
Active clinical trials for "Stomach Diseases"

Results 31-40 of 43

Prognosis of Signet Ring Cells in Upper Digestive Neoplasms

Signet Ring Cell CarcinomaStomach Disease3 more

Background • A major increase in incidence of signet ring cell adenocarcinomas (ADCI) of the upper digestive tract in western countries Discordant results in the literature concerning the prognosis value of the presence of signet ring cells. Preliminary data suggesting (i) an advanced stage at time of diagnosis, (ii) more often in the form of carcinose, (iii) a more pejorative prognosis, (iv) a recurrence more frequent, more quickly, and more often in the form of peritoneal carcinose, (v) a chemo resistance (vi) the need for a specific therapeutic strategy compared to non-signet ring cell adenocarcinomas. Primary objective To test the hypothesis that 5-year survival rate is significantly lower in the signet ring cells (SRC) adenocarcinoma when compared to non-SRC adenocarcinoma in the upper digestive tract Secondary objectives Impact of neoadjuvant CT on overall survival Impact and differential diagnostic value of linitis R0 resection rates 3 years recurrence free survival Overall 3 years survival Prognostic factors Prognostic value of the presence of a minority quota of signet ring cell Objective response rate after medical treatment (chemotherapy, radiochemotherapy) in non-resected patients Tolerance of (radio) chemotherapy for ADCI Methodology Intention to treat retrospective case-control multicentric study A pairing on demographic criteria (age, sex, ASA score, center) and tumor criteria (TNM stage) will be done to ensure comparability in case control study groups. Inclusion criteria All consecutive patients taken care of, for a proven histologically adenocarcinoma (ADCI and ADNCI) of the esophagus, the esogastric junction, or the stomach, in surgical or medical oncology investigator centers, will be saved in a given database. For whom the first consultation took place between January 1997 and January 2010 Exclusion criteria Histological type other than adenocarcinoma Other localization than esogastric junction, esophagus or stomach Planned study period The data will be collected over a period from January 1997 to January 2010. The objective is to complete the data collection for summer 2010.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Transoral Removal of Specimen During Laparoscopic Gastric Resection

Gastric DiseaseBariatric Surgery Candidate

Investigators aimed to present the patients who underwent laparoscopic gastrectomy with transoral specimen extraction.

Completed3 enrollment criteria

Pronase Granules in Gastric Cleaning

Gastric DiseaseCapsule Endoscopy

Magnetically controlled capsule endoscopy (MCE) is now widely used all over the world. However, the standard gastric preparation method by dimethicone we used clinically still has mucus at the bottom of the stomach. In this study, we aimed to determine whether pronase granules is helpful to improve the cleanliness of gastric mucosa in MCE.

Unknown status13 enrollment criteria

Screening for Stomach Diseases and Colorectal Neoplasms With the Fecal Testing

Colorectal CancerStomach Disease

The abundant results from this trial will be helpful for assessing the feasibility of increasing stool sampling and shortening screening interval in population setting for lower and upper gastrointestinal tract lesions, their long-term effects, and the respective cost-effectiveness. The study will evaluate the value of population-based screen and treatment for H. pylori infection when the HPSA is combined with the FIT.

Unknown status4 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of Ocoxin®-Viusid® in Advanced Stomach Cancer and Gastric Esophagogastric Junction

Stomach NeoplasmGastrointestinal Neoplasms8 more

Our main objective is to evaluate the effect of Ocoxin-Viusid on the quality of life of patients with advanced stomach cancer and esophagogastric junction. The Ocoxin-Viusid nutritional supplement is expected to improve quality of life and tolerance to treatment with Chemotherapy.

Unknown status17 enrollment criteria

Diagnosis of Gastric Lesions From Exhaled Breath and Saliva

Stomach Diseases

The investigators study the feasibility of a novel method in oncology based on breath analysis with a nanosensors array for identifying gastric diseases. Alveolar exhaled breath samples collected from volunteers referred for upper endoscopy or surgery are analyzed using a custom-designed array of chemical nanosensors based on organically functionalized gold nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes. Predictive models are built employing discriminant factor analysis (DFA) pattern recognition method. Classification accuracy, sensitivity and specificity are determined using leave-one-out cross-validation or an independent blind test set. The chemical composition of the breath samples is studied using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A pilot study is conducted first (enlistment of 160 subjects at the Department of Oncology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei, Anhui, China.) The pilot study is followed by a large-scale clinical trial to confirm the preliminary results of the Chinese pilot study (enlistment of 800 subjects at the Digestive Diseases Centre GASTRO, Riga East University Hospital, 6 Linezera iela, LV1006 Riga, Latvia). 25% of the samples are used as independent blind test set. The samples are blinded by the medical team and are not disclosed until prediction of blind sample identity is complete. To further prove the diagnosis of GC from exhaled breath and seek the interrelationship among Breathomics, metabolomics and transcriptomics, saliva samples from about 200 patients are collected from volunteers referred for upper endoscopy or surgery are analyzed using Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS). Simultaneously, RNA sequencing are preformed on gastric cancer tissue samples and paracancerous tissue samples collected from same group of volunteers. The data of salivary metabonomics and transcriptomics were integrated and analyzed on the on Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes to confirm the diagnostic validity of salivary metabonomics.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Automatic Real-time Diagnosis of Gastric Mucosal Disease Using pCLE With Artificial Intelligence...

Gastric DiseasesArtificial Intelligence1 more

Probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) is an endoscopic technique that enables real-time histological evaluation of gastric mucosal disease during ongoing endoscopy examination. However this requires much experience, which limits the application of pCLE. The investigators designed a computer-aided diagnosis program using deep neural network to make diagnosis automatically in pCLE examination and contrast its performance with endoscopists.

Completed4 enrollment criteria

Linked Color Imaging Based CMV Diagnosis for Gastric Mucosal Lesions

Gastric Disease

The newly developed linked color imaging (LCI) system (FUJIFILM Co.) creates clear and bright endoscopic images by using short-wavelength narrow-band laser light combined with white laser light on the basis of BLI technology. This system can obtain bright endoscopic images even at a distant view because LCI has more intense white light than the short-wavelength narrow-band laser light. Short-wavelength narrow-band laser light enhances the vessels on the mucosal surface and the patterns of the mucosa. Therefore, LCI may facilitate the detection of gastric mucosal lesions. Further studies are needed to confirm the clinical utility of LCI.

Unknown status7 enrollment criteria

Tongue Image Database and Diagnostic Model for Digestive Tract Disease Diagnosis

Digestive Tract DiseasesLiver Diseases3 more

The tongue images of patients with gastrointestinal diseases and healthy people will be collected and the tongue image database will be established. Through deep learning and artificial intelligence, early screening models of various gastrointestinal tumors based on tongue images were constructed.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

A Comparison of SmartPill Capsule With Scintigraphy for Determining Gastric Residence Time - Over...

Gastrointestinal DiseasesStomach Diseases1 more

The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between gastric residence time of the SmartPill Capsule and the time required for partial emptying of a standard radiolabeled meal as measured by gastric emptying scintigraphy for subjects 65 years of age and older.

Completed33 enrollment criteria

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