Markers in Follicular Fluid and in Embryo Culture Medium as a Marker of Oocyte and Embryo Quality...
Infertility/SterilityAssessment of the quality of follicular fluid and early embryo via chemical markers.

Vitamin D Deficiency Among Women With Unexplained Infertility
Case Control StudyDoes vitamin D is more deficient in women with unexplained infertility than in fertile pregnant women or not?

Comparative Study of Two Embryo Culture Systems
InfertilityThe centre for Medically-Assisted Procreation (MAP) of Dijon CHU has two high-technology embryo culture systems, with incubation characteristics that are potentially superior to those provided by classical culture systems. Indeed, these two systems, available in only two MAP centres in France, make it possible to maintain a stable temperature and gaseous environment during the in-vitro development of the embryos. It is necessary to observe the development of the embryos to determine which embryos have the highest implantation potential. These observations are done from time to time by microscope for one system and continuously using an incorporated video camera for the other (cinematographic study). The MAP centre in Dijon wishes to compare the interest of these two systems.

Ultrasonographic Measurements of Uterine Junctional Zone and Association With In Vitro Fertilization...
InfertilityFemaleThe aim of this study is to prospectively examine the relationship of the uterine junctional zone thickness, evaluated by ultrasonography and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment outcome. The study hypothesis is that the uterine junctional zones of women who did not achieve pregnancy will be thicker than those of the women who do achieve pregnancy

Endometrial Flora in Women Undergoing IVF Treatments
Endometrial Flora Characterization in Infertile WomenCharacterization of the female genital tract microbiome in women undergoing IVF treatment

Oocyte Cryopreservation: Evaluation of an Oocyte Freezing and Thawing Technique
InfertilityOver the past several decades, considerable effort has been expended toward the successful cryopreservation of various human cells. While attempts at cryopreservation have been directed at different tissue types, one of the most vigorously pursued targets has been reproductive tissue. Historically, cryopreservation of human sperm has existed for several decades. The earliest reports of pregnancies (Trounson et al., 1983) and births (Zeilmaker et al., 1984) from the cryopreservation of human embryos occurred in the early 1980s. Presently, the freezing and storage of human embryos following in vitro fertilization (IVF) is standard practice at most fertility clinics. In 2003, the CDC Assisted Reproductive Technology success rates report stated that 4,246 live births occurred out of 17,517 non-donor frozen embryo cycles. . Because the human egg is a relatively voluminous cell with abundant cytoplasm, crystallization at the time of freezing may result in damage to the organelles. Secondly, a mature metaphase II oocyte contains a fragile spindle apparatus involved in cleavage. The purpose of this research study is to evaluate a method of freezing and thawing oocytes. This evaluation will be made by comparing the survival rates and rates of fertilization, cleavage and embryo quality of fresh oocytes and frozen-thawed oocytes which will be inseminated during the IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatment cycle. In addition, the same comparisons will be made between frozen oocytes from infertile women and those of egg donors. You are being asked to be in this study because you are currently undergoing in vitro fertilization.

Three-dimensional Ultrasonography Versus Hysteroscopy in Evaluation of Uterine Cavity in Infertile...
Female InfertilityHysteroscopy has now become a gold-standard technique carried out for uterine cavity assessment in infertile women. Apart from direct visualizing of the endometrium by the naked eye, pathologies missed by other modalities of investigation can be picked up and managed appropriately. Unfortunately, the procedure itself is not free from complications e.g. perforation, cervical laceration, bleeding, limited access in cases of cervical stenosis and considered as an invasive procedure. Two-dimensional transvaginal ultrasonography (2D-TVS)and Three-dimensional TVS (3D-TVS) are non-invasive methods for evaluating the uterine cavity. The3D-TVS is superior to 2D-TVS in identifying uterine cavity abnormalities due to its ability to obtain a view of three different planes of the uterus, which could be used to locate the position of intracavitary pathology. Reports vary regarding the diagnostic accuracy of 3D-TVS that was reported to have 41.3-81.5% sensitivity and 94.6-98.7% specificity. So it became clear that 3D-TVS is a non-invasive and safe diagnostic tool for evaluation of the uterine cavity abnormalities but its sensitivity, specificity and accuracy still a matter of debate and warrants more evaluation.

Single Follicular Dexarelix for LH Suppression During Ovarian Stimulation in Oocyte Donors.
InfertilityPremature Ovarian FailureA randomized prospective study in the evaluation of the long acting GnRH antagonist Degarelix against the classical multidose regime with Ganirelix for LH suppression during the follicular phase of an ovarian stimulation cycle in oocyte donors.

Parental Attitudes in Invitro Fertilization
InfertilityFemaleThe relationship between revelation of mode of conception and child behavior is not known

Convolutional Neural Network in Ovarian Follicle Identification
InfertilityFemale1 moreA prospective cohort trial studying patients with infertility undergoing an ovarian stimulation with exogenous gonadotropins. Ovarian monitoring will be performed with a combination of transvaginal ultrasound and 2 dimensional human measurements of the follicle development on the right and left ovaries along with SonoAVC. Human and SonoAVC measurements will then be compared to mask region-based convolutional neural network in follicle identification and measurement during during the ovarian stimulation.