Does DHEA IVF Outcomes in Poor Responders?
InfertilityFemale1 moreThis study is a RCT to examine whether DHEA is capable of improving results for poor responders to ovarian stimulation during IVF treatment

The Impact of Body Mass Index in the Endometrial Microbiome in IVF Treatments
InfertilityFemaleThis study is a prospective trial with 90 patients suffering from the male type infertility. Patients are divided in two groups (45 patients per group) on the grounds of body mass index (BMI). .

Baseline and First Trimester Uterine Artery Doppler Velocimetry to Predict Poor Obstetric Outcomes...
InfertilityFemaleThe researchers aim to determine how baseline (preconceptional) and first-trimester uterine artery Doppler measurements affect obstetric complications in women undergoing high-quality blastocyst transfer and to determine the correlation between the two Doppler measurements.

Sex or no Sex: That is the Question.
InfertilityFemale1 moreThis study aims to evaluate the impact of sexual intercourse and orgasm in the 72 hrs following embryo transfer of blastocysts on the clinical pregnancy rate. An impact on sexual activity and a decrease in the frequency of intercourse has been observed in infertile couples. In couples who undergo assisted reproductive technology (ART), sexual relations have an additional component that can condition them, such as the fear of influencing the outcome of the cycle. The usual practice in ART cycles has evolved towards a preference for blastocyst-stage embryo transfer, both in fresh in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles and in frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles. The investigators consider it important to elucidate whether coital intercourse after embryo transfer (ET) has an impact on the clinical pregnancy rate after the transfer of blastocyst-stage embryos.

PROspective Study of Mothers' and Infants' Social and Epidemiologic Determinants of Health
InfertilityFemaleThe goal of the PROMISE study is to determine how pre-conception lifestyle factors (e.g., sleep, nutrition, physical activity) affect short- and long-term reproductive outcomes.

Uterine Junctional Zone and Its Relation to Adverse Obstetrical Outcomes in Assisted Reproductive...
InfertilityFemaleThe junctional zone (JZ) is an internal layer of the myometrium, with unique characteristics that allow its visualization as a hypoechogenic structure in three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound. While there is a growing realization that the origins of major obstetrical complications associated with defective deep placentation, such as pre-term labour, fetal growth restriction and pre-eclampsia, may lie in the very early pregnancy events, the underlying mechanisms are not understood.

Junctional Zone and Its Relation to Outcomes in Assisted Reproductive Technology
InfertilityFemaleThe junctional zone (JZ) is an internal layer of the myometrium, with unique characteristics that allow its visualization as a hypoechogenic structure in three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound. Although traditionally evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging, 3D reconstruction offers an opportunity for reliable and easily accessible assessment. The only study that evaluated the thickness of the JZ in 3D ultrasound in the context of assisted reproductive technology (ART) found that the smaller the thickness of the JZ, the greater the rate of embryonic implantation. This project aims to evaluate the relationship between the characteristics of the ZJ in 3D ultrasound, and the clinical outcomes of ART treatments, namely in vitro fertilization cycles, intracytoplasmic sperm injection and frozen embryo transfer (FET). Additionally, the intra and inter-observer variability of the characteristics of the JZ will be determined. In a prospective and observational study with the inclusion of 200 cases, a 3D ultrasound will be performed on the day on which the final oocyte maturation is triggered or, on FET, on the day prior to the administration of progesterone. The images will be evaluated independently by two observers. The principal investigator will evaluate the images in two stages. After the quality of visualization of the JZ is classified, its thickness will be measured and described as regular, irregular or interrupted. The volume of the ZJ will be obtained by subtracting the endometrial volume from the volume of the junctional zone and the endometrium. These characteristics will be related to the clinical outcomes of each cycle: clinical pregnancy rate and abortion rate.

Characterizing Follicles From Auto-transplanted Ovarian Tissue
InfertilityFemaleThe aim of the project is to characterize the hormonal conditions in egg follicles in women who, prior to fertility treatment, have had autotransplanted frozen ovarian tissue for the purpose of fertility preservation.

Looking for a Blood Epigenetic Signature to Predict Female Infertility
Female InfertilityThe present research project aims to study the DNAm mechanisms underlying the reduction of fertility due to the progressive depletion of oocyte quality. Specifically, our project aims to build an epigenetic clock for MGCs by using outcomes that are certainly related to female fertility. The validation of such findings will be carried out on peripheral blood in order to guarantee its non-invasiveness and allow for any clinical transferability. In order to identify a blood epigenetic signature able to predict female infertility, we planned to explore the problem from different points of view by conducting several studies in different settings.

The Effects of Acetyl L--Carnitine and Myo/Chiro-Inositol on Improving Ovulation, Pregnancy Rate,...
InfertilityFemale1 moreThe large number of women in their child bearing age is affected by Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) leading to infertility. However it is considered as a multisystem disorder with comorbidities rather than a gynecological and a dermatological problem. Patient mostly have anovulation presented as oligomennorhea or amenorrhea and hyperandrogenism presented as hirsutism along with hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance. The presence of multiple cysts in the ovaries is not essential for diagnosis. Many etiological factors are reported but those actually responsible for PCOS in females still need to be explored. However hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance being the key triggering condition apart from cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and obesity. Nearly 100 million women are effected with this disease worldwide. World Health Organization (WHO) has considered Infertilty as public health problem. it was the objective of UN conference 2015 to provide access and quality reproductive health services to all individuals. About 50 to 80% women having PCOS are obese. Researchers reported the obesity role in occurrence of PCOS and its Infertilty relation . Poly cystic ovary syndrome is not a simple pathophysiologic process for which one treatment address all manifestation. Treatment should target specific manifestations and individualized patient goals. When choosing a treatment regimen, physicians must take into account comorbidities and the patient's desire for pregnancy. First-line agents for ovulation induction and treatment of infertility in patients with PCOS include metformin and clomiphene alone or in combination. It has been approved as category "A "to regulate ovulation and improves pregnancy rates in women with PCOS . Mostly it result in complication like multiple follicle recruitment rate, multiple pregnancy and thining of endometrial wall leading to early abortion and endometrial cancers.The use of naturally occurring compounds like myoinositol, D-chiro- inositol and L- carnitine which are already part of human body are expected to produce significant results without any side effects . The proposed study will provide an alternative to current treatments available for infertility due to PCOS. The expected project execution time is 1 years. Thus, the present project will discover new insights about treatment of infertilty and thus generate new knowledge which will help Academia, scientists and health care professionals. Moreover, the proposed project involves, "the formulation of new drugs" which can be patent and may benefit Pharmaceutical industry of Pakistan as well. Results of the study will be disseminated on different forums including to policy makers , Pharmaceutical, national and international agencies. The result will be published in journal both national and international with good impact factors. The outcome of the project will be used as publication in high impact international journals, filling of patents and will also be presented in national and international forums.