A Clinical Evaluation of Semen Quality Using the MiOXSYS™ System 2.0
Male InfertilityThe purpose of this study is to determine if elevations in oxidative stress, as measured by oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), can distinguish between semen samples from men with abnormal semen parameters from those with normal semen parameters. Static ORP (sORP) results, measured by the MiOXSYS System- a novel technology, will be compared to the current World Health Organization (WHO) semen analysis parameters (5th Edition WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen [2010]).

Determining the Reproductive Health of Men Post-COVID-19 Infection
InfertilityMale1 moreStudy rationale An increasing proportion of the worldwide population is being infected with COVID-19. There are ongoing and currently unanswered safety concerns about the effects of COVID-19 on reproductive health. It will be immensely reassuring to rapidly report that COVID-19 has no detectable effects on male endocrine or sperm function. Conversely, if COVID-19 does impair male reproductive health, appropriate screening can be performed in couples trying to conceive, and further research can be undertaken. The proposed study will be simple, rapid, and authoritative for the UK and worldwide.

Home Examinations Researching and Understanding Submucosal Evaluations
Fertility IssuesTo demonstrate that imaging via home ultrasound can identify submucosal fibroids. The image quality and submucosal fibroid detection specificity of the home imaging has already been demonstrated; the aim of this study is to generate further data for sensitivity. This will be a single visit study, with participants scanning themselves at home with healthcare professional (HCP) supervision. Targeted population is women with previously diagnosed submucosal fibroids that have not been removed. The study will be single-blinded to the image raters.

Improving IVF Embryo Quality Grading Using Polarized Light
InfertilitySelecting one or two IVF embryos with the highest potential to implant is extremely important for the success of the treatment- obtaining pregnancies and avoiding multi-fetal gestations. The currently used IVF embryo grading method is based solely on embryo morphology (cleavage rate and fragmentation) just before the transfer, which is not very well correlated with the implantation potential of each embryo. Oocyte quality and adequacy are the most important factors determining the biological quality and implantation potential of the embryo. It impossible to grade oocytes using plain optical systems, other than maturity and gross anomalies. Polscope systems allow to visualize intra ooplasmic structures and determine their retardance, as well as that of the Zona Pellucida. The investigators hypothesize that grading embryos using the oocyte's parameters as visualized by polscope is superior to conventional morphology and correlates better with their implantation potential. Here the investigators will perform a prospective randomized controlled trial to examine this hypothesis.

Caloric Intake and Ovarian Reserve
InfertilityFemaleThe goal of this study is to observe the impact of caloric intake on ovarian reserve as measured by anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) levels and antral follicles (AFC) visualized on ultrasound. It has been shown that obesity negatively impacts these markers, but research is lacking regarding the influence of nutrition and caloric intake on fertility. This would give the investigators information on how diet may impact ovarian reserve in patients seeking fertility treatment.

Mechanisms of Infertility and Hormonal Changes in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
InfertilityPatients with chronic kidney disease (both men and women), especially those with terminal renal failure, manifest infertility. There has been demonstrated several hormonal changes in patients on dialysis. Increased levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) has been seen in men (12). In women the opposite has been reported. The number of spermatocytes is reduced and a disturbance in maturation has been observed. This project is aimed to study the influence of uremic milieu on fertility in men and women. The hypopituitary/hypothalamus gland axis and hormonal levels will be studied.

Differences in Ovarian Reserve Markers and Vitamin D Between Infertile Indian, Arabian and Caucasian...
Female Infertility Due to Diminished Ovarian ReserveVitamin D Deficiency2 moreThe aim of this study is to confirm the difference in ovarian reserve markers and serum vitamine D levels between infertile indian, arabian and caucasian population.

Day 3 Embryo Biopsy Versus Blastocyst Biopsy in PGS Cases
InfertilityEmbryo BiopsyPreimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGS) is a technique that allow us to improve the results of assisted reproduction techniques through the selection of embryos free of chromosomal abnormalities. At present, it has not been proved that the usage of PGS really improves the live birth rate in IVF cycles. However, it has been stated that the reason of not having better results when using PGS is that the methodology applied is not adequate. Several authors propose that the optimal methodology for PGS includes the application of comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) arrays for genetic testing and carrying out embryo biopsy at the blastocyst stage. Nevertheless, most IVF centres still applies the day 3 embryo biopsy as a daily routine. Despite this fact, there is a gradual transition towards the usage of blastocyst-stage biopsy instead of day 3 biopsy. The purpose of this clinical study is analysing the results of the IVF cycles with embryo biopsy for PGS. Live birth rates and other parameters as the pregnancy and implantation rates together with embryo quality will be analysed and compared between two groups of patients undergoing IVF cycles with PGS. In one group the biopsy will be applied in day 3 of the embryo development, while in the other group the embryo biopsy will be fulfilled at the blastocyst stage.

Impact of Vitamine D Status on in Vitro Fertilization Outcomes
InfertilityNon skeletal effect of vitamin D have been the focus of much interest in the past decade. During the last years, special attention has been given to the impact of vitamin D on human reproduction. Its receptor is expressed in most reproductive organs including hypothalamus, pituitary gland, uterus, ovary, mammary gland and the placenta. In vitro experiments suggest that vitamin D would be involved in regulated embryo-implantation. Concerning AMH, vitamin D seems to alters AMH signaling in human granulosa cells although their circulated levels are correlated in lated reproductive aged women. The results of precedents studies about the impact of vitamin D on IVF outcomes remain conflicting The aim of our study was to assess in a large unselected population of infertile women, the impact of vitamin D deficiency on IVF outcome and to examine the relationship between serum vitamin D levels and the ovarian reserve marker AMH.

Ovarian Damage in Young Premenopausal Women Undergoing Chemotherapy for Cancer
LeukemiaLong-term Effects Secondary to Cancer Therapy in Adults8 moreRATIONALE: Comparing results of diagnostic procedures, such as ultrasound, done before, during, and after chemotherapy may help doctors learn about the side effects of chemotherapy and help plan the best treatment. PURPOSE: This clinical trial is studying ovarian damage in young premenopausal women undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.