Celiac Disease and Infertility Among Men and Women in Denmark
Celiac DiseaseInfertilityThe purpose of this study is to estimate the prevalence of celiac disease in a population of men and women newly referred to fertility treatment in Danish public fertility clinics.

Estrogen Sensitivity and Ovulatory Dysfunction in Obesity
ObesityInfertilityThe sole purpose of this study is to evaluate pathophysiology of disease. The disease state that is being evaluated is the obesity-related alterations in reproductive hormones The obesity epidemic in the United States is advancing at an accelerated pace. It is estimated that by 2015, 41% of U.S. adults will be obese as defined by a body mass index (BMI) of greater than 30 kg/m2. The U.S. government's 2010 Dietary Guidelines regard obesity as the single greatest health hazard in this century. Female adult obesity is associated with menstrual cycle irregularities, ovulatory dysfunction and a higher risk of obstetrical complications. This reproductive phenotype of obesity is worsened by further increases in BMI and is not solely due to anovulatory infertility. While the association of adiposity with subfertility is well documented in population studies, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. The main objective of this proposal is to clarify the nature of the obesity-related reproductive endocrine abnormalities and identify potential etiologies amenable to therapy. Hypothesis: The hypothalamic-pituitary axis is abnormally sensitive to estradiol negative feedback in obesity.

Progesterone on the Day of Ovulation Induction is Associated With Pregnancy Outcome
Female InfertilityProgesterone levels measured in blood/serum of patients on the day of ovulation induction following controlled ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization may be associated with pregnancy outcome. The hypothesis is that higher progesterone levels are associated with lower implantation rates due to changes in the endometrial receptivity.

Premature Luteinization Prevention by GnRH Antagonist in Patients Undergoing IUI
InfertilityPremature luteinization in patients undergoing IUI can occur in up to 24% of cycles. These patients, according to recent data, have a lower pregnancy rate than controls. The possibility to avoid premature luteinization with GnRH antagonist may restore the chances of achieving a pregnancy in these women.

A Non-interventional Study to Identify the Patients With Severe Luteinizing Hormone Deficiency in...
InfertilityThis non-interventional study is planned to identify the subjects with severe luteinizing hormone (LH) deficiency in the daily practice. The results will be used for the "Periodic Safety Update Report", which is to be regularly sent to the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) and the responsible German Higher Federal Authority (BfArM).

Ovarian Response Prediction in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Patients
InfertilitySubfertilityThe aim of the study is to explore ovarian response in terms of oocyte numbers after ovarian stimulation in a fixed gonadotropin dose GnRH-antagonist protocol by endocrine (AMH, FSH), demographic (age), sonographic (antral follicle count) and genetic factors (polymorphisms of gonadotropin receptors and secreted gonadotropins).

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Receptor Polymorphisms in In-Vitro Fertilization Cycles.
InfertilityThis study is being done to identify if certain sequences (patterns) of key genes (called polymorphisms) may predict a response to fertility medications. The investigators will also determine if the individual response to fertility medications affects pregnancy rates in in-vitro fertilization.

Clinical Evaluation of the Interlace Medical Hysteroscopic Morcellator
Abnormal Uterine BleedingInfertilityThis study assesses the effectiveness of intrauterine fibroid and polyp removal using the Interlace Medical 1st generation hysteroscopic morcellator device based on a retrospective review of medical records of women who have been treated with the device.

Food Effects on the Relative Bioavailability of Different Dosages of Risedronate
PostmenopausalNon-lactating1 moreRandomized, open-label, multi-center, 4-treatment, 4-period crossover study. The study will consist of a screening visit, study center admission (preceding Treatment Periods 1, 2, 3, and 4), 4 treatment periods (4 days each), 3 washout periods (14 to 17 days in duration separating each treatment period), and exit procedures.

Local Anaesthetic for Transvaginal Egg Collection in IVF
InfertilityThe purpose of this study is to see whether injecting local anaesthetic into the vaginal tissues,just prior to transvaginal egg collection,will decrease the amount of pain experienced by women having their eggs collected on an IVF cycle. All women will also receive intravenous sedation as required as well as a sleeping tablet thirty minutes prior to the procedure which is our routine procedure for egg collection.