Influence of Probiotics on the Vaginal Microbiota
Vaginal MicrobiomeThe study aims to assess the influence of a probiotic supplement (OMNi-BiOTiC® FLORA plus +) on the vaginal microbiome composition of women suffering from infertility.

Optimization of Frozen Embryo Transfers by Studying Progesterone on the Day of Transfer
InfertilityIVFThe number of embryo transfers after freezing has increased over the last 10 years due to improvements in embryo freezing techniques and in particular the development of vitrification. This has also been made possible by changes in clinical protocols favouring freezing in patients at high risk of hyperstimulation and by different methods of endometrial preparation to receive embryos after rewarming. In fact, embryo transfer requires endometrial preparation to make implantation possible. There are various protocols for endometrial preparation. Endometrial preparations in the natural cycle, with or without induction of ovulation by FSH, require more regular monitoring, and allow the development of a main follicle that will give a corpus luteum that will secrete progesterone in the luteal phase, which can be supported by the supply of exogenous progesterone. In contrast, endometrial preparations in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) cycles are done by administering estradiol orally or transdermally to stimulate endometrial growth while blocking the patient's gonadotropic axis, and administering progesterone in the luteal phase to differentiate the endometrium. This preparation has the advantage of being simpler to monitor and organize. There is currently no consensus on a type of preparation that would give better results, and although the literature seems to show that there would be more miscarriages in a substituted cycle, there does not seem to be any difference in the birth rate per cycle in the end, whatever the type of endometrial preparation. Some teams have shown that in HRT, there appears to be more miscarriage when the progesterone level measured on the day of the frozen embryo transfer is lower, especially below a threshold of 9ng/mL. Labarta showed ESHRE in July 2019 that modifying the endometrial preparation if the progesterone level is below 9ng/mL on the day of transfer by adding subcutaneous progesterone (Progiron) resulted in a lower miscarriage rate, comparable to the usual miscarriage rates in spontaneous pregnancy. Thus, if the miscarriage rate is higher in HRT than in the natural cycle, and if this is related to "luteal insufficiency" characterized by a lower circulating serum progesterone level, the hypothesis of this study in the investigator's population would be that the serum progesterone level on the day of the frozen embryo transfer would be lower in HRT than in the spontaneous cycle.

Anti-Müllerian Hormone and Embryo Aneuploidy
InfertilityAneuploidyThe goal of this observational study is to determine is there an association between the rates of aneuploidy and the different ranges of serum Antimullerian hormone (AMH) levels. Retrospective, single-centre study of patients undergoing IVF and preimplantation genetic testing with aneuploidy at the blastocyst stage between January 2018 and December 2022.

Health of Children Born From ICSI With AOA (AOA-BABIES)
InfertilityIntracytoplasmic Sperm InjectionThe investigators follow up on the development of children born from ICSI-AOA using the Developmental Red Flags and Ages & Stages Third Edition (ASQ-3) Questionnaires to give strong evidence about the safety of AOA in assisted reproductive technology.

Evaluation of the Safety and Usability of the M3T Fertigo System and Its Calibration
InfertilityFemaleWe have developed a new minimally invasive system for endometrial dating, that allows the physician to monitor, capture, project and analyze the actual morphology and maturity of the endometrial surface, at any given time. A time series of such indications provides an assessment regarding the pace of development by which the endometrium is maturing during a relevant cycle. FERTIGO®'s method for endometrial dating has been validated in swine and ex-vivo human samples, where image analysis of tissues has been compared with traditional endometrial dating techniques. The comparison yielded calibration means and correlation between FERTIGO®'s dating and the traditional dating methods. Thus, M3T FERTIGO®'s system is designed to enable the determination of the actual physiological cycle date, in good correlation with the indirect (endometrial thickness and hormones level) and delayed known methods (histopathology). To this end, a high quality, low magnification (X2-X4) image of the endometrium surface should be acquired, stored and analyzed. This trial will evaluate, on the one hand, the safety and usability of the FERTIGO® device and, on the other hand, calibrate it by evaluating image quality. Both safety and usability will be measured through questionnaires answered by the participants (adverse events and satisfaction) and by the physicians (satisfaction), respectively, considering the introduction of the device, its use, and its removal.

Assessment of Telomerase Activity in Endometrial Tissue and Serum in Endometriosis Patients
Endometriosis OvariesInfertility1 moreThe goal of the study was the detection of telomerase activity in eutopic, ectopic endometrial tissue and in peripheral blood and finding the correlation between the telomerase activity and clinic findings. With these results, confirmation of the hypothesis regarding the endometriosis pathogenesis and endometriosis-related infertility was aimed.

Serum Kisspeptin Levels in Infertile Women
InfertilityFemale2 moreThe study population is comprise of 90 women those age varies between 18-38 year-old. The first group will comprise of 30 women with polycystic ovaries or anovulatory cycles, the second group will comprise of 30 women with diagnosis of unexplained infertility and the third group will comprise of 30 women those partners with male subfertility. A 2 cc blood sample for Kisspeptin analysis will be drawn from the antecubital vein from each participants. The patients will receive 50 mg clomiphene citrate at the fifth day of the menstrual period and follicular development will be measured with serial ultrasound follow up.

A Study to Measure Relationship Between Antimüllerian Hormone and Initial Dose of Menopur®
InfertilityAME is a non-interventional, prospective, longitudinal and multicenter study. This study aims to measure the relationship between antimüllerian hormone serum level (AMH), as measured by a fully automated assay and the initial dose of Menopur® HP-hMG 600 IU/mL prescribed for infertile women undergoing their first IVF/ICSI cycle in the current practice.

Intracervical Lidocaine Versus Intramuscular Diclofenac for Pain Relief in HSG in a Tertiary Hospital...
Female Infertility of Tubal OriginThis study compares the effect of intracervical block with 1% lidocaine and intramuscular diclofenac 75mg in decreasing pain perception during hysterosalpingography. Half of participants will receive intracervical block with 1% lidocaine, while the other half will receive intramuscular diclofenac 75mg.

Ovarian Tissue Freezing For Fertility Preservation In Women Facing A Fertility Threatening Medical...
CancerHematologic Disorder2 moreThe purpose of this research is to obtain ovarian tissue from female participants who will receive therapy which is expected to result in a loss or impairment of ovarian function and/or infertility and wish to preserve (freeze) ovarian tissue for the purpose of initiating a pregnancy in the future. Removal of the ovary for cryopreservation is an investigational procedure. 100% of the tissue will be used for the participant's future use. There have been 86 pregnancies as a result of frozen ovarian tissue that has been re-implanted back into the pelvis and hormonal function has been restored in individuals for up to 7 years. By doing this study, the investigators hope to learn of how to successfully freeze and thaw ovarian tissue in a manner that permits subsequent use by patients at some point in the future. Participation may also advance our knowledge of how to successfully mature follicles and oocytes (eggs) that are contained in these tissues which may help others in the future.