Work and Health Disparities Among Rural Women
TendonitisCarpal Tunnel Syndrome2 moreThis is a study of the effects of fast paced assembly line work on women. We are studying problems women in poultry processing have with their muscles, tendons, and nerves as well as acute injuries they have in the workplace. We are also studying how their work affects the quality of their lives.

Feasibility of Home Exercises With the Addition of a Corticosteroid Injection in Patients With Lateral...
Lateral Hip PainGluteal Tendinopathy1 morePain on the lateral side of the hip is a common condition in general practice, however there is limited evidence on how to best manage the condition. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of a combined treatment before comparing this treatment in a larger clinical trial. For the present study 20 patients with lateral hip pain will be invited to receive a corticosteroid injection in the lateral hip prior to performing our exercise program for 8 weeks. After 4 weeks we will do a short interview to get feedback on the exercise program. After 8 weeks we will evaluate the acceptability of the combined treament.

Long-Term Follow-up of the Safety and Efficacy of RCT-01 in Men and Women With Unilateral, Chronic...
TendinosisTendinopathyThe primary purpose of this study is to assess the long-term safety profile of RCT-01 injections as compared to placebo injections. This study will also measure the long-term impact these injections will have on tendon structure and function and the symptoms of Achilles tendinosis. This is study is designed to follow participants who have completed participation in a clinical trial where they received injections of either RCT-01 or placebo in the Achilles tendon. No clinical interventions will be performed as part of study procedures. The day of study entry (Visit 1) will be coordinated with the participant's final visit in the earlier clinical trial. All participants will return to the clinic for repeat assessments of their Achilles tendinosis and overall health 6, 12 and 18 months after study entry. Furthermore, they will complete 'telephone visits'; during which they will report information on their overall health; 3, 9, and 15 months after study entry. Total duration of patient participation is approximately 18 months.

Body Schema Alterations in Musculoskeletal Disorders : Effect of Laterality
Musculoskeletal DisorderRotator Cuff Tendinitis2 moreThis study assess ocular movements in a hand laterality judgment task in a population of musculoskeletal disorders. Reaction time, error rate and visual strategy are compared between musculoskeletal disorders and healthy patients, and between the different locations of the disorder.

Minimal Invasive Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy: Focus on Percutaneous Release (Maffulli)
TendinopathyTo evaluate the outcome of percutaneous paratenon release for chronic midportion Achilles tendinopathy.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) One-Shot Injection For Supraspinatus Tendinosis
Supraspinatus TendinitisIt was conducted a prospective study with a series of 50 patients treated with PRP one-shot injection in patient affected by Supraspinatus Tendinosis. One independent observer performed clinical and functional evaluations at T0 (recruitment), T1 (one month after the injection), T2 (three months after the last injection) and T3 (six months after the last injection). Constant Score, The Disabilites of the Arm,Shoulder and Hand Score (DASH) And Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) were administered at each evaluation.

Responsiveness of Quantitative Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Measures on the Healing of Achilles Tendon...
Achilles TendinopathyTo this day, the most accepted treatment for the Achilles tendinopathy (AT) remains the exercise program to strengthen the plantar flexor muscles. The eccentric exercises protocol proposed by Alfredson is the most popular and recommended one by the rehabilitation professionals. Currently, the response to interventions is measured almost exclusively by clinical data, especially using questionnaires, since the Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) is rarely used. In fact, the thickness of the Achilles tendon, which is generally the only measure noted when using musculoskeletal ultrasound on AT, does not allow the clinician to confirm an improvement following an eccentric exercise program if the tendon is thinner, especially in adults with chronic AT. No scientific evidence indicates whether there is an improvement in the biological integrity of the Achilles tendon following the completion of Alfredson's eccentric strengthening protocol. This is why it seems relevant to use the pre-established minimal biomarker data set obtained with the QUS in order to study the variation of these data in response to a rehabilitation intervention and to verify how these variations influence clinical data.

The Morphometric Parameters of Shoulder and Supraspinatus Tendinosis
Shoulder PainTendinosisSupraspinatus tendinosis one of the most common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.The aim of this study to investigate the relationship between supraspinatus tendinosis and shoulder morphology with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Landing Biomechanics Following Fatigue in Athletes With and Without a History of Patellar Tendinopathy...
Patellar TendinitisFatigueIn this case-control study, two- and three-dimensional landing biomechanics, by means of lower limb joint angles and moments (opto-electronic system with synchronised force plate), will be compared between 30 male volleyball/basketball players with a history of patellar tendinopathy and 30 healthy controls.

S&P of Q-Fix™ All-Suture Anchor System
Bankart LesionAcetabular Labrum Tear14 morePost-market clinical follow-up needed to address existing clinical data and gaps on the existing Q-Fix™ device and meet existing MDD/MEDDEV requirements