Correlating Time-Lapse Parameters Detected by the Eeva™ System With Comprehensive Chromosome Screening...
InfertilityThe purpose of this research study protocol is to collect imaging data on embryos followed to blastocyst stage (Day 5-6) and correlate Eeva System parameters with comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) results, implantation and live birth.

Histomorphometry Analysis in Fertile and Infertile Patients
InfertilityTo detect similarities and differences in the endometrium of fertile and infertile patients

Perifollicular Doppler in Natural Cycle In Vitro Fertilization
InfertilityPerifollicular Doppler could reflect the quality of the follicle's vascularization and, consequently, the one of the oocyte that ensues from it. Perifollicuar Doppler is the analysis, in ultrasound, of the blood flow in vessels surrounding the follicle. The goal of this study is to evaluate if there is a link, in natural cycle In Vitro Fertilization, between the quality of the vascularization and the one of the oocyte, the embryo and the pregnancy.

LXR and Oocyte Meiosis Resumption
Female InfertilityPrevious studies in animal model showed clearly that lipid homeostasis influence oocyte meiosis resumption. However Liver X Receptors pathway has never been investigated in human ovocyte

Treatment of Severe Male Infertility - Predictive Factors (Imaging)
Male InfertilityTestes of men with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) are imaged using MRI to find potential differences depending on the outcome, ie. sperm recovery in consequent microdissection testicular sperm extraction (MD-TESE).

A Study on Efficacy and Safety of Menopur® Multidose in Korean Female Patients With Infertility...
InfertilityThe purpose of this study is to investigate the ongoing pregnancy rates at 10-11 weeks after embryo transfer in patients treated with Menopur® Multidose

Mitochondrial Energy Production in ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology )
Female Infertility Due to Advanced Maternal AgeOocyte maturation requires a lot of energy, which is provided by the mitochondria via the synthesis of ATP. The majority of patients with advanced maternal age (AMA) have poor egg quality. One of the reasons depends on oxidative phosphorylation of Pyruvate to undergo maturation; on the contrary, the cells of the cumulus (CC) show great activity glycolytic so that these cells are able to provide ATP(adenosine triphosphate and energy substrates to the oocyte. The goal of this work is to analyze the mitochondrial function and energy production in oocyte donors compared with a group of women of advanced maternal age subject to a same ovarian stimulation Protocol

Spermatozoa Morphology Selection by Thermotaxis
Male InfertilityThis study aims to eventually assess the usefulness of thermotaxis for sperm selection in routine clinical practice.

Semen Analysis and Insight Into Male Infertility
Male InfertilitySemen analysis is the cornerstone for the valuation of the male partner in the infertile couples. This test has been standardized throughout the world through the World Health Organization (WHO) since the1970s by producing, editing, updating, and disseminating a semen analysis manual and guidelines.

IS Three d Power Doppler of the Endometrial and Subendometrial Regions Effective in Predicting Endometrial...
InfertilityThree D power Doppler US was done for every woman at the day after HCG administration. Ovum pick up was done after 35 hours following HCG administration. The luteal phase was supported by progesterone 300 mg per day (progest, micronized progesterone 100mg, Technopharma, Egypt, for pharco pharmaceuticals, Amriya- Alexandria). Five days following ovum pick up, the embryos were transferred at the blastocyst stage.