with long term conditions. To identify factors that determine whether participants engage with and improve in a movement programme. Adult patients who are registered to the Imperial NHS Care Information Exchange (CIE), an NHS patient-facing electronic health record, are eligible to participate in the study. Participants will receive a smart watch for self-monitoring of their movement and wellbeing and be asked to wear the device as much as possible. They will be asked to download a smartphone application called Connected Life, which displays movement and information on heart rate, breathing and oxygen levels to both the participant and the research team (digital data). Participants will receive secure login details for the Connected Life application from the research team, to ensure data privacy. The research team will look at participants' health records, and attempt to identify associations between the digital data and clinical information. This will allow the research team to identify digital data that predicts the onset and natural history of long term conditions, which may potentially allow for earlier diagnosis for future patients. The primary outcome of the study is the identification of trends in movement based on step-count data recorded by the smartwatch.

THE FRENCH NATIONAL NAFLD COHORT (FRench pAtients With MEtabolic Steatosis)
NAFLDNASH3 moreThe main objective of this cohort study is to determine genetic, clinical biologic and metabolic factors associated with patient heterogeneity in regards to severity of NAFLD at diagnosis as well as during the clinical course. at diagnosis, with the aim to better characterize patients of different severity and improve our understanding of clinical and histological heterogeneity at diagnosis during the clinical course to better understand and predict disease progression in terms notably of fibrosis progression and progression to cirrhosis

Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of Metadoxine as a Therapy for Patients With Non-alcoholic...
Non-alcoholic SteatohepatitisThe aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of metadoxine as a therapy for patients with biopsy-proven non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.