RF Applications for Residual LAA Leaks
Left Atrial Appendage ThrombosisStroke2 moreAlthough the clinical impact of residual left atrial appendage (LAA) leaks still requires confirmation, its patency resulting from incomplete LAA closure may promote blood stagnation and thrombus formation, and increase the risk of thromboembolic events. The main purpose of this trial is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of percutaneous leak closure with radiofrequency energy applications.

Feasibility Trial Evaluating Efficacy and Safety of Solitaire™ Thrombus Retrieval Device in the...
Refractory Thrombus in Patients With Acute Coronary SyndromeThe study is designed as a multicentre open label prospective feasibility trial to capture preliminary efficacy and safety information on Solitaire device to plan an appropriate pivotal study.

HAIC Combined With Lenvatinib and Sintilimab for Hepatocellular Carcinoma With PVTT
CarcinomaHepatocellular3 moreThis study intends to evaluate the efficacy and safety of hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy of oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin plus lenvatinib and Sintilimab for patients hepatocellular carcinoma and portal vein tumor thrombus.

Outcomes Study in Patients Receiving Aspirin With Mechanical Compression Devices Versus Aspirin...
DVT - Deep Vein ThrombosisPE - Pulmonary ThromboembolismThe Purpose is to compare the safety and efficacy of the use of aspirin(ASA) with medical compression devices versus aspirin alone for venous thromboprophylaxis following knee and hip arthroplasty.

Study of a Novel Thrombectomy Device to Treat Acute Iliofemoral Deep Venous Thrombosis
Venous ThrombosisThe purpose of this study is to determine whether the novel aspiration thrombectomy device combined with catheter-directed thrombolysis is effective in the treatment of acute iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis (IF-DVT).

Surgery Versus Fibrinolytic Therapy for Left-sided Prosthetic Heart Valve Thrombosis
Left-sided Prosthetic Heart Valve ThrombosisMalfunction of mechanical heart valves due to clot formation is a potentially devastating complication. It often results in heart failure, death or stroke. This condition occurs frequently in patients with mechanical valves in developing countries because they are unable to monitor and adjust the dose of blood thinning medications. The best treatment modality for the treatment of patients with this condition is not known. There is no reliable data from clinical trials to guide treatment and there are no firm guidelines. Treatment with clot-busting drugs is most commonly used because these drugs (e.g., streptokinase) are readily available, cheap, and easy to use. However, this treatment is associated with high rates of treatment-related side-effects (death, life-threatening bleeding and stroke). Moreover, some recent studies suggest that clot-busting drugs may not be as efficacious in restoring valve function, as previously believed. Emergency surgery is less often used because it is more expensive and the required facilities and manpower are not available at all times at all places. But there is evidence to suggest that surgery results in better success rates with a lower risk of bleeding and stroke. Well-designed prospective randomised trials (the "gold-standard" for reliable evidence) comparing the efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of the two modalities, are needed to help doctors in developing countries make informed decisions when treating patients with clotted mechanical heart valves. The investigators propose to perform a randomised controlled trial comparing emergency surgery with treatment with clot-busting agents in patients with clotted mechanical valves. The study will be conducted over 4 years at a single, university hospital in a developing country. This study will determine how often patients who are treated with surgery will be discharged from hospital, with completely restored valve function, without having suffered a stroke or life-threatening bleeding, when compared to those who received clot-busting drugs. The investigators will also find out which of the treatments is safe and cost-effective.

Comparison of Subcutaneous Heparin and Enoxaparin for Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) Prophylaxis in...
Lower Extremity Deep Venous ThrombosisStudy hypothesis: Subcutaneous enoxaparin is more effective than subcutaneous heparin in preventing the development of DVT in the general surgical intensive care unit population. Hospitalized patients are at increased risk for the development of blood clots in the legs, known as deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Surgical patients are in a higher risk category than the general hospital population due to a number of factors including undergoing surgery and increased risk of immobility. The highest risk patients are in the surgical intensive care unit, where their surgical risks for blood clots are combined with issues such as sepsis, acquired blood clotting disorders, and increasing age, each of which are factors that contribute to the risk of blood clot development. 1. Patients who develop these blood clots (DVTs) are at risk for chronic leg swelling, pain, and in some cases, chronic ulcer development on the leg. In the worst case scenario, these blood clots can break away and migrate to the lungs where they cause a pulmonary embolism (PE), a clot in the lungs that can cause significant breathing difficulty requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation, and in some cases, death. According to recent research, DVTs account for over 200,000 patient deaths each year nationwide. 2. A large amount of data has supported the use of medication called heparin or enoxaparin in low doses to prevent these blood clots from forming while in the hospital. Both of these medications are considered standard of care for use patients considered moderate and high risk for the development of DVT. 3. While both of these medications have been shown to significantly reduce the occurrence of DVT in appropriate doses, 4. there has never been a direct comparison of the two medications in the highest-risk population of the surgical intensive care unit. Our own preliminary data suggests patients may have a lower incidence of DVTs with the use of enoxaparin versus heparin. Part of the reason for this may be the requirement for three times daily dosing of the heparin compared to once daily dosing for enoxaparin. There may also be some inherent differences in the efficacy of the medications themselves.

Sickle Cell Trait and the Risk of Venous Thromboembolism
ThrombosisThe purpose of this trial is to investigate D-Dimer levels, a surrogate marker of venous thromboembolism, in pregnant/postpartum white women as compared to pregnant/postpartum black women, and pregnant/postpartum women with sickle cell trait. The investigators will determine whether increased D-Dimer levels are reflected in a greater incidence of thrombosis in the postpartum patient, as well as the prevalence of symptomatic venous thrombosis in black patients as compared to pregnant white patients and women with sickle cell trait. The investigators will also investigate the effect of blood group on these parameters. If there is evidence that there is an increased risk of thrombosis in sickle cell trait, the investigators will plan a trial of prophylactic anticoagulation during the last trimester and the four weeks post partum for patients with sickle cell trait and compare this population to patients who do not receive prophylactic anticoagulation.

The Use of Prostaglandin E1 in Head and Neck Microsurgery
MicrosurgeryHead and Neck3 moreProstaglandin E1 (PGE1 )has been shown to have vasodilatation and anti-thrombosis effects, so it is used by some surgeons after microsurgery to keep the patency of the anastomosed small vessels. However, PGE 1 may also causes some complications, like pleural effusion or deep vein thrombosis. Therefore, it remains uncertain whether a routine use of PGE 1 after head and neck microsurgery is justified. We aim to test the hypothesis that PGE 1 increases postoperative vessel patency rate in patients undergoing head and neck microsurgery, with a comparable complication rate as the control group.

Left Atrial Thrombus Reduction - Effect of Dabigatran Versus Phenprocoumon
Atrial FibrillationLeft Atrial ThrombosisThis is a single-center, randomized, two treatment groups, open, phase IV clinical study in subjects with atrial fibrillation and left atrial thrombus. At Visit 0 (Screening Visit) subjects with left atrial thrombus established in transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) are eligible to entry in the study. If the subjects fulfill all other in- and exclusion criteria and undersign the informed consent the baseline cranial magnet resonance imaging (MRI) can be performed followed by randomization to one of the two treatment groups (Phenprocoumon or Dabigatran) at Visit 1 (Baseline Visit). The subjects will be treated for 12 months with Phenprocoumon (INR adjusted once daily) or Dabigatran 150 mg twice daily. Routinely clinical follow up visits will be done at week 4, month 3, month 6, month 9 and month 12. Follow up TEE will be performed after 4 weeks and after 12 months also the follow up cranial MRI at this visit. If the subject was randomized in the VKA group routinely INR measurements will performed.