Discovery of New Early Detection Biomarkers of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeThe goal of this project is to find a series novel biomarkers by differential proteomic techniques that can improve the early diagnosis and develop a more efficient therapy to enhance ARDS patient survival rate.

Respiratory Mechanics Registry for ARDS Patients
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeThis registry was proposed to investigate the epidemiology of respiratory mechanics in patients with ARDS through collecting data from a QI project which was constituted with systematic assessments of respiratory mechanics and gas exchange.

Clinical and Molecular Characterisation of Orofaciodigital Syndromes and Other Clinical Phenotypes...
Orofaciodigital SyndromesThe aim of this multicentre study will be to better describe the clinical characteristics and the etiological bases of patients with OFD syndrome by identifying new genes involved in OFD syndrome. These results will make it possible, from patients who have been clearly identified from a clinical, cytogenetic and molecular point of view, to determine a study strategy in such patients. The data obtained will be used to guide clinical geneticists in genetic counselling for patients and their families. Identification of the molecular bases of the different OFD syndromes will make it possible to determine whether or not they belong to the group of ciliopathies like type I OFD and to understand their physiopathological bases. This study will also make it possible to better characterise the phenotype of boys with syndromic mental retardation related to the OFD1 gene and thus to define the clinical criteria of the study of this gene in boys with mental retardation. The complete absence of knowledge concerning the genetic bases of OFD syndromes, apart from type I, the presence of a large collection of samples from patients with OFD syndrome at Dijon CHU, the recognition of the diagnostic laboratory for syndromic OFD at the international level as well as the technical platform and expertise in molecular cytogenetic methods including CGH-array and molecular genetics (sequencing, quantitative PCR, fragment analysis) at the Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology laboratories at Dijon CHU justify the implementation of such a study in 2010.

Accuracy of TCD Monitoring in Predicting Cerebral Hyperperfusion Syndrome After Carotid Endarterectomy...
Carotid StenosisCerebral Hyperperfusion Syndrome1 moreBackground: Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome (CHS) is a life threatening complication of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) and the changes of middle cerebral artery velocity are used to predict the occurrence of CHS but the accuracy is limited. In addition, changes of BP post-operatively comparing with baseline BP should be a predictive factor of CHS. Objective: The investigators aimed to create a predictive index, velocity systolic blood pressure index (VSI), for improving the predictive power of Transcranial Doppler monitoring regarding CHS. Methods: The study design is a diagnostic test, which is an observational analytic clinical study. From March 2013 to September 2014, 200 patients will be recruited. Patients will be classified according to the CHS occurrence. VSI combined the changes of middle cerebral artery velocity and blood pressure crossing CEA and the intra- and post-operative increase ratios of middle cerebral artery velocity were calculated. Their prediction power of CHS will be compared. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value of them will be calculated. Receiver operating characteristic analysis will be performed. Expected Outcomes: Comparing with the commonly used intra-operative and post-operative TCD monitoring, VSI may be more useful to select CHS in patients who underwent CEA. As far as the investigators know, analysis or studies combining the BP and velocity changes in the prediction of CHS have never been performed.

Persistent Platelet Reactivity in Acute Coronary Syndrome
Acute Coronary SyndromeStudy of persistent platelet reactivity during acute coronary syndrome. Patients are included at admission to the hospital. Platelet aggregation is evaluated by platelet function testing after blood sampling during hospitalization. No changes in treatment is planned.

Portuguese Registry on Acute Coronary Syndromes
Acute Coronary SyndromeThe purpose of this Registry is creating a database management that allows continuous monitoring characteristics, evolution, prognostic indicators and management of patients with ACS admitted in Portuguese Hospitals, and identify the appropriateness of clinical practice recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of ACS and monitor its evolution.

EVLWI Exhibits Pulmonary and Systemic Permeability in Sepsis Related ALI/ARDS
Sepsis Related Acute Lung Injury/Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeTo investigate the possible mechanisms of pulmonary and systemic permeability change including cytokine, extravascular lung water index (EVLWI), and oxygenation parameters in patients with sepsis related acute lung injury (ALI)/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

Observational Research on Use of Immunoprop Supplement in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue SyndromeObservational study regarding the use of supplements in chronic fatigue syndrome patients

Role of the Stress in the Development of the Metabolic Syndrome
Anxiety DisordersDepressive Disorders2 moreThe purpose of this study is determine the incidence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in people of high risk, of 40 or more years and attended in the Primary Care. Evaluating the association between anxiety, depression, quality of life and the vital stressful events, and the development of the metabolic syndrome in general population. Our hypothesis is that population of the cohort with bigger degree of stress will develop earlier the metabolic syndrome. If our hypothesis about the metabolic syndrome are demonstrated, it would allow establishing in a future interventions on these factors of risk to prevent or to decrease the incidence of this syndrome in the Primary Care.

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome and Endometriosis
Pelvic Congestive SyndromeEndometriosisThe pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS) is a complex and multifactorial condition associated with inflammatory and hormonal etiophatogenesis similar to the endometriosis. Furthermore, both pathologies share same clinical symptoms as chronic pelvic pain and dyspareunia. Our hypothesis is that PCS prevalence is higher in patients with endometriosis than in those without clinical or ultrasound signs of endometriosis.