Evaluation of the Relationship Between Air Bubbles Depth and Pregnancy Rate in ICSI Cycles
Good Ovarian ResponseInfertility HistoryThe aim of this work is to assess the effect of air bubbles localization inside the uterus on embryo transfer outcome in ICSI cycles. Is there a relationship between embryo transfer outcome and the distance between fundal endometrial surface and air bubbles assessed by trans-abdominal ultrasound?

Obesity Index That Better Predict Ovarian Response
InfertilityThis study is designed to assess the accuracy of Body Mass Index ,Waist Circumference ,Waist Hip Ratio or Waist Height Ratio as a predictor of ovarian response in women undergoing ICSI.

Role of Ratio of Progesterone to Number of Follicles as a Prognostic Tool for IntracytoplasmicSperm...
InfertilityFemaleThis study will be conducted at the In vitro fertilization Unit at Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital. Women will be recruited from the In vitro fertilization Unit who will fulfill the inclusion criteria. They will be counseled to be included into the study The study will assess Role of Ratio of Progesterone to Number of Follicles as a Prognostic Tool for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection outcome.

Improved Medically Assisted Procreation Monitoring
InfertilityPatient care in Medically Assisted Procreation (MAP) requires a close and regular monitoring of the evolution of the estradiol rate. This monitoring allows the dose and duration of treatment to be accurately adjusted for each woman (every 24 or 48 hours) up to 10 to 15 days of treatment with gonadotrophins. Oestradiol (E2) is secreted by the growing ovarian follicles and reflects their growth and maturity. Its plasma dosage makes it possible to monitor the ovarian response to stimulation. This monitoring involves several constraints amongst which disruption of work life, stress, fatigue that can alter the response to treatment

G-CSF Administration in IVF in a Preferable Preceptive Endometrium Score
Women InfertilityThis is a controlled preminary trial intended to increase the implantation rate of IVF cycles, by using more than one known procedure, endometrial scratching, evaluating the status of the adhesive factors as αVβ3 integrin, L-selectin ligand MECA-79, E-cadherin and ICAM-1, as a determinant for intervention by G-CSF, according to a score that can be done on a small sample obtained during scratching, then give G-CSF for the scores less than 4 intrauterine and subcutaneously.

Relation Between Emotional Stress and Infertility
HealthyInfertile couples who come for evaluation and treatment in IVF unit could be under psychological stress. Many authors in the past suggested that stress itself is one of the factors that directly influence fecundability rate. In couples treated in IVF unit, the investigators aim to measure chronic stress by measuring hair cortisol level (as a marker for chronic cortisol release) and by filling different questionnaires.

Eeva System Imaging Study
InfertilityThe purpose of this clinical trial is to collect imaging data on embryos followed to blastocyst stage (Day 5-6) for ongoing development and validation of the Eeva System.

PC Protocol: Preconceptional Screening
InfertilityBackground: Despite considerable progress in the field of assisted reproductive technology (ART) maximum pregnancy rates generally do not exceed 30%. Furthermore, substantial differences in pregnancy rates are seen between women starting ART from seemingly similar clinical starting points and information on pregnancy/neonatal complications after ART is limited. For physicians and patients it would be extremely valuable if tools could be developed through which individualised chances of live birth and the development of pregnancy/neonatal complications can be calculated. In addition, there is increasing knowledge about health risks associated with subfertility and in particular with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and premature ovarian failure (POF). An important void in research to date is the absence of a control group to check important new findings. Objectives: The study protocol aims to form a cohort of normo-ovulatory women with a regular indication for ART which can aid the investigators principle lines of research: To study initial predictors of ovarian response to stimulation for IVF To study predictors of chances for live birth after repeated IVF cycles To assess the role for vascular health in the probabilities of success in ART treatment To study predictors for pregnancy and neonatal complications To form a control group for cycle disturbance studies Study design: In this part of the protocol, serum and material for DNA analysis will be collected by asking patients to have 20 ml of blood drawn during a routine blood withdrawal. This blood will be stored in the Biobank of the UMC Utrecht at -80 C. Study population: All women starting ART will be asked to participate. Women starting donorinsemination treatment will be asked to participate, from the viewpoint that they potentially will form a normal fertile control group. Nature and extent of the burden and benefits associated with participation: There are no benefits or risks for the study patient as blood is withdrawn during a routine venapuncture and results will not be used for clinical practice.

Influence of Serum Vitamin D Levels on Embryo Morphokinetic Parameters
InfertilityThe aim of this study is observing the relation between serum Vitamin D levels and morphokinesis of time lapse monitored Day 5 embryo in between 18 and 38 years age women undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) because of unexplained or tubal factor infertility. Individuals will be divided into 2 groups according to serum vitamin D levels as normal or low , and the influence of those levels in morphokinetic parameters of embryos will be identified.

Dual Trigger Versus GnRHa Trigger Combined With Luteal HCG Administration
InfertilityComparing the reproductive outcomes of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles in women at risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) subjected to gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist protocol followed by trigger with concomitant GnRH agonist (GnRHa) and low-dose human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) administration (dual trigger), GnRHa trigger with single luteal low-dose HCG or GnRHa trigger with multiple luteal low-doses HCG