High Energy Density Pulse Electromagnetic Field for Patients With Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
Rotator Cuff TendinosisThe aim of our study is to investigate the efficacy of high energy density pulse electromagnetic field for patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy

LEICeSter Tendon Extracorporeal Shockwave Studies
TendinopathyTo assess whether the addition of Extra-corporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) to a structured home-exercise programme has any additional benefit to patients with tendinopathies

Multimedia Animations to Support Therapeutic Exercise for Rotator Cuff Shoulder Pain
Rotator Cuff Impingement SyndromeRotator Cuff Tendinitis1 moreThe goal of this randomized controlled trial is to evaluate the benefits from adding multimedia animations to a paper-based therapeutic exercise program in subjects with rotator cuff related shoulder pain. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: Does subjects improve more regarding shoulder disability and pain? Are the subjects more satisfied with the treatment received? Do the subjects adhere more to the exercise program? Do the subjects perform better the trained exercises? Do the subjects have greater expectations with the treatment received? Participants will perform a therapeutic exercise program within 6 months. Researchers will compare the addition of web-app animations to the classical paper-based information.

Pilot Investigation to Evaluate Effectiveness of Shockwave Therapy, Photobiomodulation and Physical...
Achilles TendinopathyThis is a randomized control trial with an elective cross over after three months to evaluate three different treatments in the management of non-insertional Achilles Tendinopathy. The treatment methods include physical therapy, shockwave therapy and photobiomodulation.

New 3D Printed Wrist Orthosis
Carpal Tunnel SyndromeUlnar Nerve Injury5 moreIn order to offer a new product improving the healing and/or rehabilitation of injuries or injuries to the wrist and hand, Médicus is seeking to develop a new orthosis for the wrist and hand by 3D printing. This project will focus on the development of an orthosis related to carpal tunnel syndrome as well as droopy hand. Among the issues to be addressed in this development proposal, the investigators find: 1) Identification of the best methodology for taking digital impressions; design of an orthosis with the following characteristics: (i) no external attachment system, (ii) spiral design with a thumb ring, (iii) manufacturing by 3D printing and (iv) a cost of less than $150 ;3) Performing technical and clinical trials.

Tenotomy of Biceps' Long Head by Mini-optics in Consultation (Hyperambulatory): What Advantage Compared...
Shoulder PainBiceps Tendon DisorderMini-optics has been used in orthopedics for a short time. The Nanoscope used in this study is marketed by Arthrex. Its main indications concern knee, elbow, wrist, carp and small joints of long fingers for diagnostic and sometimes therapeutic purposes. Some teams use it to replace expensive radiological examinations and/or difficult to access, in consultation, for diagnostic in the knee, but also for therapeutic for partial meniscectomy with several related publications. The investigators recently published a feasibility study of isolated tenotomy of the biceps with this minimally invasive device in consultation (first indexed article describing this technique). This project is part of the broader context of "In Office" surgery, for which there are many applications. Through the miniaturisation of optics and access to "portable" technologies, surgical procedures can now be performed in consultation ("In Office"). For example: release of the carpal tunnel or ulnar canal to the elbow under ultrasound, partial meniscectomy, removal of foreign body from the elbow in consultation. Indeed, in addition to the technical interest of this innovation for a simple and frequent surgical procedure, it should make it possible to transpose anxiety management for the patient, time-consuming and costly for the institution into a heavy technical platform (operating room) towards a simplified, fast and streamlined approach in consultation. In the scientific literature, other equivalent surgical procedures have already been identified and performed in consultation with various tools (carpal tunnel, ulnar nerve in the elbow, meniscectomy in the knee but also in other surgical specialties such as cataract in ophthalmology) with better patient satisfaction, improved patient journey, reduced costs, an increase in the number of patients treated. The investigators wish to demonstrate the non-inferiority of intraarticular tenotomy of the biceps long head performed in consultation with mini-optics and local anaesthesia compared to the operating room in order to modify practices and optimize the management of patients within the institution while improving their satisfaction.

Influence of Restitution Time in Treatment of Patellar Tendinopathy
Patellar TendinopathyJumper's KneeThe purpose of the present project is to investigate if the restitution time from loading in an exercise-based 12 weeks rehabilitation regime for patellar tendinopathy influences the clinical outcome, tendon structure and function. The investigators hypothesize that greater restitution from loading (1 exercise day per week) will yield a greater positive clinical outcome, and tissue structure and function in patients with patellar tendinopathy compared to less restitution (3 exercise days per week), when impact activities are restricted in both groups.

The Effect of Loading Speed and Intensity During Exercise on the Immediate Structural Changes in...
Achilles TendinopathyAim: To assess the influence of loading speed and intensity during eccentric heel drop exercise on the immediate changes in Achilles tendon thickness and stiffness in healthy controls. Intervention: Three eccentric heel drop exercise protocols, different in loading speed and/or loading intensity will be compared. Each participant will perform a single protocol per session in a random sequence at 1-week intervals. Participants: a total of 30 healthy athletes will be included. Outcome measure: tendon thickness and stiffness will be measured at baseline and immediately following intervention with ultrasound imaging (B-mode) and shear wave elastography, respectively. Discussion: the study will determine whether an eccentric exercise intervention involving a low loading speed and high intensity could maximize the immediate reduction in thickness and associated increase in stiffness of the Achilles tendon compared with interventions involving a higher loading speed and lower intensity.

Does Subacromial Injection With Glutamate Receptor Antagonist, Ketamine, Attenuate Pain in Rotator...
Rotator Cuff TendinitisChronic PainThe hypothesis of the present study is that in patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy a specific pharmacological blocking of peripheral glutamate-receptor N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor type1 (NMDAR) glutamate receptors will result in pain alleviation. Activated NMDAR1 has been demonstrated to be crucial for pain regulation in various pain disorders, and in biopsies from patients with tendinopathy, NMDAR1 was found to be activated. To test this hypothesis a specific NMDA receptor antagonist, ketalar (ketamine), will be injected guided by ultrasound into the subacromial space in patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy, and subsequently the pain response will be assessed.

Evaluation of the Course and Effectiveness of Conservative Therapy in Patients With Achilles Tendinopathy...
Achilles TendinopathyThis work is designed as a randomized clinical trial, in which the effects of a protocol of 12-week resistance training loading the Achilles tendon and low-energy focused extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) in patients with Achilles tendinopathy (AT) will be monitored. It is estimated that at least 40 patients will participate, randomly divided into two groups. Group A will be instructed to perform a training protocol in combination with ESWT according to selected parameters. Group B only completes the same training protocol.