The LUTEAL Trial: Luteal Stimulation vs. Estrogen Priming Protocol
InfertilityDiminished Ovarian Reserve1 moreOvarian reserve defines the quantity and quality of the ovarian primordial follicular pool. Diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) indicates a reduction in the quantity of ovarian follicular pool to less than expected for age. It is an important cause of infertility in many couples. To date, there is no clear consensus in the literature on the definition of diminished ovarian reserve, and it is unclear whether low oocyte yield results from an abnormal atresia rate of the follicle pool, or from a lower follicle pool at birth or whether it can just occur as a normal variation in the population. The ovarian response to controlled ovarian stimulation with gonadotropins (for example, for in vitro fertilization) is largely determined by the ovarian reserve, and there are numerous different ovarian stimulation protocols that are employed to try and increase the oocyte yield of a particular cycle. There is no consensus on which, if any, of these protocols are superior and preferred for patient with DOR. Luteal gonadotropin stimulation is a protocol of controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) for use in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) that has emerged over the past decade as an acceptable alternative to the classic follicular gonadotropin stimulation. The luteal estradiol patch protocol was introduced in 2005 in patients with poor response to controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) and to address the phenomenon of early follicle recruitment in patients with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). Luteal gonadotropin stimulation can potentially achieve the same effect by initiating follicular recruitment for IVF prior to the body's own premature recruitment. Our hypothesis is that the luteal stimulation protocol and estradiol priming protocol are equivalent with regard to the outcome of number of mature oocytes retrieved. Patients who will be undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation and who have a diagnosis of diminished ovarian reserve will be considered for this trial, and enrolled if meeting all inclusion and no exclusion criteria.

Spermatogonial Stem Cell (SSC) Transplant and Testicular Tissue Grafting
InfertilityMale2 moreSpermatogonial stem cell transplantation through ultrasound guided rete testis injection and testicular tissue grafting will be performed for participants who have frozen testicular tissue prior to gonadotoxic therapy. The purpose of this study is to test the safety and feasibility of these transplant technologies and restore fertility for these participants.

Experimental Round Spermatid Injection (ROSI) to Treat Infertile Couples
InfertilityMaleThe purpose of this research study is to evaluate if special types of cells called round spermatids can be gathered from men with non-obstructive azoospermia and used (in absence of elongated spermatids and spermatozoa) to reliably and effectively create pregnancy with a procedure called Round Spermatid Injection (ROSI). This process is similar to In Vitro Fertilization, or 'IVF'. In addition, this study wants to test the safety of ROSI and see what effects (good and bad) it has on embryo created from this method.

Natural Cycle vs Programmed Cycle Frozen Embryo Transfer
InfertilityFrozen Embryo Transfer1 moreThe goal of this[ type of study: randomized controlled trial]is to compare Preeclampsia following Natural vs. Artificial Cycle in patients undergoing frozen embryo transfer. The main question[s] it aims to answer is • Does NC-FET decreases the incidence of preeclampsia in patients undergoing frozen embryo transfer as compared to AC-FET ? The main objective is to compare the proportion of preeclampsia in women with a viable pregnancy with natural cycle protocol to artificial cycle protocol when practicing frozen embryo transfer. Participants recruited will be divided into two ARM(1513 per arm). ARM 1 will undergo the Natural Cycle procedure of Embryo transfer, and ARM 2 will undergo the Artificial Cycle procedure of Embryo transfer. The primary outcome will be the proportion of preeclampsia. The duration of the study is around 2 year.

Effect of Intrauterine Administration of Autologous PBMC Modulated With IFNt on IVF Outcome
InfertilityFemale1 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to test the effect of modulated specialised immune cells isolated from the patients' own blood when administered to the uterus before embryo transfer on the IVF outcome (implantation, pregnancy and live birth rates). To achieve this, blood will be obtained from eligible participants. Target cells will be isolated and incubated with the tested modulator for 24h, and returned to the uterine cavity 1 day prior to embryo transfer. Researchers will compare the reproductive outcome of the tested intervention to that of a control group who will not receive the investigated cell treatment prior to embryo transfer.

Uterus Transplantation to Treat Infertility
Uterine Factor InfertilityThis research study will use uterus transplantation to treat uterine factor infertility, also known as the inability to bear children due to not having a uterus. The purpose of this study is to enable women seeking genetically-related children and the childbearing experience to experience pregnancy and birth a child. In this study, living donors will undergo surgery to give the donor's uterus to another woman. The woman who receives the transplant will take immunosuppression to keep the uterus and herself healthy. Because taking immunosuppressive medicine has side effects, uterus transplantation is intended to be temporary, lasting about 5 years. The goals of the study are successful pregnancy and the birth of one, and possibly two, healthy babies per transplant patient. The uterus is to be removed and immunosuppression stopped following the birth of a child. Offspring are delivered by Caesarian section, at which time the transplant may also be removed. Transplant candidates must have fertilized, frozen (cryopreserved) embryos at a Johns Hopkins facility before undergoing transplantation. Transplant candidates will be asked to identify candidates' potential uterus donor. Altruistic donors, or women who want to donate without knowing a potential recipient, may also participate. All potential donors will be screened to see if the donors are a good match for a recipient and are healthy enough to have the donation surgery. Study Duration: Uterus Donors: Screening through about 12 months following the transplant operation. Uterus Recipients: Recipients may have the uterus for about 5 years. After the transplant is removed, the study team will ask for yearly follow-ups for another 5 years. Children born from transplanted uteruses: The study team asks to follow offspring yearly through age 21 years.

Infertility and Pregnancy Outcomes of Fertility Spared Gynecological Oncology Patients
Fertility DisordersGynecologic CancerFSS which aims to preserve a woman's fertility while still effectively treating the cancer, has become an increasingly popular option for young women diagnosed with these types of cancers. It is important to assess how FSS affects a woman's reproductive health, sexual function, psychological well-being, and overall quality of life. This research aims to provide valuable insights into the long-term effects of FSS on a woman's life, and can help healthcare providers make informed decisions about the best treatment options for their patients.

Outcomes of 36 vs 38 Hour Intervals From Ovulation Trigger To Oocyte Pick-Up:A Multi-Center Randomized...
InfertilityIVFWomen who undergo assisted reproduction technology (ART) treatment will be eligible for this study. The goal of this randomized clinical trial is to compare the outcomes of ART treatment between women who have 36 and 38 hours interval between the administration of ovulation trigger (ovulation trigger medication initiates oocyte maturation and makes it possible for the egg to be collected by aspiration, during a procedure called oocyte pick-up, OPU) and OPU. The main questions it aims to answer are, does prolonging the trigger-OPU interval to 38-hours improve: Primarily: •Ratio of metaphase-2 oocytes to total number of follicles Secondarily: Maturation rate Fertilization rate Blastulation rate Premature ovulation rate Positive pregnancy test rate Clinical pregnancy rate Live birth rate compared to 36-hours interval?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Men Suffering From Infertility Due to Oligospermia.
OligospermiaInfertility in a couple is defined as the inability to achieve conception despite one year of frequent, unprotected intercourse. Infertility affects approximately 12% of couples attempting to conceive. The goal of this study is to explore the potential beneficial effect of HBOT on sperm count of infertile male due to oligospermia.

hUC Mesenchymal Stem Cells (19#iSCLife®-UT) Therapy for Patients With Thin Endometrial Infertility...
InfertilityFemaleTo explore the therapeutic effect and safety of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells on thin endometrial infertility and to explore whether human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells using collagen as the carrier can promote endometrial growth, reduce the recurrence rate of intrauterine adhesion, increase the clinical pregnancy rate, improve the pregnancy outcome, and study its safety.