Diagnosis Exclusion of Recurrent Deep Vein Thrombosis of the Lower Limbs
Deep Vein ThrombosisThe purpose is to assess the safety of a management strategy based on colour doppler ultrasound (CDUS) and D-Dimer test results for the diagnosis exclusion of recurrent deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the lower limbs. DVT recurrence requires using anticoagulant treatment to prevent thrombosis progression. Given an increased bleeding risk with prolonged treatment, an accurate diagnosis for recurrence is needed. However, the diagnosis of a new thrombosis in a previously involved leg is difficult. Imaging modalities and criteria that are currently used for the diagnosis may be equivocal and unable to discriminate between an old clot and a new one recently developed at the same site. An increase in vein diameter after vein compression by the ultrasound probe was suggested as a diagnostic criterion for a new DVT. This method has many limitations in clinical practice, mainly a lack of availability of a previous measurement and a poor inter-observer agreement. Colour Doppler ultrasound enables to study both the thrombus and the blood flow characteristics that might help to overcome these limitations. CDUS is a well-known method for the diagnosis of vascular diseases and is used in every day clinical practice for the diagnosis of a first DVT and DVT recurrence but CDUS has never been assessed for DVT recurrence in a study. The diagnosis of DVT recurrence may be easily established using the same criteria as for a first DVT episode. Our hypothesis is that CDUS associated with D-Dimer can safely rule out the diagnosis of DVT recurrence while maintaining a good specificity. The strategy consists in performing first a CDUS that helps to classify patients as having (positive CDUS) or not having (negative CDUS) a new thrombosis. In the case of an equivocal CDUS, a D-Dimer test is performed. If the D-dimer is normal, the diagnosis of DVT recurrence is ruled out and the patient is not treated. If the D-dimer is abnormal, the diagnosis cannot be excluded nor confirmed and a second CDUS is performed on D7±2. Meanwhile, patients are not treated by anticoagulants. An unchanged CDUS on D7±2 qualifies patients as free from a new DVT and they are not treated. Conversely a change in CDUS qualifies patients as having a new DVT which requires anticoagulant treatment. All patients have a 3-month follow-up for the assessment of potential venous thromboembolic events.

Safety and Efficacy Study of AB002 (E-WE Thrombin) in End Stage Renal Disease Patients on Chronic...
End Stage Renal DiseaseThrombosisThis study evaluates the safety and efficacy of AB002 (E-WE thrombin) in patients with end stage renal disease on chronic hemodialysis. Two dose levels will be evaluated in two cohorts. Within each cohort the patients will be randomized to receive either AB002 (E-WE thrombin) or placebo (at a ratio of 2:1 active: placebo).

Isometric Preoperative Exercise on Autologous Arteriovenous Fistulas. Randomized Clinical Trial...
Arteriovenous Fistula ThrombosisArteriovenous Fistula StenosisA good vascular access (VA) is vital for hemodialysis (HD) patients. The start of HD with autologous arteriovenous fistula (AVF) means higher survival, lower sanitary costs and complications. The distal forearm AVF is known as the best option but not all patients are good candidates for this surgery, and there is a primary failure rate between 20 and 50% published in literature. The choice of the optimal AVF for each patient is conditioned mainly by the anatomical and hemodynamic characteristics of the artery and the vein chosen to perform the anastomosis. These characteristics can be modified by performing physical exercise Some vascular access guidelines suggest the performance of isometric exercises in the pre and postoperative period of the AVF confection. However, there is very little data in literature on the possible efficacy of preoperative exercise, although small published observational studies point to an improvement in the venous and arterial caliber. Regarding the postoperative exercises, they do seem to improve maturation, however the degree of evidence in literature is low and there is no consensus on the exercise protocol to follow. We present an open-label, multicenter, prospective, controlled and randomized study in order to evaluate the usefulness of preoperative isometric exercise (PIE) in pre-dialysis patients or in prevalent HD with indication of performing a new AVF. The randomization will be 1: 1, one group of patients will perform PIE for 8 weeks and the other group of patients will be a control group. The main purpose will be to evaluate if there is a lower rate of primary failure in the PIE group compared with control group.

Rivaroxaban Versus Low-molecular-weight Heparin for Preventing Thrombosis in Cancer Patients
NeoplasmsThe study is designed to compare the efficacy and safety of oral rivaroxaban and subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin in preventing femoral venepuncture associated thrombosis among cancer patients.

Lower Limb Blood Flow Geko vs Foot Pump
Venous ThrombosisArthroplasty2 moreThe aim of this pilot study was to assess venous flow parameters in patients following total hip arthroplasty, comparing an intermittent pneumatic compression foot device with a portable neuromuscular electrostimulator device. Assessments were performed in a single sitting before hospital discharge, between days 1 to 4 post operatively. The total duration of participation for each patient who completed the study was approximately 2.5 hours.

Comparison of a Rivaroxaban-based Strategy With an Antiplatelet-based Strategy Following Successful...
Aortic Valve StenosisCardiovascular Diseases3 moreThe aortic valve is located between the left ventricle and the aorta. Patients with symptomatic, severe aortic valve stenosis conventionally have it surgically replaced requiring direct access to the heart through the chest. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is now a well-established alternative for treating severe aortic valve stenosis. Both types of intervention improve prognosis and alleviate symptoms. The optimal choice of blood thinning therapy after TAVR is unknown. It has been reported that leaflet thrombosis with reduced leaflet motion can occur and this phenomenon has been suggested to be potentially related with neurological events. In addition, the occurence of this phenomenon can be reduced with anticoagulation blood thinning therapy. The purpose of this study is to evaluate if anticoagulation compared to the usual double platelet inhibitor therapy after TAVR can reduce the risk of leaflet thrombosis.

COVID-19 Thrombosis Prevention Trials: Post-hospital Thromboprophylaxis
Covid19A multicenter, adaptive, randomized platform trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of antithrombotic strategies in patients with COVID-19 following hospital discharge

Impact of Prophylactic Low-molecular Weight Heparin Dosing on Clotting Parameters Following Cesarean...
ThromboembolismPostpartum DVT1 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of two dosing regimens of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) to reach prophylactic anti-factor Xa levels in post-cesarean delivery women. Half of participants will receive a fixed dose of LMWH, while the other half will receive a weight-based dose. The hypothesis is that the use of a weight-based dose will result in more women reaching prophylactic levels.

Hydroxychloroquine for Thrombosis Prevention and Antiphospholipid Antibody Reduction in Primary...
Antiphospholipid SyndromeThis is an interventional drug study designed as a pilot for a randomized clinical trial, aimed at assessing the effect of hydroxychloroquine on the incidence rate of thrombosis in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome as the main outcome, as well as the safety of hydroxychloroquine administration in this population. In addition, the effect of hydroxychloroquine on antiphospholipid antibody titers will be assessed.

Diagnostic Algorithm in Suspected Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis
Suspected Upper Extremity Deep Vein ThrombosisDeep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the arm, officially called upper extremity DVT is a rare disorder and accounts for up to 1-4% of all cases of deep vein thrombosis. In case of a thrombosis, there is a blood clot in one of the veins, which should be treated with blood thinners (anticoagulants). The aim of the present study is to see whether it is safe to use a combination of tests for the diagnosis of arm thrombosis. In all patients, we will use a clinical decision rule (clinical judgement) and a laboratory test (D-dimer testing), in most patients also an ultrasound of the arm will be done. The combination of these tests was found to be safe and effective in patients with thrombosis of the legs.