Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice Base on Patient Specific Physiology
PreDiabetesInsulin Resistance8 moreIt is well known that the Type 2 diabetes and vascular disease are preceded by over ten years by metabolic dysfunction and anatomic changes that can be quantified. In order to develop effective preventive strategies and reduce the cost burden to the health care system, recognition of the earliest pathophysiology of Type 2 diabetes and vascular disease is clinically relevant. The interval retrospective evaluation of data from patient records, reflect the effectiveness of the various treatments implemented in clinical practice. Prevalence of "prediabetes" among American adults is estimated to be ~84 million, or one out of three Americans. Over a 5-7 year period approximately one third of these prediabetic individuals will progress to type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes is a heterogenous group comprised of individuals with impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and increased A1c (5.7-6.4%). Although different pathophysiologies are present in individuals with IFG and IGT, their conversion rate to overt type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is similar. Insulin resistance is a common causal feature of many of the pathophysiologic mechanisms linking macrovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Because hyperglycemia is the major factor responsible for the development of microvascular complications, it logically follows that prevention of progression of prediabetes to overt diabetes should retard/prevent the development of the microvascular complications. From the measurement of plasma glucose, insulin, and c-peptide levels during the oral glucose tolerance test, one can derive measures of the two core defects responsible for the development of T2DM, i.e. insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction as well as the degree of dysglycemia. By combining a standard medical evaluation with the evaluation of cardiovascular biomarkers, patients at intermediate risk of vascular disease can be identified. In these patients, carotid intima media thickness (IMT) and carotid plaque evaluation is offered to attempt to clarify risk. The hypothesis of this observational study is that the characterization of the physiology and anatomy of patients at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease can stratify risk of developing disease and direct treatment strategies tailored to the identified physiologic defect, leading to improvements in the delay or prevention of disease.

Fibrosis Reduction in Non Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
NASH With FibrosisWeight Loss1 moreBackground: Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) represents one of the stages of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) with a very high risk to evolve in cirrhosis and hepato-carcinoma. Currently, the only diagnostic method is a liver biopsy that remains the gold standard for characterizing liver histologic alterations and fibrosis stages. There is no specific treatment for NASH, in fact no drugs are currently licensed specifically for treating this disease. Aim: Our aim is to conduct a non-inferiority, randomized-controlled trial (RCT) comparing Roux-en-Y Gastric bypass (RYGB) with an intensive lifestyle modification plan (Very low-calorie diet, VLCD) for the reduction of advanced stages of fibrosis in subjects with obesity and NASH after 25% weight loss.

Quantification of Hepatic Steatosis With Different Ultrasound Frequency
Fatty LiverFatty Liver2 moreThe objective of this study is: (1) to compare the feasibility (technical successes rate and reliability) in measuring attenuation coefficient between two different frequencies (3MHz, 4MHz) of ultrasound beam; (2) to evaluate and compare the diagnostic performance of attenuation coefficient for steatosis using two different frequencies (3MHz, 4MHz) of ultrasound beam by comparison with the pathologic results acquired by liver biopsy or surgery.

Comparison Between the Efficacy of Residential and Ambulatory Weight Loss Programs for Pediatric...
Pediatric Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseNon-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become the most prevalent chronic liver disease worldwide, paralleling the obesity pandemic. Secondary to increasing rates of obesity in children and adolescents, the prevalence of NAFLD has more than doubled in the last decades and is now the most common pediatric liver disease. At present, lifestyle modification by dietary intervention and increasing physical activity is the mainstay of treatment for pediatric NAFLD. Several studies have shown that lifestyle intervention and weight loss improve non-invasive markers of NAFLD. To the investigator's knowledge, data on fibrosis regression following lifestyle treatment in children and adolescents were lacking. The investigators therefore performed a prospective cohort study to investigate the impact of residential lifestyle treatment on liver steatosis and fibrosis in obese children and adolescents. As a follow-up, the investigators now aim to compare these findings with a cohort of well-characterized patients undergoing multidisciplinary, yet ambulatory, weight loss treatment. As such, the investigators will compare the outcomes in two prospective patient cohorts in this non-randomized observational study.

Liver Fat Content and Bariatric Surgery
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseBariatric Surgery1 moreOn the basis of previous research, this subject intends to evaluate the liver improvement of patients with liver disease after weight loss by MRI, and quantify it by extracting features, so as to provide a new method to judge the liver status of patients with liver disease, and to evaluate the correlation between the inflammatory status of patients and the quantitative features of MRI, and try to explain the reasons for the improvement of fatty liver status of patients with liver disease after weight loss. To provide a new theoretical basis for fatty liver and systemic inflammatory liver damage in patients with liver disease after weight loss surgery, and to link them, and try to explain the improvement of fatty liver in patients with liver disease through the reduction of systemic inflammatory level.

Longitudinal Observational Study Of Chinese With NAFLD/NASH
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)This is a 10-year, longitudinal, observational study of patients with NAFLD/NASH designed to specifically address important clinical questions that remain incompletely answered from registration trials. In addition to the study database, the biospecimen repository will also be included so that translational studies of genomics and biomarkers of response may be performed.

Fatty Liver Patient Registry
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseThe purpose of the Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) registry is to collect demographic and clinical data on patients being treated for NAFLD and to determine the factors affecting the progression of the disease as well as the success of different treatment strategies.

China Health Big Data
OsteoporosisObesity1 moreIn this nationwide multi center study the investigators combine the low dose chest CT scan data with QCT technology, to measure the BMD of spine, VAT and liver fat in the health check subjects. The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of QCT in the health check field, and further to evaluate the prevalence of osteoporosis, obesity and liver steatosis in health check population across China.

Hepatic Mitochondrial Function in Youth
Hepatic SteatosisBariatric Surgery Candidate2 moreAssess the impact of bariatric surgery on hepatic energy metabolism and glucose and insulin dynamics in obese youth

Prevalence of NAFLD and Correlation With Its Main Risk Factors Among Egyptian
NAFLDInsulin Resistance1 moreGetting a rough indicator about the prevalence of different grade of severity of NAFLD (NASH & liver fibrosis), and Correlate the severity of fatty liver with different serological risk factors of metabolic syndrome and diseases progression as well as the prevalence of hepatocellular carcinoma related to NAFLD with the use of ; nutritional assessment designed and conducted by the investigators in this research, simple blood test (lipid profile and blood sugar), and easy cheap non-invasive radiological tool as screening to predict NASH.