Efficacy and Safety of Long Term Use of hCG or hCG Plus hMG in Males With Isolated Hypogonadotropic...
Isolated Hypogonadotropic HypogonadismKallmann Syndrome1 moreThis study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of long term use of hCG alone or hCG plus hMG in the treatment of male patients with isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH). One third of the participants will receive hCG treatment alone and the other third of the participants will receive hCG treatment alone for six months, then the hMG will be added. And the last third of the participants will receive hCG and hMG treatment since the beginning of the treatment.

Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Intra Ovarian Infusion in Perimenopausal Women
InfertilityFemale2 moreAutologous PRP intra ovarian infusion may improve ovarian response and women's hormonal profile and may promote folliculogenesis in perimenopausal women.

Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Intra-ovarian Infusion in Poor Responders
Ovary; AnomalyInfertility1 moreAutologous PRP intra ovarian infusion may improve ovarian response, patients' hormonal profile as well as fresh embryo transfer (ET)-ICSI cycles' outcome in patients presenting with Poor Ovarian Response (POR).

Growth Hormone Adding to Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation for Improving Embryo Quality
Infertility,FemaleGH plays an important role in the synthesis of ovarian steroid hormone and follicular development as a paracrine hormone.GH can regulate the growth hormone receptor and strengthen the function of mitochondria to improve the quality of the female oocyte.In this study, a prospective randomized control was used to explore the effect of GH adjuvant therapy on embryo quality.

Internet-based Intervention to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle on the Reproductive Parameters of Overweight...
ObesityInfertility1 moreObesity and overweight are among the problems that produce infertility. The combination of diet and exercise to achieve weight loss are currently considered an effective intervention for the improvement of reproductive parameters in overweight or obese infertile women. Aim: to evaluate the effectiveness of an online program to promote a healthy lifestyle among women who are overweight or obese who also have a diagnosis of infertility and are on the waiting list for in vitro fertilisation treatment

Endometrial Assessment of Women With Uterine Infection
InfertilityUnexplained infertility is clinically diagnosed when there are no apparent or clear factors causing infertility on regular infertility assessment tools . Failure of implantation is a possible factor causing unexplained infertility .

Preparing and Timing of the Endometrium in Modified Natural Cycle Frozen-thawed Embryo Transfers...
InfertilityThe increasing use of FET emphasizes the importance of preparing and timing the endometrium in FET cycles, however there is no consensus on luteal phase progesterone supplementation in mNC-FET and the optimal day of blastocyst warming and transfer. The aim of this multicenter RCT is to assess the effect of progesterone supplementation in hCG-triggered mNC-FET and the effect of embryo thawing and transfer at hCG+6 or hCG+7 days, respectively. In total 604 patients will be included with n=151 in each of the four study arms. The primary outcome is live birth rate per transfer (LBR) and the goal is to show a 10% increase in LBR after progesterone supplementation and to assess whether blastocyst warming+transfer 6 days after hCG trigger is superior to 7 days after hCG trigger in mNC-FET.

Impact of Escitalopram on Sperm DNA Fragmentation
Sperm DNA FragmentationInfertility1 moreDouble-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial of daily escitalopram for 6 weeks in healthy men with normal semen analyses and no psychiatric history of depression, bipolar, mania or suicidal ideation. Hormone profiles, semen analysis, sperm DNA fragmentation, and sexual function will be measured at baseline, after 6 weeks of therapy, and 4 weeks after discontinuation of therapy (10 weeks into study).

Vaginal Progesterone Improves Clinical Outcomes of RIF Patients
InfertilityFemaleThis study is a single-center, randomized, controlled prospective study. Those patients with repeated implantation failure (RIF) who will recieve frozen thawed embryo transfer (FET) are enrolled in the study. To determine the effect of vaginal progesterone on the clinical pregnancy outcomes of RIF patients.

The Effectiveness of the Letrozole-induced Endometrial Preparation Protocol in Frozen-thawed Embryo...
LetrozoleInfertility1 moreThe goal of this single center, non-blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial to comparison of pregnancy outcomes and perinatal outcomes in patients undergoing IVF treatment (including ICSI) with FET with letrozole-induce endothelial preparation protocol versus natural cycles, hormone replacement protocol. The main questions it aims to answer are: To investigate whether letrozole-induce endothelial preparation is effective in improving the live birth rate and clinical pregnancy rate. To explore its possible impact on clinically important indicators such as spontaneous abortion rate, implantation cycle cancellation rate, days of endothelial preparation, and number of visits to the clinic. The study subjects were randomized into groups starting at D1-D3 of the menstrual cycle. The study subjects were stratified according to whether their menstrual cycles were regular or not, and were divided into the following endothelial preparation regimens according to the pre-prepared stratified zoned randomized group numbers: (1) regular menstrual cycles (25-35 d): letrozole ovulation-promoting cycles, natural cycles, and hormone-replacement cycles; and (2) irregular menstrual cycles (<25 d or >35 d): letrozole ovulation-promoting cycles, hormone-replacement cycle.