Cleavage Pattern of Embryos and Oxidative Parameters
InfertilityTo investigate prospectively whether embryos with abnormal cleaving pattern have different oxidative parameters from normally cleaving embryos, and to analyze whether these parameters have an association with demographic, laboratory and clinical parameters including treatment outcome.

Administration of Vaginal and Rectal Progesterone During FET Cycles
InfertilityObservational study of reproductive outcome after frozen embryo transfer in HRT with vaginal and rectal progesterone.

Microbiome and Endometrial Receptivity in Obese Infertile Women
Endometrial ReceptivityThe objective of this project is the identification and quantification of the main bacterial communities present in the endometrial microbiota in obese infertile patients, to assess if there is an alteration of their composition dependent on the body mass index, and if such alteration it could influence the reduction of endometrial receptivity, demonstrated in obese women. If obese patients have an altered digestive microbiota and, at the same time, a lower endometrial receptivity, the investigator want to assess whether such reduction in receptivity may depend on an alteration in the endometrial microbiota, which in non-obese infertile patients has been shown to negatively influence the reproductive results

A Retrospective Study on the Effect of HBA or HBB Genetic Defects on Early Embryonic Development...
Thalassemia,Embryonic Development,Reproductive Sterility and InfertilityThalassemia is an anemia or pathological state caused by compounding absently or inadequately of one or more globin chains of hemoglobin due to the defects of the globin gene,and the carrying rate is high in southern China. Although there are many studies of Thalassemia, the relationship between the globin gene defects and the early embryo development has not been reported. This study intends to carry out a retrospective analysis on the embryonic development of the patients with thalassemia assisted by PGD from January 1, 2011 to now in our hospital, to explore whether the HBA or HBB gene defects have a certain influence on the early embryo development, so as to accumulate certain data for reproductive health research.

Single-center Prospective Cumulus Cell Test Study in rFSH Patients
InfertilityPerforming an additional non-invasive oocyte diagnostic test based on cumulus cell gene expression could improve the outcome of the ART cycle for rFSH stimulated patients

Corifollitropin Alfa and Embryo Morphokinetics
InfertilityThe study evaluates the influence of corifollitropin alfa (Elonva) on embryo morphokinetics and fertility treatment outcome in comparison to a control group stimulated with Follitropin beta (Puregon).

The Role of NLRP Gene Family (NLRP1~14) in Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility
MiscarriageRecurrent1 moreDevelopment of mole was not associated with segregation of mutated NLRP7 allele in the haploid oocyte. We hypothesize NLRP7 is a maternal factor involved in regulating early embryo development or embryo-uterine interaction. In the proposed study, we seek to identify novel genetic variants and mutations of NLRP7 in women who experienced RM/HM. Genetic association study and haplotype analysis are performed to test assocation between NLRP7 gene and female reproductive performance. Immunohistochemical staining, RT-PCR, and Western blot analysis are used to investigate expression pattern of NLRP7 in endometrium and placenta. Two approaches are used to characterize functional significance of genetic variants/mutations. The first approach will be based on mutagenesis and the second approach will be based on induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Results obtained from the proposed study will provide novel insight into mechanism of embryo development and implantation.

The Temporo-spatial Dynamics of Genital Tract Microbiota
InfertilityFemaleThe investigators aim to examine the endometrium with state of the art sequencing techniques to investigate the endometrial microbiota. The endometrial microbiota has been perceived to be sterile, however, this seems incorrect from recent studies. Thus, the primary outcome is to compare the rate of ascending infection from the semen to the vagina to the endometrium and to investigate which bacteria are capable of inhabiting these environments. Furthermore, cervical mucus will be obtained in order to test for immunological, microbiological and mechanical properties that may be involved in ascending infection. Finally, the study aim to characterize the temporal changes in the vaginal microbiota during estrogenic treatment with Estrofem® or Vivelle Dot (R) for preparation of the endometrium prior to embryo transfer.

Does a Brief Intervention Decrease Patient Drop Out Rates?
InfertilityThe goal of this study is to determine a) if a follow-up email to selected patients who had an initial consult with an infertility specialist, but did not return for a second visit, would change return to care behavior and b) why patients had not returned.

Role of Transrectal-ultrasound in Evaluation of Azoospermia
Infertility Due to AzoospermiaAzoospermia is a word meaning to ejaculates with no spermatozoa without a definite underlying cause .1% of men has azoospermia, representing nearly 10 to 15% of all infertile men. The azoospermia is a major concern in our community. There is no actual epidemiological studies to estimate the actual numbers in Egypt. Azoospermia has several classifications, pre-testicular, testicular & post-testicular cause .The semen analysis is the main investigation done for these patient .The treatment methods range from hormonal therapy to surgery or ICSI . The imaging modalities has developed greatly in the last 3 decades. That it became in several setting as a bedside test or investigation. The main modalities used in azoospermia are scrotal ultrasound, TRUS and MRI. The first TRUS was introduced 1957.