The Possible Range of No.12a Lymph Node Dissection of Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer
Gastric CancerNo.12a Lymph Node DissectionThe main purpose of this study is to evaluate the reasonable range of No.12a lymph node dissection of locally advanced gastric cancer.

Rehabilitation and Recovery for Persons With Esophageal or Gastric Cancer
Esophageal CancerEsophageal Neoplasms2 moreThis study aims to develop and evaluate a model for systematic and evidence-based cancer rehabilitation for people with esophageal and gastric cancer to provide conditions for a better quality of life and fewer cancer-related symptoms.

Consistency Between Treatment Responses in PDO Models and Clinical Outcomes in Gastric Cancer
Gastric CancerGastric cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Accurate assessment of the clinical responses to current treatment regimens is key to improving the prognosis and prolonging the survival of patients. In this study, two hundred and fifty patients with gastric cancer who ought to receive neoadjuvant therapy, conversion therapy or palliative chemotherapy will be enrolled, and patient-derived organoids from their tumor biopsies will be used to test the sensitivity of chemotherapy drugs which mainly include 5-fluorouracil, irinotecan, oxaliplatin and paclitaxel.

Clinical Trial at Neoadjuvant Peritoneal and Systemic Chemotherapy Plus HIPEC in Gastric Carcinomatosis...
Peritoneal CarcinomatosisGastric CancerImplementation of a curative strategy of treatment in peritoneal carcinomatosis of gastric cancer. The goal is to get 1C level of evidence (patient died with "standard" treatment, with this treatment some of them survive) in terms of disease free survival and overall survival. Methodology: prospective, phase II, multicentric in Spain. Recruitment of 50 patients(to have 31 on treatment) in three years. This strategy is based on neoadjuvant systemic plus simultaneous intraperitoneal and intravenous chemotherapy(NIPS),to treat peritoneal disease by bi-directional approach; next step is cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC. Once patients are discharged, they will follow a systemic adjuvant chemotherapy protocol.

Tissue Procurement and Natural History Study of Patients With Malignant Mesothelioma
MesotheliomaThymoma3 moreBackground: Malignant mesothelioma is a malignancy arising from the mesothelial cells of the pleura, peritoneum, pericardium, or tunica vaginalis. Mesothelioma accounts for 0.10% of deaths annually in the United States. Malignant pleural mesothelioma is the most common of these, comprising of 80% of the cases with an annual incidence of about 2,500 in the United States. The median survival from diagnosis of pleural mesothelioma is approximately 12 months. The majority of patients present with stage III or IV disease with 85-90% of patients considered unresectable at diagnosis. Peritoneal mesothelioma has a better prognosis than pleural mesothelioma; nevertheless, patients undergoing therapy for peritoneal mesothelioma have few well-studied treatment options due in large part to the rarity of the disease. Objectives: -To allow sample acquisition for use in the study of mesothelioma. Eligibility: All patients age greater than or equal to 2 years with malignant mesothelioma Must be able and willing to provide informed consent if 18 or over; parent or guardian must be able and willing to provide consent for patients under the age of 18 Design: Up to 1000 subjects will be enrolled. Patients will be followed to determine the course of disease and to record any treatment received for mesothelioma. Patients will undergo sampling of blood, urine, tumor and abnormal body fluids for tissue banking. Studies which may be performed on banked material include genetic and genomic studies, establishment of cell cultures and immunologic studies.

The Gastric Cancer Foundation: A Gastric Cancer Registry
Gastric CancerThe Gastric Cancer Registry will combine data acquired directly from patients with gastric cancer; with a family history of gastric cancer in a first or second degree relative; or persons with a known germline mutation in their CDH1 (E-Cadherin) gene via an online questionnaire with genomic data obtained from saliva, blood and tissue samples. The purpose of this registry is to gain better understanding of the causes of gastric cancer, both environmental and genetic; whether certain genomic data can predict outcomes of treatment and survival.

Automatic Evaluation of the Severity of Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia With Pathology Artificial...
Gastric Intestinal MetaplasiaArtificial Intelligence2 moreThe OLGIM staging system is highly recommended for a comprehensive assessment of GIM severity to evaluate patients' gastric cancer risk. However, its need to take at least 4 biopsies is not clinically feasible due to a serious shortage of pathologists compared with the large number of gastric cancer screening population. We plan to develop a Digital Pathology artificial intelligence diagnosis system (DPAIDS), to automatically identify tumor areas in whole slide images(WSI) and quickly and accurately quantify the severity of intestinal metaplasia according to the proportion of intestinal metaplasia areas.

Collecting Blood Samples From Patients With and Without Cancer to Evaluate Tests for Early Cancer...
Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaAcute Myeloid Leukemia60 moreThis study collects blood and tissue samples from patients with cancer and without cancer to evaluate tests for early cancer detection. Collecting and storing samples of blood and tissue from patients with and without cancer to study in the laboratory may help researchers develop tests for the early detection of cancers.

Tempus Priority Study: A Pan-tumor Observational Study
Breast CancerProstate Cancer25 moreObservational study that will be collecting clinical and molecular health information from cancer patients who have received comprehensive genomic profiling and meet the specific eligibility criteria outlined for each cohort with the goal of conducting research to advance cancer care and create a dataset that furthers cancer research.

Quantitative Detection of CEA mRNA in the Smog and Tissue Exudate Whole Process Collected During...
Gastric CancerThe purpose of this SMOG 01 study is to observe the possibility of intraperitoneal dissemination of tumor cells throughout the entire laparoscopic (robotic) radical gastrectomy for gastric cancer and explore its related mechanisms and potential clinical significance with peritoneal metastasis.