Influence of Pb&Cd Seminal Plasma Level & ICSI
InfertilityMaleTo evaluate the influence of lead (pb) and cadmium (cd) seminal plasma level on embryo development and pregnancy rate during intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Thyroid Autoimmunity and Reproductive Failure in Danish Women
ThyroidInfertility3 moreThe present Ph.D.-study investigates the mechanisms behind the association between thyroid autoimmunity and reproductive failure.

Correlating Time-Lapse Parameters With aCGH Testing in IVF Treatment (aCGH Study)
InfertilityThe purpose of this research study protocol is to collect imaging data on embryos followed to blastocyst stage (Day 5-6) and correlate Eeva parameters with array - Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) results and ongoing pregnancy rates.

Registry Study of Traditional Morphology Grading Combined With Eeva in IVF Treatment
InfertilityThe purpose of this study is to record and evaluate the use of traditional morphology grading combined with Eeva in the treatment of in vitro fertilization.

The Association Between Overweight and Oocyte Diameter in Women Undergoing Vitro Fertilization
InfertilityObesityWe believe that there is an association between BMI and oocyte diameter in women undergoing IVF treatments. We plan to measure the oocyte diameter in 2 groups of women undergoing IVF. One group will have BMI 20-25 and the other group will have BMI above 30.

US Eeva™ Pregnancy Investigational Clinical Study (US EPIC)
InfertilityThe purpose of this clinical investigation is to gather data to evaluate the impact of using Eeva with traditional morphology grading on implantation rates.

Ism1 Versus EmbryoGen Media for Embryo Culture in Previous Pregnancy Loss Cases
InfertilityMiscarriageRecently, it has been suggested that culture of embryos in EmbryoGen medium can increase the live birth rate in IVF patients with a previous history of pregnancy loss. Couples requiring IVF treatment and with a past experience of miscarriage and/or biochemical pregnancy will be included in the study. Controlled ovarian stimulation protocol will consist of an agonist down regulation and follicular stimulation by recombinant FSH. Fertilization will be achieved by standard IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Fertilized eggs will be cultured in 6% CO2, 5% O2, 89% N2 atmosphere in microdrops. In the treatment group EmbryoGen culture medium (EG, Origio, Måløv, Denmark) will be adopted throughout the culture period. In the control group, inseminated oocytes will be cultured in standard culture conditions, i.e. IMS1 medium (ISM1, Origio, Måløv, Denmark), maintaining unchanged all other culture conditions. Procedures of embryo transfer, will be carried out on day 2 using EmbryoGen or ISM1 respectively. The endometrial support will be the same in the two groups. The investigators will consider ongoing clinical pregnancy as the primary outcome assuming a 25% of increment in ongoing clinical pregnancy rate in the group with EmbryoGen medium. As secondary outcome the investigators will assume a 5% of increment in ongoing implantation rate after 12 weeks in the group with EmbryoGen medium.

ISM1 Versus EmbrioGen Media for Embryo Culture With Previous Failure Implantation in ART Treatments...
InfertilityImplantation FailureRecently, it has been suggested that culture of embryos in EmbryoGen medium can increase the live birth rate in IVF patients with a previous history of pregnancy loss. Couples requiring IVF treatment and with a past experience of implantation failure will be included in the study. Controlled ovarian stimulation protocol will consist of an agonist down regulation and follicular stimulation by recombinant FSH. Fertilization will be achieved by standard IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Fertilized eggs will be cultured in 6% CO2, 5% O2, 89% N2 atmosphere in microdrops. In the treatment group EmbryoGen culture medium (EG, Origio, Måløv, Denmark) will be adopted throughout the culture period. In the control group, inseminated oocytes will be cultured in standard culture conditions, i.e. IMS1 medium (ISM1, Origio, Måløv, Denmark), maintaining unchanged all other culture conditions. Procedures of embryo transfer, will be carried out on day 2 using EmbryoGen or ISM1 respectively. The endometrial support will be the same in the two groups.

Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) and Antral Follicle Count as Markers of Ovarian Reserve- Prospective...
Infertilityyoung female cancer patients have improving chances of survival. the main risk is a chronic damage to their ovarian reserve. This may lead to future infertility.