Prevalence of Metabolic Liver Diseases in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseGlycogen Hepatopathy2 moreNonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has been extensively studied in the context of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) due to its higher prevalence and its association with obesity and syndrome metabolic, a well-established risk factor for NAFLD. Although several studies have reported the accumulation of liver fat in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D), the prevalence, etiology, and the consequences of NAFLD in patients with T1D are poorly characterized, requiring more studies in this field. In addition, liver involvement at the metabolic level in patients with T1D raises the differential diagnosis between NAFLD and glycogen hepatopathy (GH), a rare complication associated with the poorly metabolic control of diabetes and probably underdiagnosed, since the ultrasound pattern is the same than the NAFLD. The investigators have designed a cross-sectional observational study with the objective of describing the prevalence of metabolic liver diseases (NAFLD and GH) in the population of patients with T1D in the healthcare area of Hospital del Mar and Hospital de Vilafranca, as well as studying the relationship of these pathologies with the degree of metabolic control, the presence of metabolic syndrome and the presence of micro and macrovascular complications.

Characterization of the Platelet Inflammatory Response in NAFL and NASH
NASH - Nonalcoholic SteatohepatitisNAFLDThe primary objective of the study is to identify which features of platelet activation promote the inflammatory response that underlies the progression from NAFL to NASH. Therefore, the investigators plan: To characterize and compare the platelet inflammatory phenotype in NAFL vs NASH patients To study if and how the signaling pathways controlled by ITAM/ITIM-coupled receptors is dysregulated in NAFL vs NASH As a secondary objective the investigators will analyze platelet activation and inflammatory response in a subset of NAFL and NASH patients after 2, 4 and 6 hours from consumption of a high fat meal to test if and how the platelet inflammatory phenotype is promoted by post-prandial plasma lipids.

Fatty Liver Disease in Nordic Countries
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseA prospective cohort study, which aims to systematically evaluate biomarkers and potential targets in NAFLD and NASH.

LITMUS Imaging Study
NAFLDNASH4 moreThe LITMUS Imaging Study is a prospectively recruited, observational study of patients with histologically characterised non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). It aims to evaluate the diagnostic performance of imaging biomarkers (ultrasound elastography and magnetic resonance biomarkers) against NAFLD histological scores in a cross-sectional analysis and the natural history of NAFLD in a longitudinal study.

An Observational Study Evaluating Patients With Chronic Liver Diseases Associated With Hepatic Steatosis...
Chronic Liver DiseaseHepatic steatosis may cause inflammation and fibrosis within the liver potentially leading to end-stage liver disease cirrhosis, liver failure and death. The condition is associated with several other chronic liver diseases like autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cholangitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, hereditary hemochromatosis and alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency and may also develop secondary to other diseases like inflammatory bowel disease and chronic pancreatitis. Diagnosing chronic liver diseases can be challenging and treatment may be limited. In-depth phenotyping at a tissue level may generate insight into the underlying pathophysiology of diseases and furthermore identify common as well as specific diagnostic biomarkers and future treatment targets of the diseases. We therefore undertake a study that evaluates patients with chronic liver diseases associated with hepatic steatosis.

Dose-response Association Between hsCAR and MAFLD: A Cross-sectional Study
Metabolic Dysfunction-associated Fatty Liver DiseaseHepatic Steatosis1 moreThe goal of this observational study is to investigate the associations between a novel inflammatory marker, high sensitivity C-reactiveprotein to albumin ratio (hsCAR), and steatosis and fibrosis of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD). The main question[s] it aims to answer are: [question 1] Can hsCAR serve as a clinical indicator to determine whether a patient has MAFD? [question 2] Can hsCAR determine whether MAFLD patients are complicated with liver fibrosis?

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in a Saudi Cohort With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseType 2 Diabetes MellitusThe global rise in the prevalence of obesity paved the way for the increased prevalence of yet another obesity-related complication significant enough to be considered within the roster of major public health threats: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). In this follow-up study, the investigators will attempt to decipher the natural history of hepatic steatosis among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) using state-of-the-art methods in a well-characterized Saudi cohort. The investigators aim also to validate existing biomarkers of disease severity and explore the pathogenesis of progressive disease using metabolic profiling technologies. A total of 1000 adult Saudi patients (males and females) with T2DM will be recruited. Those with co-morbidities, including hepatic decompensation, will be excluded. Participants will be followed three times for a total of 10 years/patient (Year 2, Year 5, and Year 10), and measures such as dietary evaluations, anthropometrics, and urine, stool, and blood examinations will be performed. Patients who develop NAFLD will be noted, and patterns/changes in the metabolic profile will be examined. For this specific grant (the first 2 years of the whole project), the investigators will be able to recruit the study cohort, do the baseline anthropometric, imaging, and biochemical measurements, and report the prevalence of NAFLD among patients with T2DM. This information will be the basis of subsequent follow-up and allow for validating potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. This project will be of high importance at the national level since it will create awareness in the local medical community of the current severity status of NAFLD in the kingdom and will be used as a tool to promote public health awareness in the community.

Comparison of Hepatus and FibroScan for Evaluation of Fibrosis and Steatosis
Chronic Hepatitis bNon-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseTotals of 400 chronic hepatitis B or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients with or without cirrhosis will be enrolled. Patients' clinical characteristics, including alanine aminotransferase, aspartic aminotransferase, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, triglyceride and total cholesterol, hepatitis B surface antigen, steatosis, and liver stiffness measurement will be collected. The consistence of liver fibrosis and steatosis assessment between Hepatus and FibroScan will be evaluated in this study.

Liver Cirrhosis Diagnosis Prioritizing Algorithm Based on Electronic Health Records.
NAFLD - Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseFibrosis3 moreThe investigators use machine learning capabilities on massive electronic health records for the purpose of developing a model that prioritizes individuals at high risk of progressing to liver cirrhosis, and validating it with participants that the model found to be at high risk. constructing and validating a reliable model, with sufficient accuracy to justify further and expensive means of detection, will enable treating patients with damaged liver at an early enough stage to allow improvement of the liver condition.

Risk Factors for Hepatic Inflammation, Fibrosis and Prognosis in Patients With CHB and NAFLD
Chronic Hepatitis bNon-alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseChronic hepatitis B (CHB) affects an estimated 292 million people, and causes approximately 800,000 people deaths per year from liver-related complications including cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, remaining a major global public health issue.Meanwhile, with the improvement of living standards and changes in lifestyle and dietary habits, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become another important cause of liver cirrhosis and HCC.HBV combined with NAFLD inevitably develops into continuous or intermittent liver inflammation and fibrosis, which greatly increases the risk of cirrhosis, liver cancer and even end-stage liver disease. We aimed to investigate the risk factors and establish diagnostic models for hepatic inflammation, fibrosis in patients with CHB associated NAFLD. In addition, to find risk factors for liver cirrhosis, liver cancer or liver failure in patients with CHB-related NAFLD.