Conservative Management of DeQuervain's Tendinopathy With an Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Approach...
DeQuervain's TendinopathyThis is a retrospective review of three patients with DeQuervain's Tendinopathy (DQT) that had successful outcomes with a manual therapy focused approach provided by Physical Therapist management.

Translation, Cultural Adaptation and Validation of Urdu Version of VISA-A Questionnaire
Achilles TendinopathyThis study is designed to translate and validate the VISA-A questionnaire to the Urdu language, to interpret its psychometric properties, and to determine the reliability of scores obtained from the population of Pakistan. The translated version of the gold standard tool will be used by the local population as well as Urdu-speaking immigrants across the globe to better understand and report the severity of their symptoms. Hence, to improve quality of life across cultures, there is a need of standard outcome measures in Urdu language.

Smart Phone-Based Application for Evaluation and Rehabilitation of HindFoot Pain
Achilles TendinopathyPlantar Fascitis3 moreThis randomized controlled study aims to evaluate the status of the individuals with hindfoot pain and to recommend preventive precautions and appropriate exercise programs with Smart Phone-Based Applications. Additionally, to compare the results of patients who attended through mobile applications (Achilles Tendinopathy and Plantar Fasciitis) with the results of patients included in the hands-on program.

Identification and Treatment of Early Tendinopathy in Elite Athletes
TendinopathyTendon injuries represent a significant problem in elite athletes. The understanding of the pathophysiology of tendinopathy is very sparse, and especially the early events in tendinopathy are unknown. In this study, the investigators will investigate early changes in tendon tissue overloading and development of tendinopathy. The investigators will examine elite athletes with recently developed tendinopathy with regards to symptoms (pain, function), tendon morphology (ultrasonography, MRI), inflammation (the activity of inflammatory pathways) and vascularization (Doppler US). The investigators hypothesize a coupling between early symptoms and inflammatory activity, followed by structural changes. The investigation will indicate what symptoms and what tendon related measurements are primary for disease development ("tendinopathy blueprints") and should be regarding vital in the prevention of tendinopathy.

Mechanisms Behind Development of Tendinopathy
TendinopathyThere has been an increasing amount of musculoskeletal injuries the past decades and overused tendons represents a major problem both for leisure and occupational activities. A full understanding of the pathophysiology of tendinopathy is very sparse and especially the early events in tendinopathy remains unexplained. In this phd study the investigators will investigate early changes in tendon tissue overloading and development of tendinopathy. The investigators will investigate sports-active individuals with recently developed tendinopathy with regards to symptoms (pain, function), tendon morphology (ultrasonography, MRI and electron microscopy), tendon mechanical properties (ultrasonography strain), tissue molecular biology (expression and content of matrix proteins), inflammation (activity of inflammatory pathways) and vascularization (Doppler and contrast enhancement US). The investigators hypothesize a coupling between early symptoms and inflammatory activity, followed by structural changes and altered mechanical properties. The investigation will indicate what symptoms and what tendon related determined measurements are primary for disease development ("tendinopathy blue prints") and should be regarding vital in prevention of tendinopathy.

Patellar Tendinopathy - Effect of Training and Enhancement of the Collagen Synthesis by Insulin-like...
TendinopathyThe purpose of the study is to test the hypothesis that stimulation of the synthesis of new structural tendon proteins combined with training improve the tendon structure in patients with chronic knee tendon pain.

Clinical Outcomes of Autologous Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate Injections for Musculoskeletal...
Musculoskeletal PainOsteoarthritis2 moreThe use of Bone Marrow Autologous Collection (BMAC) in musculoskeletal conditions including osteoarthritis and tendon injuries has been growing. Outcome evidence continues to be sparse. The purpose of this study is collect a longitudinal case series of patient reported outcomes following BMAC injections for musculoskeletal conditions including osteoarthritis, tendinopathy and injuries to ligaments, tendons and muscles.

Analysis of the Fixation of the Proximal Biceps Tendon
Disorder of Tendon of BicepsTen randomly selected patients that have undergone an open proximal biceps tendon tenodesis with an EndoButton for bicipital pathology with Christopher Schmidt, MD, will be asked to participate in the study. The study will assess the tendon healing to bone through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Individuals will also be asked to fill a visual analog scale (VAS) pain and disability of the arm shoulder and hand (DASH) assessment tools. The variables for our objective will include age, hand dominance, gender and chronicity of symptoms prior to surgery, and other related surgical procedures.

Identification of Early Changes in Patellar Tendinopathy Using Ultra-high Field Strength MRI
Tendon InjuriesTendinopathy1 moreThis project will investigate patellar tendon tissue (transmission electron microscopy of structure and protein analyses) coupled with magnetic resonance imaging (1.5T and 7T) from persons with i) chronic patellar tendinopathy (CT), ii) the earliest possible signs and symptoms of patellar tendinopathy (ET), and iii) symptom free controls (CTRL)(matched for age and physical activity/sports participation). The investigators hypothesize that 7T MRI will be able to detect more subtle changes in early tendinopathy as compared to 3T MRI, thereby taking advantage of the increased spatial resolution that can be obtained in MRI with higher field strength. Further the investigator hypothesise that alterations in the tissue will be more pronounced in the CT group compared to ET and healthy controls.

Evaluation of Predictive Factors for Psoas Tendinitis After First-line Total Hip Arthroplasty
Psoas TendinitisEvaluation of predictive factors for psoas tendinitis after first-line total hip arthroplasty. A single-centre retrospective study of medical data from the medical records of patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty.