
Active clinical trials for "Infertility, Female"

Results 121-130 of 439
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Improved Fertility After Exercise in Overweight/Obese Women

ObesityInfertility1 more

Overweight/obesity is associated with sub-fertility. The investigators will assess if regular exercise training prior to assisted fertilization will improve pregnancy rate in overweight/obese women referred to assisted fertilization. It is expected that training will be successful in increasing pregnancy rate

Terminated4 enrollment criteria

Automated Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSIA)


The purpose of this research study is to evaluate Overture's automated Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSIA) System. ICSIA is an investigational medical device that automates injection of sperm into eggs. This study will evaluate survival and fertilization rates of oocytes handled via ICSIA and compare to survival and fertilization rates of oocytes which are manually injected with sperm.

Active2 enrollment criteria

Effects of Fasting on Success Rates of Assisted Reproductive Techologies

Sub FertilityFemale4 more

This exploratory study investigates fasting as a potential supportive therapy for infertility treatment in women undergoing in-vitro-fertilization (IVF) / intracystoplamsatic sperm injection (ICSI)

Terminated12 enrollment criteria

How Secreted-embryo-derived Trypsin Initiates, Maintains and Terminates Ca2+ Signals in Uterine...

InfertilityInfertility2 more

To develop a deeper understanding of endometrial-embryo crosstalk through basic research, uncover therapeutic targets and to improve reproductive outcome.

Active13 enrollment criteria

Use of IMSI in Poor Responders to IVF

Female Infertility

This is a pilot study which aims to determine the role of IMSI in poor responders.

Terminated8 enrollment criteria

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Infertility : ACESI

InfertilityFemale5 more

Adverse childhood experiences can have powerful effects on health and quality of life in adulthood. Thus, having a history of childhood trauma, before the age of 18 (physical aggression, sexual abuse, death of a close person, etc.) significantly increases the risk of having cancer, cardiovascular disease, psychological damage , or earlier mortality. Validated scores allow the evaluation of the importance of adverse childhood experiences, in particular the ACE score (adverse childhood experiences) published by Felitti. Studies on the subject show a dose-response relationship between exposure to adverse childhood experiences and negative outcomes in terms of health and well-being. The physiopathological tracks to explain the occurrence of somatic pathologies in adulthood include the observation of a state of hyper-activation of the HPA axis that persists in adulthood; modulations of immunity, but also epigenetic modifications. Some data are available on the associations between childhood trauma and obstetric risks, with a significant increase in the risk of preterm delivery and fetal death in utero. Primary objective : 1a) To study the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) in women consulting for the first time in an PMA service for the desire to become pregnant, and 1b) To study the association between adverse childhood experiences and infertility in adulthood, by comparing infertile women with nulliparous control women in the general population consulting for their classic gynecological follow-up.

Not yet recruiting4 enrollment criteria

Optimal Timing of Euploid Day 6 Blastocyst Transfer in Frozen HRT Cycles, Day 6 or Day 7 of Progesterone...

InfertilityFertility Issues2 more

The goal of this study is to compare the difference in clinical pregnancy, miscarriage and livebirth rate between day 6 euploid blastocyst transfer on the 6th and the 7th day of progesterone exposure in Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT) FET cycles. This prospective & randomized study will only include euploid day 6 blastocysts. This will be the first prospective study of euploid day 6 blastocysts thereby excluding aneuploidy as a cause of miscarriage and implantation failure. The point of randomization will occur on the day of progesterone commencement.

Not yet recruiting10 enrollment criteria

Amlodipine on Blood Flow of Preovulatory Follicle in Polycystic Ovarian Patients

Female Infertility Associated With Anovulation

On the basis of the current study, amlodipine seems to be a promising drug on improving uterine, ovarian blood flow, size of pre-ovulatory follicle, midluteal progesterone level and pregnancy outcome in patients with pco.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Micronutrient Supplementation in PCO-syndrome

Polycystic Ovary SyndromeInfertility2 more

The role of micronutrients in fertility has recently gained increased attention. In women who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and infertility, we aim to test the impact of a standardized, multinutrient supplementation on the course of PCOS-specific parameters namely anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), testosterone, and androstenedione. A total of 60 infertile women with PCOS, previously untreated, will be randomized to receive either a combined standardized multinutrient supplementation (containing folic acid, selenium, vitamin E, catechins, glycyrrhizin, coenzyme Q10 and omega-3-fatty acids; study group) or folic acid alone (control group) in a double-blinded, randomized manner. These study medications will be provided for 3 months and pre- to posttreatment levels of AMH, testosterone, and AMH will be analysed. The study will be performed at the Clinical Division of Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine of the Medical University of Vienna.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Deferred Versus Fresh Embryo Transfers


Controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) enhances the efficacy of ART (Assisted reproductive technology) by permitting multiple-oocyte yields, but also alters endometrial receptivity (ER) by an advancement of endometrial development which contributes to diminished pregnancy chances. Previous reports suggest that pregnancy rates are increased following deferred frozen embryo transfers. In addition as compared to fresh embryo transfers, frozen embryo transfers seem to be associated with less affected perinatal outcomes, in particular lower risk of preterm birth, small for gestational age and caesarean section. Unfortunately, most of the current evidence is based only on preliminary reports, needing further scientific evidence. Thus, whether differing embryo transfers could restore optimal ER leading to higher live birth rate (LBR) and better obstetrical outcomes as compared to fresh embryo transfers, is actually still under investigation.

Completed25 enrollment criteria

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