Ibuprofen Versus Ketorolac for Pain Relief During Hysterosalpingogram
InfertilityFemaleHysterosalpingogram (HSG) testing is a vital part of the workup for infertility patients. It is often noted to be biggest pain that patients undergo during the workup. Several studies have attempted to find a therapy that reduces pain, with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as oral ibuprofen the current mainstay. Our study attempts to determine which of the following NSAIDS is best at reducing pain associated with the HSG procedure: oral ibuprofen versus oral ketorolac .

The Effect of a Mindset Management Approach on Stress Levels in Women With Infertility
StressInfertility1 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to test the effect of a mindset management intervention on stress levels in women with infertility. The main question it aims to answer is: Can the Organic Conceptions approach decrease stress levels in women with infertility? Participants in both groups will be asked to complete three surveys at three time points. The intervention group will complete the Organic Conceptions program, while the control group will not complete an intervention. Researchers will compare the intervention group and control group to see if the Organic Conceptions mindset management program decreases stress levels in women with infertility.

Comparison of Live Birth Rate in Natural Cycle Single Euploid FET Versus Without Luteal Phase Support...
Pregnancy RelatedInfertility1 moreTo evaluate whether single euploid embryo transfer in NC without routinely administered LPS is non-inferior to NC with routinely administered LPS.

Use of a Subcutaneous Catheter for Controlled Ovarian Stimulation
InfertilityFemaleSubcutaneous medications are an integral part of controlled ovarian stimulation protocols for in-vitro fertilization (IVF), but daily or twice daily injections are both physically and emotionally burdensome for patients and their partners. This is a feasibility study to evaluate the use of the Neria Guard™ (Unomedical, Convatec) subcutaneous catheter for ovarian stimulation in IVF.

Transformatıonal Learnıng Theory on Infertılıty and Stigma in Infertılıty Women
InfertilityFemale2 moreThis study will be conducted to evaluate the effect of the education program created according to the transformational learning theory on women being affected by infertility and feeling stigmatized due to infertility. The research is a single center parallel group simple randomized controlled trial. The sample consisted of 52 participants in total. determined to be formed. Diagnosed with infertility, literate, 18 years of age and older, no communication disability, and Women who volunteer to participate will be included in the study. Personal Information Form, Infertility Affected Scale and Infertility Stigma (Stigma) Scale will be used to collect data. Groups of 3-10 people were formed for the women in the experimental group. A training program consisting of four modules will be implemented once a week. Data analysis in SPSS 22.0 package program will be.

Developmental Epidemiological Study of Children Born Through Reproductive Technology
InfertilityInfertility6 moreDESCRT will be a long-term study that both looks back in time, at successful pregnancies, and forward in time at early pregnancy and long-term as these children grow. Currently, there are limited data on the long-term effects of infertility and infertility treatments on children. There are some studies to suggest that these children may have altered metabolic profiles, but this study aims to be the largest study to answer this question.

IMSI in Couples With Previous Implantation Failures
Male InfertilityFemale InfertilityThere is a lack of clarity regarding the justification to instruct the couple to shift from intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI). In this study, we aim at evaluating the efficacy of IMSI in couples with previous implantation failure with ICSI.

Time-lapse Monitoring of Early Embryo Development After Ovarian Stimulation During Infertility Treatment...
InfertilityFemaleThe number of children conceived by assisted reproductive technology is increasing in Nordic countries as well as worldwide. An important factor of success in treatment of infertility is a short "time to pregnancy" with impact on both economical aspects for the society and medical and psychological aspects for the couple. During treatment, success relies on 1) optimal stimulation of growth and maturation of multiple follicles by administration of exogenous follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and 2) selection of the fertilized egg / embryo with the highest potential of implantation to be transferred to the mother. In the present project stimulation of egg production by human urine derived FSH (Fostimon®) and recombinant FSH (Puregon®) will be compared. To this end early embryo development and kinetics after fertilization will be evaluated. The system to be used is time-lapse recording of embryo morphology during the first days of embryo development by means of an embryoscope. Aim of this study is to investigate if Puregon and urinary Fostimon have different effect on embryo quality. The hypothesis of the study is that stimulation of egg production by these two types of follicle stimulating hormone does not have the same effect on early embryo quality.

Effect of Colony Stimulating Factor on Poor Endometrial Development During IVF
InfertilityFemaleThe purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of G-CSF on endometrial thickness in women who have failed reaching minimal endometrial thickness by standard treatments, to assess how many reach embryo transfer and what implantation and pregnancy rates are in comparison to control patients. The study will be conducted in women undergoing transfer of previously cryopreserved embryos or undergoing transfer of embryos from donor eggs.

Esmya Versus Surgery Before IVF/ICSI
Fibroid; Uterus TumorComplicating Pregnancy4 moreStudying the possible outcome differences between surgery or medical treatment with ulipristalacetate (UPA) solely before 'in-vitro fertilisation/intracytoplasmic sperm injection' (IVF/ICSI) treatment in infertile couples.