
Active clinical trials for "Stomach Diseases"

Results 21-30 of 43

Magnetic-controlled Capsule Endoscopy vs. Gastroscopy for Detection of Gastric Diseases

Gastric Diseases,Gastric Ulcer,3 more

A new Magnetic-controlled Capsule Endoscopy (MCE) was developed by ANKON and got SFDA's approval in China in 2013. It has recently been evaluated to compare the diagnostic accuracy of MCE with that of standard gastroscopy for gastric diseases in 70 patients with encouraging results (In Press). To further testify the diagnostic accuracy of MCE for both the diffuse and focal diseases in stomach, we performed this single-blinded multi-center prospective study compared MCE with gastroscopy in patients with gastric symptoms and indication for upper GI Endoscopy.

Completed11 enrollment criteria

Transit Time and Bacterial Overgrowth Using SmartPill Capsule

Small Bowel Bacterial OvergrowthGastrointestinal Diseases2 more

The primary purpose of this exploratory study is to measure orocecal transit time using the SmartPill ambulant capsule technology and to compare this with the lactulose hydrogen breath test. Additionally, the ability of the SmartPill GI Monitoring System to discriminate between healthy human subjects and patients with small bowel bacterial overgrowth will be explored using analyses of both pH and pressure patterns within the stomach and small intestine. The study will be performed in both normal subjects and patients with and without small bowel bacterial overgrowth.

Terminated19 enrollment criteria

The Usage of Soda-Water in Gastric Preparation for Magnetically Controlled Capsule Endoscopy

Gastric DiseaseCapsule Endoscopy

Magnetically controlled capsule endoscopy (MCE) is a noninvasive technique (90.4% sensitivity, 94.7% specificity and 93.4% accuracy) without requiring sedation or air insufflation, which makes it welcomed by most of participants. However, due to the large size of the stomach, clear views are obtained with the stomach distended. Participants were asked to drink 1000ml water for gastric preparation in a short time according to the standard procesure. It is hard for some participants especially the old and can cause discomfort. If the capsule stays in the stomach for a long time (>4 hours), it will affect the completion rate of small intestine examination and be inconvient to both of the endoscopist and patient. It is a promising way to fill the stomach with carbonated drinks in some diagnosis and treatment methods. A study using carbonated drinks for gastric filling in the procedure of multi slice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) showed higher diagnostic rate for gastric cancer (85%VS80%). Rapid filling and absorption, greater comfort feeling and little pressure changes lead to higher acceptance of participants. So, researchers have a novel idea using soda water to take place of pure water in the gastric preparation. The combination of gas and liquid in gastric filling greatly reduces the amount of fluid that participants need to drink, which makes the shorter preparation time and less feeling of fullness. In a pilot study before, investigators found the usage of soda water obtained similar gastric distention score and shorter gastric transit time (GTT) than standard preparation method. This prospective, single blind, randomized controlleds trial aimed to prove the safety and efficiency of soda water in the process of gastric preparation and explore the impact on the follow-up small bowel examination.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Effect of "Sekanjabin e Safarjali" (Quince Oxymel) in the Prevention of Migraine Attacks

Migraine HeadacheGastric Diseases

The purpose of this study is to determine whether Quince Oxymel is effective in the prevention of Migraine attacks in patients with simultaneous upper gastrointestinal dysfunction.

Unknown status11 enrollment criteria

Risk Factors for Gastric Disease in Pediatric Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori)

Helicobacter InfectionsGastritis1 more

Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is a major cause of chronic-active gastritis and primary duodenal ulcers, and is strongly linked to gastric cancer. Most Hp infections worldwide are acquired in childhood. Why some individuals develop symptomatic disease is unclear and, until recently, no studies critically evaluated the role of pediatric Hp strains and/or host factors in disease outcomes. Over the past 5 years of National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding, 486 children from Atlanta, Cleveland, and Miami were enrolled; 184 (38%) were Hp-infected. Race (African American) and younger age, in conjunction with Hp strains expressing cagA and vacAs1B, were shown to be risk factors for both esophageal and gastric disease, suggesting a different disease paradigm from Hp-infected adults. Using the updated Sydney system, the investigators demonstrated a histopathologic spectrum in children, which included novel observations of atrophic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia. Overall hypothesis for competitive renewal: disease manifestations in Hp-infected children are influenced by specific host factors (i.e., race, immune phenotype), environmental exposures, and specific virulence factors of infecting Hp strains. Specific aims: Using well defined cases and controls, further characterize specific host factors and environmental exposures contributing to symptomatic childhood infection emphasizing targeted enrollment in specific age, gender and demographic strata to facilitate detection of significant differences not attained previously and follow-up of 2 established specific cohorts to ascertain immune response natural history. Utilize gene-array technology for the whole Hp genome assessment and bacterial gene expression of specific virulence determinants associated with pediatric Hp strains. Further characterize the host immunologic and mucosal response in Hp-infected children. Hp-infected symptomatic endoscopy cases at the investigators' established 3 clinical centers of high, moderate and low Hp prevalence will be compared with age-matched Hp-infected asymptomatic and uninfected symptomatic controls. Two geographically and demographically distinct centers have been added to provide additional geographic and subject representativeness to the patient cohort. The updated Sydney system will be employed to assess gastric histopathology severity and phenotype in newly enrolled cases in specific age, gender and demographic strata and follow-up of the two "novel" cohorts established in the past 5 years: a) atrophic gastritis; and b) esophageal and gastric disease groups enabling a comprehensive, multivariate evaluation of the natural history of Hp-infected children in two distinct disease paradigms. Using molecular methods (multiplex [MP]-PCR, RT-PCR) and a micro ELISPOT assay on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCS), Th1, Th2, Th3 or balanced Th1/Th2 response will be determined to further characterize the Hp-infected child's immune response phenotype. The investigators propose to further their previous work with critically lacking studies from a multivariate approach, leading to a better understanding of the gastroduodenal disease sequelae and overall pathobiology of Hp infection in humans.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Monitoring Stomach Function With an Intragastric Balloon - a Pilot

Functional Disorders of Stomach

In this pilot study the investigators test the hypothesis that gastric motility can be measured with an intragastric balloon.

Completed12 enrollment criteria

Gastric Emptying: in Vivo Studies in Healthy Volunteers

Gastric Disease

The Investigators institution has used a meal consisting of mashed potato, peas and Beanfeast (soya mince) for gastric emptying studies for a number of decades. Validation of the study method was purportedly performed when the study was first implemented at the hospital, however no historical data has been found. The current normal ranges are also unsubstantiated. There is scientific justification for this research because in vivo studies are instrumental to the validation of a new procedure. There is a need for a meal preparation that is palatable and meets dietary requirements (vegetarian, gluten free e.t.c.) of patients as the diagnosis depends on ingestion of the radiolabelled meal. In addition, reliable normal ranges will ensure that the clinical diagnosis is accurate. Scientific justification extends beyond the local department as publishing the data acquired will allow other hospitals to adopt the same test meals and normal ranges, leading to standardisation of the clinical protocol employed across the UK. Since the investigators institution are recognised as the leading Nuclear Medicine GI centre in the UK and have previously carried out audits and in vitro testing in the area of gastric emptying, it seems fit that they should lead the national change in protocol. The proposed study will involve recruitment of healthy volunteers who will eat a meal containing 10MBq of a radioactive tracer. They will be subsequently scanned using a gamma camera with imaging lasting no more than 3 hours in total. Approximately 40 healthy volunteers (18-70 years old, no history of gastrointestinal problems or other serious health issues e.g. diabetes and pregnant women are excluded) will be recruited and the studies will be conducted on site i.e. within the Nuclear Medicine department at City hospital.

Unknown status9 enrollment criteria

Feasibility Trial to Evaluate the Ability of the SuMO Tissue Access and Resection System

Colon DiseaseGastric Disease

This feasibility trial will evaluate the ability of the SuMO Tissue Access and Resection System (Apollo Endosurgery, Austin, Texas). The SuMO System utilizes balloons to create a submucosal pocket and electrosurgical cutting device to resect the mucosa. The SuMO elevates the tissue from the underlying muscularis using a balloon to distend the submucosa, similar to what is currently performed with injectable saline in a standard EMR. After dissection of the lesion, a separate cutting device will be utilized to resect the tissue by cutting around the border of the targeted tissue. If needed, a standard loop snare will be used to complete the mucosal resection.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Drop in Gastroscopy - Experience After 9 Months

Esophageal DiseasesPeptic Ulcer1 more

The capacity for endoscopical procedures in the Norwegian health system is low in comparison to demands from patients and family practitioners. The studies aim is to evaluate the acceptance of a new concept: an open access gastroscopy clinic where patients can attend without a preceding appointment. The investigators wish to evaluate: Patient´s satisfaction. General practitioner´s satisfaction. Acceptance by the staff of the clinic.

Completed3 enrollment criteria

Gastric Preparation of Magnetic-controlled Capsule Endoscopy

Stomach Diseases

By using three different Gastric Preparation of Magnetic-controlled Capsule Endoscopy, the investigators hope to find out the optimal gastric preparation plan.

Unknown status5 enrollment criteria

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