Duplex US in Pelvic Congestion Syndrome in Females (PCS)
Pelvic Pain SyndromeTo investigate the feasibility of Duplex US in Diagnosis of Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

Effect of Corticosteroid Treatment on Prognosis in ARDS Secondary to Covid-19
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Secondary to Covid-19Study conducted on hospitalized patient in critical ill units in Nancy and Metz to evaluate if early corticosteroid treatment in first seven days after admission improve patients outcome in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to Covid-19 compared to later corticosteroid therapy or no treatment. Also comparison of acquired infection with or without corticosteroid treatment during hospitalisation.

Relation Between Femoral Nerve Conduction Velocity and Its Mechanosensitivity Changes Among Patellofemoral...
Patello Femoral Syndrometo investigate the relation between NCV of femoral nerve and other dependent variables such as ( pain & limited hip extension ROM )in patients with PFPS . to predict using the NCV as a method for assessment femoral nerve mechanosensitivity in those with PFPS

ImpRovE underSTanding of Short bOwel syndRome in Latin-amErica
Short Bowel SyndromeBackground and justification: Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a disabling and life-threatening condition that results from a partial or total bowel resection, and has become as the main cause of Type III, intestinal failure (IF). Immediately after enterectomy there is an adaptation process consisting of structural, hormonal and metabolic changes to maximize intestinal function. These changes begin within days of resection and generally continue for several months. However, recent publications have reported even longer periods of time (up to 5 years) to achieve enteral autonomy. It is possible to enhance the natural process of intestinal adaptation through medical or surgical treatments, called intestinal rehabilitation. During the process, complications related to intestinal failure or its treatment may arise, jeopardizing the result and even compromising survival. A better understanding of the medium and long-term results of patients under medical and / or surgical treatment with SIC is needed. Despite the improvement recently achieved in managing IF, in most countries, pts are dispersed and seen by general health-care providers, with limited SBS or IF experience, causing increasing concern regarding the competence and equity of the care accessible to suffering pts. The results obtained with the RESTORE project in adult patients highlight the relevance of having registries to better understand the natural history of this disease in adult patients, proving that a larger number of adult pts with SBS/III-IF can be identified and cared for than the numbers considered by recognized estimations. [Abstract sent to TTS, 2020]. To date, there are no data for pediatric patients with iIF secondary to SIC in Latin America, so its incidence, prevalence and evolution are unknown. Recent publications from middle-income countries, exposed the current inequality regarding the different types of therapies available within a given region. Given the high morbidity and mortality associated with ICS-FI, there is an unmet need to create an adequate study that provides the information necessary to establish local and regional parameters and recommendations on its treatment.

Immun Response in Children With MIS-C
MIS-C Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in ChildrenMulti-system inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a post-viral inflammatory vasculopathy of children and adolescents following Covid-19 infection. It affects one of 1000-5000 children. Latency between mild or asymptomatic Covid-19 infection and MIS-C is 4-6 weeks. The immune response in MIS-C seems to be dysregulated and different from that during acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. The investigators are planning to investigate the immune response in children with MIS-C. RNA and protein expression of cytokines and immune cell-related markers will be determined via multiplex ELISA, FACS, quantitative PCR, RNAseq, and Western blot. The use of highly sensitive multiplex methods will allow for the analysis of a large number of parameters in the smallest possible amount of sample. Sample preparation and analysis will be performed in close collaboration with the Centre for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC) and the Institute of Virology. With this project the investigators hope to identify risk factors for developing MIS-C and extend the knowledge on therapeutic options for the treatment of this condition.

Reliability, Validity of the Turkish Version of the Primary Sjögren Syndrome Quality of Life (PSS-QoL)...
Primary Sjögren's SyndromeThe purpose of this study was to investigate adaptation, validity, and reliability of the Turkish version of the Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Quality of Life (PSS-QoL) Questionnaire

incidenCe and predictOrs of heaRt fAiLure After Acute coronarY Syndrome: CORALYS
Acute Coronary SyndromeHeart FailureSingle-cohort retrospective study evaluating the incidence and prognostic markers of heart failure following acute coronary syndrome treated by percutaneous coronary intervention

Craniofacial Microsomia: Accelerating Understanding of the Significance and Etiology
MicrotiaMicrotia-Anotia5 moreThe CAUSE study is a multicenter study, with domestic (n=4) and international (n=6) study sites. Children and young adults (ages 0-18) who have microtia and/or craniofacial microsomia and their parents are invited to participate. Children and parents are asked to provide a DNA sample (blood or saliva) and are asked to upload a few photos of their face. Parents are asked a short interview. Participants are able to participate from home or at one of four domestic sites.

Assessment of Skills and Behaviors in Children With Down Syndrome
Down SyndromeParents of children with Down Syndrome can help in describing children's abilities and behavior. Most of the studies evaluating parents of children with Down Syndrome and other intellectual disabilities have focused on parental stress and coping; Additionally, most research has evaluated the perspectives of mothers rather than fathers. For this reason, in this study we aims to evaluate skills and behaviors in children with Down syndrome through the perception of parents.

Assessment of Neural Oscillations in Adult Subjects With Down Syndrome and Typically Developing...
Down SyndromeBackground: It has been proposed that a hyperactivity of the endocannabinoids system could be involved in the cognitive deficits involved in Down Syndrome (DS). Hyperactivation of the type-1 cannabinoid (CB1) receptor by exogenous cannabinoids, such as the active principle of cannabis tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), induces several modifications of the electroencephalogram (EEG). The goal of this study is to compare those CB1-dependent EEG parameters in subjects with DS and age-matched typically developing subjects (TD, control group). These investigations can increase our knowledge of the involvement of the CB1 receptor in DS cognitive deficits and potentially identify biomarkers of target engagement of new therapies of this condition. Hypothesis: It was recently showed in pre-clinical DS models that the endocannabinoid system is hyperactivated in the brain and that human adult subjects with DS showed higher plasma concentrations of the main endocannabinoids 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine, 2-AEA) as compared with those found in typically developing subjects. Alterations of neural oscillations induced by the consumption of THC preparations are well established and it is hypothesized that they would be similar to those found in subjects with DS. Objectives: To assess different neural markers using electroencephalography (EEG) in typically developing subjects and in subjects with DS in resting state and while conducting selected cognitive tasks. Methods: Non-interventional, cross-sectional, monocenter study in male and female adult subjects with DS and typically developing subjects (total n=48).