Uterus Transplantation From a Multi-organ Donor
InfertilityFemale1 moreUterus transplantation: screening, in vitro fertilization [IVF] treatment to be able to freeze embryos, uterus transplantation, pregnancy and afterwards removal of the uterus.

CLBR Per Initial Cycle With Different Starting Dose in Aged Patients With Poor Ovarian Reservation:...
InfertilityAmong aged patients with poor ovarian reservation(defined as age 35 to 42 years; antral follicle count(AFC)≤ 5 or anti-mullerian hormone(AMH)≤ 1.2 ng/ml), cumulative live birth rate(CLBR) and time to live birth(TTLB) of the first stimulation cycle were compared between a starting dose of 300IU or 150IU rFSH in controlled ovarian stimulation with gonadotropin-releasing hormone(GnRH)antagonist protocol. This study is a prospective randomized controlled trial.

Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) for Infertility Related Distress
InfertilityFemale4 moreThis study will test a psychological intervention for the treatment of distress related to infertility. The intervention will pair reading a book "The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook" by Kristin Neff with guided meditations using the Centre for Mindfulness Studies mobile app. Individuals with infertility will complete the 8-week program and complete psychological outcome measures before and after.

Impact of Operation on Fertility for Women With Severe Endometriosis
Deep EndometriosisInfertility1 moreThe EFFORT study compares the impact on fertility of operation or fertility treatment (IVF, in vitro fertilization) in a multicenter randomized controlled trial. The study population consists of women with colorectal deep infiltrating endometriosis and a pregnancy intention. These women will be randomized to either of the two treatment groups: Group A = Operation or Group B = fertility treatment (IVF). Group A will be further divided postoperatively into spontaneous conception or IVF depending on the Endometriosis Fertility Index score.

Improvement of Live Babies Rates After ICSI, Using cpFT
InfertilityOocyte1 moreDemonstrate the improvement of the live births rate after ICSI by supplementing the pre-ICSI incubation medium of oocytes and that of preimplantation embryos with cpFT at the 1st embryo transfer for women under 37 years old.

Home Semen Testing in Men Beginning Attempts to Conceive
Male InfertilityThe overall objective of the proposed study is to enhance early detection of male factor infertility and reduce cost and morbidity associated with delayed diagnosis through development of a universal screening model based on home semen testing. The advent of inexpensive and accurate home semen testing has enabled a potential paradigm shift in the approach to male fertility evaluation. The investigator's central hypothesis is that universal home semen testing prior to attempts to conceive is easy for participants and can lead to reduced fertility-related anxiety and early detection of male factor infertility, thereby expediting evaluation and treatment for the couple while minimizing unnecessary cost and morbidity. This study is specifically designed to assess the feasibility and utility of home semen testing for couples who are beginning attempts to conceive. First, the investigator will assess participants' ability to complete the home semen testing, ease of use, and obstacles encountered in doing so. Second, the investigator will examine the impact of home semen testing in fertility-related quality of life among couples beginning attempts to conceive, as well as ability of home semen testing to increase the diagnosis and treatment of male infertility in these couples.

Advanced Sperm Selection Techniques and Their Contribution to Blastocyst Euploidy Rates
Sperm DNA FragmentationInfertilityComparing different advanced sperm selection techniques like Physiological ICSI (PICSI) and magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS) in terms of the PGT-A outcomes of each arm blastocysts

Efficacy and Safety of Shen Que (RN8) Moxibustion in Unexpected POR
InfertilityMoxibustion of Shen Que (RN8) can increase the number of embryos available for transfer, thus improving pregnancy outcomes in women of advanced reproductive age who experience unexpected poor ovarian response.

GnRH for Luteal Support in IVF/ICSI/FET Cycles
InfertilityDuring IVF cycles an embryo is generally placed into the uterine cavity between 3 and 5 days after fertilization. For a successful pregnancy to take place, that embryo must then implant in the properly primed and staged endometrium, which subsequently must continue to develop to accommodate the growing and maturing embryo and then fetus. This process is normally regulated by hormonal interactions between the fetal, endometrial and luteal tissue. It has been found that after IVF additional support for the endometrium with progesterone improves implantation and subsequent live birth rates in IVF cycle . Recent data has shown that additional supplementation with a single administration of a GnRH agonist around the time the time of embryo transfer may further enhance these rates .

Automitochondrial Transplantation Improves Live Birth in Elderly Patients With Low Prognosis After...
InfertilityFemale3 moreThe goal to this clinical trial is to study the effectiveness and safety of automitochondrial transplantation of urine derived stem cells(USCs) in in elderly patients with low prognosis after repeated IVF failure. The main questions it aims to answer are: (1)test the effectiveness and safety of automitochondrial transplantation of urine derived stem cells (2) establish intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI) mitochondrial transplantation platform Participants will be asked to:1)urine collections to further culture of autologous USCs 2)ovarian stimulation、trigger eggs、ICSI with autologous mitochondria 3)embryo transfer 4)accept pregnancy follow-up at given point