Comparison of Clinical Outcomes in Fresh Cycle With Single Blastocyst Stage and Double Cleavage-stage...
InfertilityFemaleIn traditional assisted reproductive technology (ART), choosing multiple embryo transfer to get a high clinical pregnancy rate while increasing the risk of multiple pregnancies. Research showed that the single-cleavage embryo transfer could not simultaneously meet the dual requirements of maintaining pregnancy rate and reducing the multiple pregnancy rate.The purpose of this study was to observe the clinical outcome between double cleavage embryo transfers and single blastocyst transfers in fresh cycle through RCT study with GnRH antagonist protocol.

PRogrammed Versus Modified Natural Cycle After Euploid Failed Embryo Transfer
InfertilityFemaleThe goal of this randomized clinical trial is to compare frozen embryo transfer protocols in patients undergoing a second frozen embryo transfer (FET) after a unsuccessful first programmed FET cycle as a possible treatment for people undergoing infertility treatment. The purpose of this research study is to: Determine if there is a difference between FET protocols in patients who require a second FET cycle. Investigate if switching the FET protocol after a failed programmed cycle is beneficial for patients undergoing a second FET cycle. Examine pregnancy outcomes including obstetrical and neonatal outcomes (if applicable) Obtain uterine flexibility/stiffness measurements via transvaginal ultrasound prior to the embryo transfer procedure. This is called shear wave elastography. Participants will be randomized in their second FET transfer attempt to either another programmed protocol or a modified natural protocol.

Surgery and ART For Endometrioma
Ovarian EndometriomaInfertility1 moreEndometriosis is an estrogen-dependent chronic disease, characterized by the presence of endometrial-like tissue, glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity. Although endometriosis is classified in four stage (minimal, mild, moderate, severe), from the clinical point of view it is possible to subdivide among peritoneal superficial lesions, ovarian endometriomas and Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis (DIE). According to the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) Guideline on the management of women with endometriosis, it is recommended to clinicians that in infertile women with endometrioma larger than 3 cm, cystectomy should be considered prior to Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) to improve endometriosis-associated pain or the accessibility of follicles. They further recommend that clinicians counsel women with endometrioma regarding the risks of reduced ovarian function after surgery, the possible loss of the ovary, and consider that the decision to proceed with surgery should be taken carefully if the woman has had previous ovarian surgery. In addition, this Guideline suggests that clinicians can prescribe prolonged (3-6 months) pituitary downregulation with Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone-agonists (GnRH-a) prior to ART, in order to increase live birth rate by four-fold. Despite these recommendations, to date there is not robust evidence to choose between the two strategies prior to ART in order to improve reproductive outcomes. For this reason, the aim of the current study will be to compare reproductive outcomes in infertile women affected by ovarian endometrioma, undergoing laparoscopic enucleation or prolonged pituitary downregulation with GnRH-a, prior to ART.

Feasibility Study of the AblaCare System in Transvaginal Ablation of Ovarian Tissue Under ULTRAsound...
Polycystic Ovary SyndromeInfertility1 moreThe objective of the study is to provide preliminary evidence for the safety and effectiveness of the AblaCare System in transvaginal ablation of ovarian tissue under ultrasound visualization in women with infertility due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who have not responded to first-line ovulation induction treatment or are contraindicated for or decline such treatment.

The Effect of the Mind/Body Program for Fertility, Hungarian Version, on Well-Being and Assisted...
InfertilityFemaleInvoluntary childlessness is an emotionally stressful experience; however, psychosocial counseling is typically not available in Hungarian routine fertility care. The aim of this randomized controlled trial (RCT) is to examine the effectiveness of a Mind/Body psychological fertility intervention for women in reproductive treatment. We hypothesize that participants of the Mind/Body Program for Fertility, Hungarian version, will have more favorable psychological well-being, ART outcome results than participants of the Fertility Support Groups.

Youth Outlook on Life Opportunities Study
ChildbearingDelayed4 moreSingapore's fertility rate is currently below 1.2, raising concerns about population ageing and long-term sustainability. The fertility decline is characterized by falling birth rates among women in their 20s with almost no recuperation among women in their 30s. This project explores a) whether informational imperfections help to account for high intended ages at childbearing in Singapore, b) whether informational interventions significantly affect ideal and expected ages at marriage and childbearing, and expected probability of undergoing social egg freezing, and c) whether informational interventions significantly affect expected and actual educational outcomes and labor market outcomes. Our hypotheses are: University students have knowledge gaps about age-related onset of infertility, assisted reproductive technologies and local policy initiatives related to age at marriage and childbearing, especially among male students. Being exposed to accurate information in these domains leads to significantly lower ideal/expected ages at marriage and childbearing, and higher expected probability of undergoing social egg freezing, immediately after the intervention. Being exposed to accurate information in these domains does not lead to lower educational and labor market expectations immediately after the intervention among either male or female students, or to significant differences in module choices, Cumulative Average Point (CAP), starting salary and employment status of university students in the following academic semester and six months after graduation, among either male or female students.

Extended Culture of Day 3 to Day 5 Frozen Thawed Day 3 Embryos Versus Day 5 Frozen-Thawed Embryos...
Female InfertilityCryopreservation of embryos and oocytes has become routine in assisted reproduction technology (ART). Live birth rates following frozen embryo transfers have increased significantly. Data show that cryopreservation has significant improved survival rates and cumulative pregnancy rates, as well as the safety of ART . Embryo cryopreservation has become a cornerstone in ART. With improved vitrification techniques. Frozen embryos transfer (FET) shows equal or even higher implantation and pregnancy rates than do fresh embryo transfers ART Previous studies show equal or even superior outcomes regarding pregnancy and live birth rates with frozen versus fresh embryo transfer Cryopreserve all embryos have increased substantially in recent years, and according to the recent trend of a freeze-all strategy. This study aims to answer a clinical question encountered in daily practice regarding at what stage embryos should be frozen.

The Effect of Web Based Education on the Level of Coping With Infertility Stress and Infertility...
InfertilityFemale2 moreIn the study, it is aimed to reduce the infertility stress level of women undergoing infertility treatment, to increase the level of coping with infertility stress, to increase infertility self-efficacy, to evaluate the usability of web-based education in the field of infertility, to increase the effectiveness and quality of education by integrating web-based education into the nursing care process, and continuous traceability, to prevention of possible wrong treatment process management in the field of infertility, to prevention of possible loss of cycles and to prevention the material and moral couple from being adversely affected by this process. Method: The study was planned to be carried out between 20.01.2022 and 01.06.2023 with women between the ages of 23-39 who applied to Düzce University Health Practice and Research Center, Infertility Polyclinic. In the research, the Solomon four-group design sample design consisting of two experimental and two control groups will be used. The study planned to consist of a total of 132 patients, 33 patients in each group, taking into account possible data losses. By design, all of the pre-test and post-test measurement tools will be applied to the first experimental and control group, and only the post-test measurement tools will be applied to the second experimental and control group. Randomization will be applied in determining the experimental and control groups. The data will be collected using Personal Information Form (Appendix-1), Infertility Stress Scale (ISS) (Appendix 2), Coping with the Infertility Stress Scale (CISS) (Appendix-3), and Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale - Short Form (ISE-SF) (Appendix 4). Research data will be collected in approximately day 24 to 27 days for each patient from the initiation of Controlled Ovarian Stimulation (COS) treatment to pregnancy determination of patients planned for intrauterine insemination (IUI) treatment. Web-based training is 60 minutes in total, including 4 modules. The web-based training content includes general information about fertility, infertility diagnosis-treatment methods, drugs used in IUI treatment and its application, and issues to be considered after IUI.

The Difference Between POSEIDON Group 3 and Group 4 as Regards IVF
InfertilityFemale1 moreprospective observational study over POSEIDON group 3 and POSEIDON group 4 with antagonist protocol for clinical pregnancy rate outcomes

Epidemiology of Sexually Transmitted Infections and Its iMpAcT on fEmale Infertility
Sexually Transmitted InfectionA longitudinal study to investigate the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among young women and determine the role of the female genital tract microbiome in fertility