Transdermal Lidocaine for Pain Control During Hysterosalpingography
InfertilityFemalethe study aims to investigate the effectiveness of Transdermal lidocaine patch for Pain Control During Hysterosalpingography

Benefit of Follicular Flushing During Oocyte Retrieval for Poor Responder Patient in an Assisted...
InfertilityFemale1 moreThe object of this study is to determine the benefit of follicular flushing with a double channel needle in a poor responder population for a maximum number of oocytes to be retrieved. The investigators compare two methods of oocyte retrieval with or without flushing. 220 patients undergoing an in vitro fertilization (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) have to be included. All patients with less than 5 follicles of 14 mm and more the day of ovulation induction will be included, following a randomized protocol in two groups, Group A: Oocyte retrieval is performed with a single lumen aspiration needle 17G. Group B: Oocyte retrieval is performed with a double lumen aspiration needle 17G. all follicles are flushed with flushing solution in addition to direct aspiration of the follicular fluid, 20CC of flushing medium is provided for all the procedure and flushing medium is collected separately from direct fluid aspiration in order to follow up each oocyte one by one. First criterion of our comparison is the number of oocyte retrieved. Second criteria are: oocyte quality, fertilization rate, number and quality of embryos obtained, clinical pregnancy rate. In Group B the investigators will compare two subgroups: oocytes collected in flush medium and oocytes from direct follicle fluid. Then the investigators will know the capability of oocyte collected after follicular flushing to be fertilized and to increase the success chance of pregnancy for poor responder patients.

A Post Marketing Observational Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Elonva (Corifollitropin Alfa)...
InfertilityFemaleThis observational study will examine the safety and efficacy profile of Elonva (corifollitropin alfa) when administered in Korean women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) in combination with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist for the development of multiple follicles in an assisted reproductive technology (ART) program.

Ovarian Hyperstimulation and Fibrin Clot Properties.
Fibrin Blood ClotInfertility2 moreThe impact evaluation of ovarian hyperstimulation on coagulation and fibrinolysis in infertile women. Comparative analysis between different ovarian stimulation protocols on thrombin formation and efficiency of fibrinolysis in women diagnosed with infertility.

Investigational Oocyte Cryopreservation for Medical and Non Medical Indications
InfertilityFemale1 moreThis is a prospective study to assess the long term benefits and outcomes of the existing oocyte cryopreservation methods for fertility preservation in women with a potential medical or non medical risk of loss of fertility

Debate on Progesterone Elevation on the Day of Triggering
ProgesteroneART2 moreThe association between serum progesterone (P) levels, measured on the day of ovulation trigger, and the outcome of in vitro fertilization cycles, has been one of the major controversies in the field of ovarian stimulation endocrinology. This is a single-center retrospective cohort study. Study duration period is from January 2012 to December 2016. All fresh embryo transfer (ET) both at cleavage stage and blastocyst stage, performed in Humanitas Fertility Center during the study period, were included.

MEDAM (Menopur Retrospective Data prograM)
InfertilityFemaleFrench, non-interventional, retrospective, multicentric analysis of patients who have undergone a controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) for in-vitro fertilization (IVF)/ intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The main objective is to determine the cumulative live birth rate with highly purified menotropin (HP-hMG) which is defined as the occurrence of live birth per started COS, further to transfer of fresh and frozen embryos generated from the same COS.

Effect of Clomiphene Citrate on Uterine Blood Fow in Women With Unexplained Delayed Conception
InfertilityFemaleIn a prospective observational study at a university teaching hospital, blood flow indices and serum hormone levels were compared between spontaneous and stimulated cycles in the same group of 50 patients with unexplained delayed conception.

Retrospective Trial on Low Prognosis Infertile Patients
InfertilityFemale1 moreThe main objective of this study is to analyze management of Controlled Ovarian Stimulation (COS) protocols in low prognosis patients, secondly to observe the clinical outcomes (Fertilization Rate, Pregnancy Rate, the Ongoing Pregnancy Rate and the Live birth Rate) and the total units of gonadotrophins consume per M2 oocyte retrieved in this subgroup.

Effects of Vitamin D Status on the Outcome of Ivf - Embryo Transfer
InfertilityFemaleAt present, there is no agreement on the effect of vitamin D level in serum and follicular fluid on the outcome of IVF-ET pregnancy. Most of these studies were based on the research of total 25 (OH) D, which have ignored that the biological activity of vitamin D molecule is not total 25 (OH) D, but free vitamin D or vitamin D bioavailable, and have flaws in methodology. This project intends to make a prospective cohort study with large sample, based on a complete methodology of total vitamin D and free vitamin D to measure maternal vitamin D levels in blood,to systematically study the effect of maternal vitamin D status on IVF - ET pregnancy outcome. This study is also the first to study the relationship between maternal vitamin D status and the outcome of IVF-ET pregnancy using a complete methodology.