AROPE : Early Ovarian Reserve Decreased : Impact of Exposure to Persistent Endocrine Disruptors...
Female InfertilityEarly ovarian reserve decreased is one of the main causes of infertility for women after 35 years. The relationship between this decreased and exposure to chemicals, including persistent endocrine disruptors or organic solvents, has been little studied. However, several in vivo or in vitro experimental studies suggested that these chemicals may impaired ovarian function. The main objective is to study the relationship between early ovarian reserve decreased and exposure to persistent organic pollutants. The secondary objectives are to study the relationship between early ovarian reserve decreased and exposure to organic solvents and heavy metals. Multicenter case-control study. This project will permit to increase the knowledge concerning the etiology of early decreased ovarian reserve. Considering that exposure of interest are frequent, the results may be important in a public health perspective. If associations are observed in this study, the results may encouraged prevention strategy.

Mediators of Abnormal Reproductive Function in Obesity (MARO)
InfertilityFemale1 moreThe study is seeking to understand how being overweight and obese makes women less fertile. The studies the investigators have done so far indicate that there is a hormone or other substance produced by fat that goes into the blood and reduces reproductive hormones in women who are overweight and obese. The present study will try to find the most promising substances by studying small numbers of women and trying to remove the substances that are causing the problem. Hypothesis: A circulating factor or factors, either hormonal, inflammatory or metabolic, causes relative pituitary hypofunction and correction of this reproductive deficit will allow obese women with infertility who have failed to reduce their body weight to normal to conceive, and may also prevent the horizontal passage of an adverse metabolic phenotype to the offspring.

Analysis of Toxins in Follicle Fluid
Environmental Exposure to Harmful Algae and ToxinsFemale SubfertilityEnvironmental pollutants might be jointly responsible for increase of infertility among women. Especially endocrin active substances seem to be of particular importance. These substances are chemicals which interfere with the physiological system of humans and animals. They have a negative impact on the endocrine system and disturb the functions of organs whose hormones regulate the male and female reproductive system. It is known that exposition to these chemicals lead to subfertility, infertility, raised abortions, birth defects and ovarian malfunction. Additionally it was shown that human embryos have a decreased cleavage rate after IVF when developing from oocytes with elevated concentrations of environmental pollutants. In this study the main focus concentrates on Nonylphenols (NP). Follicular fluids of women with subfertility will be analyzed by a newly developed principle including HPLC and NMR-Spectroscopy. This enables quantitative and qualitative analysis of enantiomers of NP. The results will allow risk estimations for several endocrine active substances, especially NP. Additionally conclusions concerning the correlation between thes substances and subfertility can be drawn.

Endometrial Local Injury Before First IVF : Evaluation of Pregnancy Rate
SterilityFemaleIn spite of all progress realized in the field of assisted reproduction the pregnancy rate by In vitro fertilization (IVF) in France, across indications, is only 23% after IVF cycle. Different causes may account for these failures and that, during all stages of pregnancy. Recent studies have investigated an essential step in fecundation : uterine receptivity. Some teams have shown that a lot of immunological factors would have very significant in this step, by them possible expression in this process. Other studies looked at genes modulation, essential to implantation, with endometrium manipulation, simple, such as endometrial biopsy (EB). The last findings published on this subject, but after 2 IVF failures, are most encouraging because the pregnancy rate for these teams after just endometrial local injury (EB after 2 IVF failures) is well above their usual pregnancy rate. Some teams have focused on immunoassay of endometrial biopsy, in order to profile uterine receptivity and suggest with results, suitable treatment for each patient (ongoing study). EB is quick, easy, make in a simple consultation and with a low cost, contrary to immunological study, which depend of ultra-specialized laboratories and therefore with an important cost.

Pregnancy Outcomes in Infertile Patients After Treatment With Ulipristal Acetate.
Myoma;UterusInfertility1 moreThe investigators analyzed a group of infertile women treated with Ulipristal Acetate (UA) for uterine fibroids at the Humanitas Fertility Center. All the patients' data were extracted from the Fertility Center external-audit-anonymized electronic research query system.

IVM Versus IVF: Differences in Patients' Emotional Adjustment and Quality of Life
InfertilityFemale3 morePatients who undergo in vitro fertilization with or without intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF / ICSI) often experience an impact on their quality of life and emotional maladjustment to treatment and outcome. Multiple contributors to this negative impact have been identified, including interference with professional activities, expenses related to fertility treatment and hormonal side effects. In-vitro maturation (IVM) of human oocytes obtained from minimally stimulated or unstimulated ovaries offers a more "patient friendly" treatment option than the conventional ovarian stimulation protocols for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) treatment. Historically, IVM has been offered to women with increased ovarian response (so-called "high responders"), typically women with polycystic ovaries (PCO/PCOS), who are at increased risk for ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) if conventional ART protocols are used. IVM treatment programs are characterised by a minimal administration of fertility hormones, are less disruptive to patients' daily life through a reduced need for hormonal and ultrasound monitoring, avoid a range of minor and major complications because of the reduced hormonal burden of this procedure, and aim to reduce the total cost for of infertility treatment. To facilitate the application of IVM as a treatment that can potentially improve the overall patient experience, a study comparing the psychological impact of a conventional ovarian stimulation protocol versus an IVM protocol will be conducted; furthermore, a study investigating the differences in quality of life between the two subgroups will also be performed. Socio-demographic data, medical characteristics and the following questionnaires will be collected: Specific questions for patients with fertility problems (FertiQol); Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) and an instrument to measure side effects designed by the research group. The study group (IVF patients and IVM patients) will be evaluated at three predefined time points: at intake, after oocyte collection and when the outcome after the first embryo transfer is known. Descriptive analysis, intergroup comparisons and explanatory/predictive model of the dependent variables (quality of life, emotional adjustment) will be performed.

Study for Obtaining Mature Oocytes by in Vitro Maturation in Oocyte-donor Women
Female InfertilityIn vitro maturation (IVM) is a technique for obtaining potentially fertilizable oocytes from immature oocytes. An oocyte must be mature both nuclearly and cytoplasmically in order to be competent in the reproductive process. Nuclear maturation involves an oocyte in metaphase II stage and is easily evaluated for its morphology. However, cytoplasmic maturation can only be evaluated by in vitro fertilization of that oocyte A mature nuclear and cytoplasmic oocyte is one capable of producing a viable embryo. This study aims to fine-tune the in vitro maturation (IVM) technique to achieve nuclear mature oocytes, i.e., to mature the oocytes up to the metaphase II stage. In addition, an artificial oocyte activation (AOA) will be carried out to check the cytoplasmic maturation of the oocytes, avoiding the generation of potentially viable embryos. The aim of this study is to evaluate the response to the strategy stimulation with highly purified human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG-HP) administered for three days, in association with a standard methodology of in vitro oocyte maturation (IVM), to be performed on oocyte donors. The correct functioning of this IVM technique would mean a reduction in the costs of ovarian stimulation treatments, as lower doses and shorter stimulation times are required, which implies lower risks for women derived from the medication and less stress for them.

Anti-Helicobacter Pylori Antibodies (IgG) in Serum of Women With Unexplained Infertility
InfertilityFemalePrevalence of anti-H.pylori IgG in serum of women with unexplained infertility and comparing that with it's prevalence in fertile women.

Impact of Serum Progesterone in Modified Natural Cycles and Stimulated Cycles on Ongoing Pregnancy...
InfertilityFemaleProspective cohort unicentric study including infertile patients undergoing an embryo transfer in the context of natural or stimulated cycles and receiving luteal phase support with vaginal natural progesterone following the clinical practice in our clinic in IVIRMA Valencia, Spain.

RCT to Assess the Clinical Benefit of the ERA Test in Infertile Women at Their First IVF/ICSI Cycle...
InfertilityFemale1 moreEndometrial receptivity takes place in a self-limited period of time during the endometrial mid-secretory stage. This period, named as window of implantation (WOI), is modulated by molecular changes allowing embryo implantation to take place. It has been already demonstrated the existence of transcriptomic profiles that are characteristics of each endometrial phase: pre-receptive, receptive and post-receptive. 'Igenomix' group developed a molecular tool able to classify the endometrium based on its transcriptomic profile, the Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA). This molecular tool analyses, by next generation sequencing (NGS), the expression of 248 genes related to implantation coupled to a computational predictor to identify the specific transcriptomic profile for each endometrial stage. This test has been applied at clinical level from 2010, helping to synchronize a viable embryo with a receptive endometrium through the personalized embryo transfer (pET). It aims to improve clinical implantation by personalizing, diagnosing, and synchronizing the endometrial factor. Our goal in this project is to investigate at what extent, if any, the analysis of the endometrial factor, at receptivity level, in patients at their first in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle improves their clinical outcome through a personalized embryo transfer by the ERA test in comparison to embryo transfer(FET).