Treatment With the Anti-IgE Monoclonal Antibody Omalizumab in Women With Asthma Undergoing Fertility...
AsthmaInfertility1 moreThe investigators have previously confirmed a clinical hunch that women with asthma have difficulties in becoming pregnant. The investigators found increased time to pregnancy (TTP) in women with asthma compared to non-asthmatic women (55 vs 33 months, p<0.001), furthermore, women with asthma had less successful pregnancies following fertility treatment (39.6 vs 60.4%, p=0.002). Treatment with omalizumab stabilizes the eosinophilic disease, through the systemic and most likely the anti-inflammatory pathways, which indicate a promising possibility to increase pregnancy rate. In a small real-life study in 2017, 5 patients with eosinophilic asthma who underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF), were treated with omalizumab prior to embryo transplantation; three out of the five women became pregnant. Lastly, the two remaining patients had several treatments with omalizumab, but did not become pregnant. This real-life study calls for further investigation. By targeting systemic inflammation with omalizumab treatment the aim is to increase asthma control before and during pregnancy. A treatment strategy aiming at improving overall inflammatory control may increase fertility, but also reduce well known maternal and perinatal adverse pregnancy outcomes such as pregnancy loss, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, low-birth weight, small for gestational age (SGA), preterm delivery. Study design: A randomized control trial with omalizumab and placebo, stratified for blood eosinophil count, is therefore needed. A randomized, double blinded, parallel group, study to evaluate the difference between omalizumab (O) and placebo (P) on pregnancy rate in patients with atopic asthma.Treatment schedule: After collection of material (blood samples, sputum, secretion of the vagina, secretion of the rectum, microbiota) 6th day (±1 day) of the menstrual cycle, the patients will be randomized in either the omalizumab group or the placebo group. No collection of material will be done at the time of enrollment, as this will be on different time of the female cycles. The treatment is initiated with one injection with weight and serum-immunglobulin E balanced omalizumab or one injection placebo. After omalizumab treatment at ovulation it will again be collected material (blood samples, sputum, secretion of the vagina, secretion of the rectum, secretion of the uterus, microbiota). If no pregnancy has occurred after first IVF cycle, this will be repeated for 3 consecutive IVF cycles in total or until pregnancy has occurred. Outcome: The primary out-come is efficacy of omalizumab, compared to placebo, in increasing pregnancy rate in females with asthma. Secondary out-comes are changes in the inflammation in lungs/systemic/uterus, change in microbiota in the uterus and lungs, pregnancy loss, asthma control and biomarkers in the blood/lungs/uterus.

Autologous PRP Intra Ovarian Infusion to Restore Ovarian Function in Menopausal Women
InfertilityFemale3 moreAutologous PRP intra ovarian infusion may restore ovarian function, may promote folliculogenesis and may improve hormonal profile of women in menopause.

Efficacy and Safety of Gushen Antai Pill on Ongoing Pregnancy Rate in Women With Normal Ovarian...
InfertilityFemaleThe purpose of this study is to investigate whether oral Gushen Antai pills supplementation for luteal phase support will improve ongoing pregnancy rate in women with normal ovarian reserve in fresh embryo transfer cycles.

Acupuncture in the Freeze-all IVF Cycle
AcupunctureFemale InfertilityIn the early stage, our team found that Acupuncture intervention in freeze-all IVF cycles can improve the clinical pregnancy rate. In order to further study the role of Acupuncture in improving the pregnancy outcome of IVF-ET in infertility. A randomized controlled clinical trial will be used in this study. 90 infertile patients are randomly divided into two groups. The control group will be treated with conventional modern medicine, and the treatment group will be treated with Acupuncture on the basis of conventional modern medicine. The intervention starts from the 5th day of the menstrual cycle and lasts to the day before IVF-ET. The number of oocytes, antral follicles, AMH, serum FSH, and clinical pregnancy rate will be observed to evaluate the effect of Acupuncture on the improvement of pregnancy outcome. In addition, all of the participants will be asked to complete the self-evaluation of the anxiety/depression scale on the 7th day of the menstrual cycle, before and after transplantation, to analyze the emotional changes of the subjects during the study. We observe the safety and health economic indicators of Acupuncture treatment, so as to improve the overall efficacy of TCM Combined Application in assisted reproductive technology in the future.

Physical Activity and Fertility Care Study
InfertilityFemaleRandomized control trial to determine if performing the US Health and Human Services recommended amount of weekly physical activity during ovarian stimulation will differentially affect mental health or clinical outcomes of individuals who are usually active, insufficiently active, or inactive in their everyday lives. The goal overall is to assess for safety and value of physical activity during fertility treatment.

What is the Best Moment for Performing an HSG in Women With a Unfulfilled Childwish
Female InfertilityThe aim of this study is to determine whether direct tubal flushing with oil-based contrast at HSG incorporated in the fertility work-up results in 10% more ongoing pregnancies and a shorter time to pregnancy, which will therefore be effective and cost-effective compared to delayed tubal flushing 6 months after fertility work-up is completed in women at low risk for tubal pathology.

Ovarian PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Injection for Follicular Activation
Premature Ovarian InsufficiencyInfertility4 moreThe primary objective is to investigate the efficacy, defined as an increase in oocyte numbers upon ovarian stimulation, and safety of a single intra-ovarian PRP injection vs. saline solution (NaCl) injection (Placebo) transvaginally or laparoscopically for follicular activation in patients with child wish and with low ovarian reserve/expected poor ovarian response planning to undergo IVF or ICSI using own eggs. Pain score as numerical rating score and validated quality of life questionnaire will be requested after the procedure. Longterm follow-up of all participants will be performed 1, 2 and 5 years after end of study.

Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma Intraovarian Infusion for Poor Responders
Poor Response to Ovulation InductionInfertility5 moreAutologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) intraovarian infusion may improve ovarian response to controlled ovarian stimulation as well as the hormonal profile of poor ovarian response infertile women subjected to intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment.

Testing a New Self-help Intervention for Infertility Related Distress: a Pilot Study
InfertilityFemaleThis pilot study will test the effect of a 6-week self-help program in improving fertility-related quality of life as well as anxious and depressive symptoms, in women with infertility.

Randomized Trial Comparing Early "Trigger" Versus Delayed "Trigger" Timing in Cycles of Controlled...
InfertilityFemaleThis randomized trial will compare the efficacy of two different times of administration of medications for final oocyte maturation, commonly called a "trigger", in cycles of controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) for cycles in which all embryos will be cryopreserved ("freeze-all cycles").