Epidemiology Research on Acute Lung Injury/Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ALI/ARDS) in Adult...
Acute Lung InjuryAcute Respiratory Distress SyndromeTo survey the prevalence and the mortality of the Acute Lung Injury/ Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ALI/ARDS) in 12 university hospital ICUs in Shanghai.

The Usefulness of HyperQ Recordings for the Early Diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Patients...
Acute Coronary SyndromeThe purpose of the study is to assess the usefulness of high Frequency mid-QRS analysis in identifying the ischemic origin of patients presenting to the Emergency Room (ER)with Chest pain.

Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Participates in Visceral Hyperalgesia in Irritable Bowel Syndrome...
Irritable Bowel SyndromeBrain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), originally known to be a member of the nerve growth factor family, has aroused attention as a modulator in visceral hyperalgesia recently. Visceral hypersensitivity is recognized as a clinical hallmark in IBS patients. So in this study, the investigators will focus on the role of BDNF in colonic hyperalgesia in IBS patients.

Study of Depression, Peptides, and Steroids in Cushing's Syndrome
Cushing's SyndromeOBJECTIVES: I. Study the relationship between dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and disorders of mood, vegetative function, and cognition in patients with Cushing's disease. II. Identify subgroups of patients with Cushing's disease who differ in the presence and severity of the depressive syndrome, and uncover HPA axis dysregulation differences among them using corticotropin-releasing hormone, metyrapone, and dexamethasone challenge testing.

Syndrome Patterns for Chronic Atrophic Gastritis Malignant Transformation
TCM Syndrome of Chronic Atrophic GastritisChronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) is acknowledged as the precancerous stage of gastric cancer (GC). The present study aims to explore Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) syndrome features in different stages of CAG malignant transformation respectively. The proposed study is a cross-sectional study based participant survey conducted in 4 hospitals in Beijing, China. After obtaining informed consent, a total of 2000 study patients will be recruited on-site in hospitals.

Comparison of Intravascular Ultrasound With Venography in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Iliac Vein...
Iliac Vein Compression SyndromeThe aim of this study is to compare intravascular ultrasound with venography in the diagnosis and treatment of iliac vein compression syndrome.

Clinical Features and Potential Etiology of Epilepsy and Nodding Syndrome in the Mahenge Area, Ulanga...
Nodding SyndromeEpilepsy2 moreBackground: Childhood epilepsy disorders are particular frequent in the area around Mahenge, southern Tanzania and recent studies have described a novel type of epilepsy with repetitive head nodding episodes and often progressive cognitive dysfunction. Despite the disease affecting thousands in Tanzania, Uganda and South Sudan, etiology and pathogenesis of the disorder termed Nodding Syndrome (NS) is still obscure as the phenotype remains imprecisely described. Epidemiological associations with Onchocerca volvulus and Mansonella spp. were noted at different African sites and remain robust even though no evidence for the presence of O. volvulus in CSF or any previous contact with the CSF was found. Hypothesis: With regard to the complex host immune reaction to O. volvulus, the investigators hypothesize that the immune response against filariae might contribute to NS and epilepsy. The investigators further assume that specific genetic traits might play a role in the pathogenesis of NS. Aims In the present study the investigators aim to examine if and how O. volvulus and/or Mansonella spp. contribute to the pathology of NS/epilepsy and therefore intend to analyze the filarial infection and the host immune response in affected children. To identify inherited traits predisposing for epilepsy, NS or specific immune responses, a genetic workup that includes whole-exome sequencing (WES) is performed. The clinical and EEG characteristics are further defined. Cognitive impairment of people with epilepsy and NS is assessed using the Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability (WNV). Study design: A cross-sectional observational (groups I-III) and a case-control (groups I-V) study recruiting in total 250 patients and controls (I: people with NS, n=50; II: people with epilepsy (PWE) and onchocerciasis, n=50; III: PWE without onchocerciasis, n=50; IV: controls with onchocerciasis but otherwise healthy, n= 50; healthy controls without evidence for onchocerciasis, n= 50) is performed to describe the clinical characteristics in children with NS/epilepsy and to evaluate differences in infection and immune response between groups, respectively. The WNV should be validated in 500 healthy controls to obtain reference data in rural Africa. Summary: In summary, the study aims to elucidate clinical characteristics and the pathogenesis of NS/epilepsy in children of southern Tanzania and role of parasitic infection as a cause for NS/epilepsy.

Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Miss-1 Study in Children and Adult With Nephrotic Syndrome MISSNEPHROTIQUE...
Nephrotic SyndromeThe nephrotic syndrome is a rare disease defined by a proteinuria >3g/24h and a hypoalbuminemia < 30g/L. Genetic and immune are the main causes. The acquired idiopathic nephrotic syndrome presents histologically minimal glomerular lesions, sometimes associated with segmental and focal hyalinosis. The idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) represents 85% of children's glomerular nephropathy and 25-30% of adult's. Relapses are frequents, and can be pejorative up to 10% and lead to end-stage kidney failure. Another immune cause is the extramembranous glomerulonephritis mediated by molecular targets specific autoantibodies expressed at the podocytes surface. Other immune causes include lupus nephropathy, ANCA vascularitis, Goodpasture disease, Berger disease. Easy diagnosis between these causes can be made with the renal biopsy. Miss-1, a new protein activated during a inflammatory event, could be an actor in nephrotic syndromes by modifying the podocyte's adhesion on the glomerular basal membrane. This would modulate the structure and function of the slit diaphragm, as well as junctions between the podocyte and the glomerular basal membrane, regulating podocytes' apoptosis.

Spinal Cord Gray Matter Imaging in Post Polio Syndrome
Post-polio SyndromeThis is a longitudinal, observational study with the aims of comparing spinal cord gray matter areas in patients with Post-Polio Syndrome to age and sex matched healthy control subjects and to correlate atrophy with metrics of clinical disability.

Eculizumab Use in the Postpartum Period for the Treatment of Pregnancy Associated aHUS: A Case Series...
Atypical Hemolytic Uremic SyndromePregnancyEculizumab is a humanized monoclonal IgG antibody against protein C5 that works to inhibit the activation of the terminal complement cascade. The Eculizumab is currently FDA approved for the treatment of Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) and has been shown to improve the quality of life and overall survival in these patients. aHUS is a life-threatening disease of complement mediated thrombotic microangiopathy often triggered by an inciting event, such as an infection or immunocompromised state. Pregnancy has also been identified as an inciting event, with patients most often experiencing aHUS in the postpartum period. Due to its rare nature, pregnancy-associated aHUS is often mistaken for preeclampsia or hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme, low platelet (HELLP) syndrome. As standard treatment for preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome is completion of the pregnancy by expediting delivery of the baby. A missed diagnosis of aHUS can result in delays in treatment, including use of Eculizumab when appropriate; such delay can increase the risk of maternal morbidity and mortality. When aHUS is suspected in the postpartum period, Eculizumab could be initiated early; however, there is limited data on use of Eculizumab in this setting.