Early Versus Later Re-valving in Tetralogy of Fallot With Free Pulmonary Regurgitation
Tetralogy of FallotPulmonary RegurgitationTetralogy of Fallot (ToF) is a congenital heart defect with four major features including right ventricular outflow tract obstruction. About 25 children are born with this condition in Denmark every year. Corrective surgery is usually performed within the first year. In 50 % of patients, enlargement with a patch is necessary to achieve relief of the outflow tract obstruction. This however results in severe pulmonary regurgitation, which eventually leads to volume overload, right ventricular dysfunction and arrhythmia. To avoid these late complications, pulmonary valve replacement with a prosthesis if performed when patients meet the current guideline criteria. Most patients meet the guideline criteria for revalving when they are between 20 and 30 years of age. The current guidelines however, are based solely on retrospective studies and novel research reveals that in more than 50 % of patients who are treated according to current practice, right ventricular volumes and function as well as exercise capacity and burden of arrhythmia do not normalize or improve. 500 patients with ToF will be enrolled in a multicentre, cross-sectional study, which will yield information about the long-term outcomes after initial repair of ToF, as well as suggestions about the optimal timing for re-valving. Among patients included in the cross-sectional study, 120 patients with free pulmonary regurgitation, will be randomized evenly for early or later re-valving with at least 10-years of follow-up, for evaluation of long-term efficacy and safety of early re-valving.

Effects Branch PA Stenting d-TGA, ToF and TA
Transposition of Great VesselsTetralogy of Fallot5 moreThe goal of this randomized controlled trial is to identify the effects of percutaneous interventions for branch PA stenosis on exercise capacity in patients with d-TGA, ToF and TA. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: The primary study objective is to identify the effects of percutaneous interventions for branch PA stenosis on exercise capacity in patients with d-TGA, ToF and TA. The secondary objectives are 1) to assess the effects of percutaneous interventions for branch PA stenosis on RV function and 2) to define early markers for RV function and adaptation to improve timing of these interventions. Participants will undergo the same series of examinations at baseline and approximately 6 months follow-up (within 6 week time-range) as part of standard care: conventional transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE), cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) and conventional Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) including a low dose dobutamine stress MRI to assess RV functional reserve. The low dose dobutamine stress MRI will be performed in the interventional group from the UMC Utrecht/WKZ and Erasmus MC because the LUMC and AUMC do not have a suitable infrastructure for the low dose dobutamine stress MRI and this cannot be achieved throughout the duration of this study. The baseline CMR in the interventional group will be performed as close as possible prior to the intervention but maximal 4 weeks prior to the intervention. In addition, the intervention group will undergo standard RV pressure measurements during the intervention. Quality of life (QoL) questionnaires will be obtained at baseline and 2 weeks post intervention (intervention group) or a similar time range in the control group, which is based on experts opinion. TTE, CPET and conventional CMR will be performed within 2-4 years follow-up to assess the long-term effects of percutaneous PA interventions. Researchers will compare the difference in VO2 max (% predicted) between the interventional group (TGA, ToF or TA patients with a class II indication for a PA intervention who will undergo a percutaneous intervention for a PA stenosis) and the control group (TGA, ToF or TA patients with a class II indication for a PA intervention who will undergo conservative management)

Harmony TPV Post-Approval Study
Congenital Heart DiseaseTetrology of Fallot2 moreThe purpose of this study is to characterize the functionality of transcatheter implantation of the Medtronic Harmony Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve (TPV) achieved by real-world implanters.

Comparison Between Histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate Cardioplegia and Cold Blood Cardioplegia for...
AnesthesiaRandomized clinical trial: comparison between Histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate cardioplegia and cold blood cardioplegia for myocardial protection for Fallot tetralogy patients undergoing total repair This study aims to compare HTK cardioplegic solution and cold blood cardioplegia to provide optimal myocardial protection for a patient with tetralogy of Fallot planned for total repair.

Beta-blocker Administration for Cardiomyocyte Division
Tetralogy of FallotDouble Outlet Right VentricleHeart failure is a common long-term complication in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). Medical treatments to promote regeneration of new healthy heart muscle cells have the potential to provide new heart failure treatments for these patients. The development of such therapies is limited by the poor understanding of the ways in which heart muscles grow after birth. Investigators have learned that humans without heart disease generate new heart muscles cells up to the age of 20 years old and that this is decreased in patients with congenital heart disease like Tetralogy of Fallot. Investigators are trying to determine if treatment with a medicine called Propranolol can increase heart muscle cell proliferation and, with that, normalize heart growth. Investigators will examine discarded heart muscle tissue that is obtained during surgery for the presence of new heart muscle cells. Propranolol is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat a certain kind of benign tumor in infants (hemangioma), but it is not currently approved by the FDA to increase heart muscle growth.

Impact of NAVA Ventilation on Brain Oxygenation and Perfusion in Children With Congenital Heart...
Tetralogy of FallotHypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome3 morePositive intra-thoracic pressures induced by mechanical ventilation can negatively impact right heart hemodynamics by restricting systemic venous return and increasing right ventricular afterload. These consequences may be detrimental in patients with a restrictive right ventricular physiology and in patients with single ventricle physiology. NAVA (Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist) ventilation decreases intra thoracic pressures compared to conventional ventilation modes. Brain perfusion is both a hemodynamic indicator and a prognostic factor in cardiac postoperative care. Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy (DCS) coupled with Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) is a new technology that allows monitoring, in addition to brain tissue oxygenation, changes in brain blood flow. This physiological study aims to evaluate the impact of NAVA mode ventilation on cerebral and systemic hemodynamics in post-operative cardiac surgery patients with preload dependant right ventricle or with passive venous return to the lungs . This prospective cross-over study will include 30 patients. Once stabilized in intensive care, patients will undergo 2 periods of ventilation in NAVA mode and conventional mode separated by a 30-minute washout period, in a random order. For each period the following information will be collected: changes in cerebral blood flow and cerebral oxygenation, hemodynamic parameters including cardiac output and oxygen transport and ventilatory parameters.

MASA Valve Early Feasibility Study
Tetrology of FallotPulmonary Stenosis4 moreThe MASA Valve Early Feasibility Study (MVEFS) multi-site interventional clinical trial within the United States of America with each center following a common protocol.The objective of the trial is to evaluate the safety and probable benefit of MASA Valve in the indicated subset of patients requiring Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Reconstruction (RVOTR). As an early feasibility study, the purpose is determine the feasibility of success of the device in order to gather early data towards a future pivotal study and/or regulatory clearance submission.

PULSTA Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Pre-Approval Study
Heart DiseasesPulmonary Valve Regurgitation2 moreThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the PULSTA Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve (TPV) System for the treatment of congenital or acquired pulmonary valve stenosis and/or regurgitation who require pulmonary valve replacement.

Targeting Normoxia in Neonates With Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease in the Intra-operative and...
Hypoplastic Left Heart SyndromeTotal Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return8 moreThis clinical trial is studying the use of different levels of oxygen exposure during and after cardiopulmonary bypass in eligible infants to learn about its safety during heart surgery. In addition to having the various doses of oxygen, patients that participate will also have blood samples, ultrasounds of the head, and brain wave patterns monitored. The hypotheses of this trial are: that there will be no difference with regards to adverse events between the infants in the normoxia group compared to the infants in the standard of care group there will be a significant difference in the measured partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) values between the two treatment groups. the use of normoxia during cardiopulmonary bypass and in the immediate post-operative period will result in clinically significant decrease in oxidative stress as measured by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) after cardiac surgery

The Medtronic Harmony™ Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Clinical Study
Congenital Heart DiseaseTetrology of Fallot2 moreThe purpose of this study is to further evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Harmony™ TPV system.